Misnomer's........Sniper Rifle

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New member

I think we are doing ourselves a personal disservice, by spouting off this terminology.
I see post's on here constantly wanting to know about "Where can I get", "Need to build", "Building a Sniper rifle"...............
On and on..........IF you ARE a SNIPER, then these are pertinent queries, IF you ARE NOT, then you are using the wrong terminology.
ONLY a SNIPER can have a SNIPER rifle, if you AIN'T....then you are making, building, buying, an accurate, or Precision rifle.
The rifle is only a smidget of what a real SNIPER is......
And IMHO, our using these phrases raise the eyebrows of a lot of folks cruising the Forum, that do NOT have a clue......it only HURT'S our cause.
I watched in horror several years ago, when the "Wundernine", craze began, and feared then a Pandora's box had been opened......
Well it was, and look where we are today.
I'm not trying to play Mr. Censor..........
I'm saying let's be a little more thoughtful in our "Definitions", we use..............
Remember, enemy eyes are watching...let's be on our best behaviour, and think "Smart".
And remember

it's African-American, and not black.
alternative lifestyle, not gay.
liberated woman, not feminazi.

We must be Pc all around, now.

This has been one of my pet-peeves for years. A sniper uses a precision rifle. If you want to take it a step further snipers, when performing the roll of spotter on the team, carry a M16/M1. Now seeing that to be a spotter you also have to be sniper qual does that also make a M16 a sniper rifle? A sniper is carrying it! Maybe it's now an Assault Sniper Machinegun :eek:

When I came down from Alaska with my Accuracy Internation and entered Canada the Custom Agent opened the case (Steel, OD Green, with my Rank, Name, Wpn Serial # and Recon Logo stenceled on the top), looked at the AWP and contents, looked at me and asked "Whats this?". I replied "My precision target rifle." He looked back into the case and said something like "Oh... right." :D

Now, if someone can tell me the differences btwn say a sniper, a countersniper and a precision rifle then I may start using the first two terms. IThose terms come from the applicational use of the rifle... not in the mechanics!

IMO of course

[off of soapbox]
Uh, Tshoes, define 'sniper'. If I'm not mistaken, it isn't limited to just a certain few who have received specialized training. If they want a 'sniper rifle', let 'em have one.

def: one who shoots at individuals as opportunity offers from a concealed or distant position. (Webster's Unabridged).
As far as I can see, there is no difference between a sniper rifle, a precision target rifle, and a "beanfield" rifle. I prefer the middle term. Apparently Canadian customs does, too.
re: I use a club for snipe

I think you will be better off with a gunny sack. That way the person being sniped won't have a club in hand when they figure out they've been had.

Doc Hudson
Does anyone else find this a little disturbing? On a forum dedicated to the 2nd amendment of our constitution, someone wants to discourage the members from excersising their first amendment rights????????


I suggest that you just order everything possible from the Cav store, camo up real good, and go hang out in a tactical response vehicle at your local shopping mall...
Police use the term "sniper" to designate a sharpshooter assigned to "neutralize" a target.

Well, they have to use another term because their shooters sure aren't shooting Sharps'! :D Technically speaking of course.
Travis, you bet it's disturbing. However, we have to choose our battles. I believe that we need to have protracted battles for our 2nd ammendment rights. When we continually use terms that may put us in a bad light, fencesitters see it and become biased...usually against us. At this point in the game, were still getting recruits. YES, I want to use the "S" word. YES the word in used in my head. However, I don't plan on losing every right I have because I used some words that fencesitters may use against me.

When we talk of "what the constitution tells us to do" and our "duties" as Americans, fencesitters get scared. You and I can talk about that all day in your car on the way to a gun show, for instance, and neither of us gets "scared" by the "S" word...but one of "them" on the other hand, whew! They get all tied up in knots! I sure hate it too, believe me...but I'd like to get as many of them onto our side with honey, before we spread the vinegar of the Constitution and what it means to tyranny.
The Snipe is an elusive bird and those who hunted it were called "Snipers". Now you can't say "sniper" in polite company? What happened? Must have been those liberals in Hollywood glorifying violence in their movies.
Term Sniper

Aristo,no flames intended, but you are so far out....

You are totally clueless on the Rem 700 PSS.....and all the verbage you spewed after that......."Sniper", stock??.....Where does it say that in ANY PSS literature?, or HS Precision catalog's?.

The mil spec round is 62grains, SS-109, and the M-24, is so far past the PSS it ain't even funny...get you facts straight.....identical?.....they are Black, that's were the identical ends.

Also, re-read the definitions.they ALL relate to SPECIALLY trained (Military), individuals.

The point I was trying to make, is we are giving fodder to the enemy camp.

Any IDIOT, that takes a rifle of any kind and starts shooting at innocents, is not a Sniper.........he's still an IDIOT......shooting at folks with a rifle.

If I give you a Daytona race car, does that make you a Daytona Driver?........heck no.

Same principle applies here.........

If a spotter has the AR/M14.........does this make this a Sniper's rifle??....YES...HE is a Sniper.

Give it to me, and it's a rifle.

Travis, I'm not suggesting that at all.........I'm saying don't make something out to be what it is not.......
The media just loves to use this against us at every opportunity.

Some of you guy's missed my entire point........

As for me being PC......you sure don't know me.
Use whatever words you wish, but why would you want to use the Enemy's terminology?

Don't some of you folks realize that the gungrabbers are painting every scoped hunting rifle as a "sniper rifle". They are already wringing their hands about those terrible sniper rifles that are only good for killing people. Soon we will have the general run of sheeple thinking that any one with a scope on their rifle is just itching for a chance to climb a tower and start shooting at people on the streets.

You guys know that this reasoning is stupid, and I know it. Even the majority of the gungrabbers know it is stupidity, but they are going to keep using the term until the sheeple buy it and start using it against us. If you don't believe me, just think back about the assault weapon, assault pistol, and plastic gun attacks of days past. We lost those fights and are still paying the price.

Go ahead and use whatever terms you want, the First Amendment has not been fully repealed yet, though it too is being limited more and more every day. Just be aware that every time you use the gungrabbers words, you are furthering their agenda.

Doc Hudson

You made the point EXACTLY I was trying to make, before getting I got S***stormed..........by folks who some don't interpolate real well.
Just because you have the RIGHT, sometimes it's not in YOUR interest to exercise it.........
Use your head for something other than a hatrack.....
Think about it...........

Go check that out. Look for the hysterical articles screaming for the banning of "Precision Hunting and Target Rifles" and then look for the articles touting the ban/confiscation of "Sniper Rifles."

I'm sure that when someone here speaks of Snipers and "Sniper rifles," they are thinking of names like Carlos Hathcock and John Unertl.

When the non-shooter hears the word "Sniper" they think of names like Lee Harvey Oswald and Charles Whitman.

If you ARE a military Sniper, then by all means, your issue weapon is a "Sniper's rifle" but if by chance, you are NOT actually a Sniper, then why apply a term that will only make you look like the proverbial "wannabe" and fan the flames of hysteria for the hoplophobes? (Thereby making life harder on all of us.)

"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet..."
and a rifle by any other name will shoot as accurately.

If you feel this is an infringement on your First Amendment rights, consider that many years ago my great uncle used to keep a H&R .32 breaktop in his glove compartment. He lived in Mississippi at the height of the civil rights troubles, and he referred to that pistol as his "nigger gun." (don't know if the censors will let that pass, derogatory term for "black person") I suppose "Uncle Bud" had a First Amendment right to call it that if he so desired, but must we "embrace and praise" his exercise of that right?

It seems to me, that there is a rapidly developing mentality, that could well be described as the "Anti-PC Mentality."
This mentality is no more tolerant than it's blood sister, the "PC mentality" but only it's polar opposite.

Where the PC say, "You MUST speak inoffensively"
The Anti-PC says, "You MUST speak OFFENSIVELY."

Neither of these ways of thinking allow for the Individual's ability to say what he or she wishes to say, or even what is factually correct. It allows only for "toe-ing the party line." Any who do not toe the line are looked at as some sort of fence sitter or perhaps as a "collaborator" with the opposition.

As for myself,I'll call it what it is.
There is no such thing as a "Sniper Rifle" any more than there is a "Driver Truck" or a "Reader Book." The correct usage is either "Sniper's Rifle." or possibly "Sniping Rifle."
The definition?
Any rifle of accuracy suitable to the mission which is carried by a Sniper. That same rifle, in the hands of a deer hunter, would be a "Hunting Rifle" or "Hunter's Rifle."

Anything else is something else.
Let's not throw gasoline on the fire just for the hell of it.
YMMV, IMHO, etc.
I think it's far past time to start using the "vinegar" of the constitution. Cowering from the gun grabbers isn't doing anybody any good.

As for me, you can have my "sniper rifle" when you take it from my cold, dead "sniper corpse".
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