Smith then empties a nine-shot .22 LR revolver into the second burglar as she is lying on the ground, again, like in the first case, posing no reasonable articulated threat to him.
Are you kidding me? I am hoping that people here posting in Smith's defense are simply talking about this case without actually having read anything about it, because it seriously concerns me that someone could have read all this information and still think he was justified.
Totally frickin' unreasonable.
And if that wasn't enough, he then rolls the second burglar's body into a tarp and drags her back to his workshop by the first burglar, again tampering with a crime scene.
And then, if THAT wasn't enough, he notices the second burglar is still breathing, so he reloads his .22, tucks the barrel under her chin, and executes her with what he later told police was "a good clean finishing shot."