Mini-14 Full Auto

MatthewR said:
Hello, I am brand new to the site, just a few minuites ago. In reguards to all this fuss about a "Full Auto" mini-14; i have a question. What would happen if you just removed the secondary sear all together? I've been sitting here cleaning my rifle and studing how the triger system functions and it seems to me that that would do the trick. P.S. semi is better for control, I can squeeze off as many as I would imagine I"ll ever need. (no combat in my future

You'd get to know the inside of a prison pretty good for the next 10 years or so.
Hello, I am brand new to the site, just a few minuites ago. In reguards to all this fuss about a "Full Auto" mini-14; i have a question. What would happen if you just removed the secondary sear all together? I've been sitting here cleaning my rifle and studing how the triger system functions and it seems to me that that would do the trick. P.S. semi is better for control, I can squeeze off as many as I would imagine I"ll ever need. (no combat in my future)

The trigger group doesn't work that way. In so many words, the hammer would follow the bolt into battery and not fire - it was DESIGNED to not allow FA fire unless there was a disconnector that trips when the bolt closes. :)
Yes, a mini-14 can be converted to full-auto. In fact, there are a number of registered, transferable mini-14 conversions out there and they are cheaper than buying a true AC556 (probably for good reason).

FWIW, I believe that just about any semi-auto gun can be converted to fire full-auto. IMHO, a semi-auto rifle or pistol (or at the very least, select fire) is a much more useful tool under any condition than a full-auto bullet hose.

Don't get me wrong, I have an AC556 and I love shooting it. But, it wouldn't be my "go to" gun for either home defense, self-defense, or even in a SHTF scenario. If I were ever to find myself in a situation where I need to kick down doors with a team of folks and root out the bad guys, I would consider my AC556 an acceptible tool for that situation.
Conversions of any gun to full auto without the right paper work will land you in the gray bar hotel. If was me I would just leave it semi and get a TAC trigger. I have one a 10.22 and can dump a 30 round mag in no time flat.
tac trigger any good.

Is the tac trigger any good? I always heard they are junk. And to save money for ammo just bump fire rather then buy a device like tac. The Akins Accelerator was pretty cool. But the BATFE took that fun away.
Wasn't it the A-Team who made full auto Mini-14s so popular?

But, yeah unless you're a Class 2 Manufacturer, you will spend a good 10-15 years behind bars for converting it yourself as a normal civilian. It's perfectly legal to know how to do the conversion, but actually doing it is where the legal issues arise.
What is the double tap sear?

A .005-.007" shim under the secondary sear to induce firing upon pulling the trigger and firing upon release of the trigger. Pretty neat, actually... works reliably, too
I just searched youtube and came up with bupkis. Did a google search, also bupkis.

What is this modification known as is common usage, because nobody calls it a "double tap sear"?
Ok, found some videos. Didn't see a single one where they managed to get through a mag without multiple malfunctions.

Seems like a pretty stupid modification if it turns a reliable rifle into a POS.
Ok, found some videos. Didn't see a single one where they managed to get through a mag without multiple malfunctions.

Seems like a pretty stupid modification if it turns a reliable rifle into a POS.

It works if you use a proper shim and actually get it to the correct thickness for the rifle in question. Mine has been 100% reliable - literally.
All of you looking for "mods" to make a mini into a AC556 are looking at serious jail time. Its a crime taken very very seriously and prosecuted fully. there is no "warning period" or any other nonsense.

Now the other issue that NO one has mentioned is that if you buy a AC556, you are buying a factory issued weapon with Factory Customer Service behind it. I do not think there is any other class three available to the private citizen that has this feature. If you look at all the conversion AR"s and M16's out there, if you have a problem, you are Looking at SERIOUS money to get it fixed. if your AC ruger dies, ship it back to connecticut, and they will make it right and for a VERY reasonable price.
I tried the double tap trigger setup saturday mine took a .015 shim. It ran just fine but would need a comp to keep on target. Using an IDPA target first shot into body 2nd into head at about 15 yds.
I tried the double tap trigger setup saturday mine took a .015 shim. It ran just fine but would need a comp to keep on target. Using an IDPA target first shot into body 2nd into head at about 15 yds.

Lean into it. Controlling a fullauto is pretty easy with practice. ;)
I tried the double tap trigger setup saturday mine took a .015 shim. It ran just fine but would need a comp to keep on target. Using an IDPA target first shot into body 2nd into head at about 15 yds.

Seriously, it's a .223, put some muscle behind it.
I didn’t say it kicked hard just there is quite a bit of muzzle rise when compared to my JP, Miculek or Grams f2 equipped AR’s. It doesn’t make as much noise though. If my mini were threaded I would give it another try. If it were full auto you would have time for it to "settle", but it's not.