Michigan CCW Law=stupid

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thanks RDak,I probably won't pursue it too much,it's more trouble than its worth for me personally.I don't have an immediate need to carry,it is more of an issue of convienience.Now if i want to go to a gunshow and possibly find a deal,I have to go to the police station every single time and get a new purchase permit every single time,and if someone says "hey try my gun out" I have to feel embarrassed and say,"no,I can't,I can only touch my guns legally"I'm fairly satisfied with things the way they are,I just get mad when someone says you can't do something,like what the laws are telling me
This is a law which seems to be wanting a constitutional test. Several different types of organizations may be interested in such.

I would suggest the ACLU and American Psychological Association. While you may think they are antigun - they are concerned with the rights of folks who have psychiatric or psychological issues. The NRA may be interested. They have worked with the ACLU to deal with civil rights issues.

You do really need to a lawyer competent to analyze both the RKBA and mental health issues. The hints here may be of use to use.
This is a law which seems to be wanting a constitutional test

I hope I see that day.And for those here that think the "mentally ill" shouldn't get CCW's,I respectfully understand why you feel that way.But mental illness really for the most part,doesn't impair a person from using a firearm safely and respecting the laws like every other american.Being impaired,physically or mentally to the point of not being able to works a full 8 hours a day has absolutely nothing to do with safe and responsible weapons handling and carrying.Just as I have had my driver's license for 13 years now,with not harldey a ticket on my record,I should also have the right to achieve my CCW permit.
Thus, you need to consult appropriate people to resolve this. It will take work on your part if you want to pursue it.

The issue will be proving that a mental health issue is not predictive of a danger to the community. You need expert advice. We really can't support you individually being platitudes

It is an empirical question whether an individual is a risk because of a mental health issue and how MI determines such is going to need evaluation by appropriate experts as I mentioned.
My doctor says OCD is dibilitating just like worse mental illnesses,so my disibility claim isn't fraud.

It seems to be one or the other, I can't see much empathy(I like that word lately). If it's bad enough to be compared to the worst mental illness, and bad enough to not hold a job, it doesn't make sense to give you a permit does it?

I mean which part of hammering roofing nails or lifting warehouse boxes, is severely affected by OCD?
Count me...among the non-understanding, not trying to be sarcastic but it's a tough one to wrap my head around.
It seems to be one or the other, I can't see much empathy(I like that word lately). If it's bad enough to be compared to the worst mental illness, and bad enough to not hold a job, it doesn't make sense to give you a permit does it?

Ok,back to square one,and you are another judgmental person twords mental illness,Let me ask you one question.What does one thing have to do with another!?A disability of any kind,mental or physical has NOTHING to do with mental compentensy,or the right to hold a permit of ANY kind that is offered to the public.Maybe my rights should be taken away right?Because I have a disability?Maybe I shouldn't have a drivers license either huh?Or maybe if you have a heart codition,bad back,earach or toothach you shouldn't be allowed a permit either.
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I bugs me that the public(and the government) group all the mentally ill into one catergory.only a very tiny percentage of the "mentally ill" would have any issues with owning a gun.That would be like me saying that ALL people who have ANY type of phisical illness are going to have seizures,so don't give them a gun.
Isn't schitzophrenia a bowel disorder? I don't think a schizophrenic should have a gun, but I see no problem with a schitzophrenic, just don't let anyone see it below the stall when you're having an unexpected flair-up.

Sorry, I couldn't resist.
How were you able to get disability benefits for this so-called minor mental affliction?
long story short.My first psychiatrist mis diagnosed me with something more severe than OCD,then,went to a better doctor who diagnosed me with OCD,and when I did a review with the SSA,they just kept my benefits going for whatever reason.I am a stay at home dad anyway with a toddler and a wife working full time and going to school,It makes no sense to send her off to daycare and struggle with OCD at a job
and you are another judgmental person twords mental illness

I don't feel judgemental.:)
But the folks that sign off on permits might be...which was really my point.
Good luck!
my main question is,why aren't the purchasing permits and the ccw permits the same?the purchasing permit only asks if you have been involuntarily institutionalized,which I understand why the law wouldn't let you buy then,but I didn't have a problem with that at all when I got a pistol permit.My 2nd permit I got took 5 minutes with no wait period.But for concealed applications,it not only has the institutionalized question,but also a blunt"do you have a mental illness reguardless of being treated" question.
You realize, of course, that the longer you prolong this thread, the more we are going to start worrying about you. :eek: It's part of the disorder, I know. :)

Look, you know your case history. You have been given the definition of mental illness as it applies to the application. You now have enough information to know how to proceed. Based on what you have divulged here, my guess is that you are not disqualified. Talk to a lawyer if you are still unsure.
I just read a long page in some detroit article that explained alot.It would be alot of hassle,and they would have to access my mental health records,which is a folder about 5 inches thick!since the main reason I want a concealed permit is to buy guns at gunshows easier,I should just time my trips and buy permits at the time of the shows.I hate feeling intimidated by going in front of a gun board.Don't worry about me,I get on here alot to escape mickey mouse,spongebob,or whatever my 2 and a half year old is watching
Ninjatoth I agree that determination of a mental Illness should be seperated.Example some one with schizophrenia is not the same mental illness of some one with a cleaning disorder.

I worked with a guy that suffered from schizoprenia and most of the time he was a very nice guy in fact a big teddy bear.At Times he magically thought he was cured and would go off his meds that he become downright scary.He would talk to him self,have a look in his eyes that where beyond words and not speak to anyone.They fired him because he was scaring co-workers.

As I am thinking back of this guy and drawing a mental picture of you that the only mental picture I get is at the sink washing your hands all day long.I dont see how this could possiably affect your character or safe handling of CCing.fight for your rights if you feel they are being infringed upon

This is not going to get fixed on the Internet. This is a real life issue for you. What you need to do, if you want to resolve this, is get a lawyer and take care of business. All the advice from anonymous posters on this broad won't do that for you.
Ok - it's clear that the problem isn't going to be resolved unless the gentleman seeks appropriate legal advice. One resource was posted.

There are also court opinions on the issues that can be researched:

2006 Mich. OAG No. 7189, 2006 WL 690822 (Mich.A.G.)

Office of the Attorney General
State of Michigan

Opinion No. 7189

March 15, 2006


Court of Appeals of Michigan.
Joseph HEINDLMEYER, Petitioner-Appellee,
Docket No. 255738.

Submitted Sept. 8, 2005, at Grand Rapids.
Decided Sept. 20, 2005, at 9:05 a.m.
Released for Publication Dec. 8, 2005.

Found on Westlaw - I wish to thank my good friends at the NRA research office for supplying these for me.

Actually discussing the OP's condition is not appropriate and since the question has been answered with good advice, I'm going to close it to avoid further personal discussions.

Thanks to all for the info.

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