Mexico's President says the US needs to give up it's Sovereignty

Does anyone agree with me that we (The US) are the victims of an insurgency and an occupation. Non-Military, but insurgency and occupation nonetheless.

We need to take it seriously. We are being occupied by a foreign power, by a foreign people. We are the American Indians of the 21st Century. What happened to them? They were too busy fighting amongst themselves. They didn't stop to help eachother fight the insurgent, occupying force of the British, French, Spanish, etc... Same goes for us. We are so concerned with b|tching at one another, we are not recognizing what is happening. Someday, WE will be the ones finding ourselves quarantined on reservations scattered, fighting for OUR rights. Please, let's try to stop that from happening.

We can't change the past, but we can prevent a future where further suffering may happen.

Build that damn wall now!
There's a taco stand of sorts near where I live.

It's owned, operated, and run by Chinese immigrants.

No, you don't get things like "General Tso's sweet & sour burrito"

You get burritos.

Alright get ready everyone: I am playing the race card. Post #17 has taken this thread in that direction.
dude there's nothing like a Chino-Latino restaurant. hell of an experience

shrimp flied lice and platano maduro :drool:
Maybe we need some practice maneuvers along our southern border, hmmmm?

Hell maybe these should fly over Washington DC to make them get the point that we want the border protected.:rolleyes:
shrimp flied lice and platano maduro

And that's why when I order delivery or carry-out, I just say the number of the menu item instead of the name of the menu item itself. They respond with the number on confirmation. Gets rid of a whole lotta confusion.

On topic...... Maybe sometimes rhetoric is just rhetoric. Is anyone actually taking this guy seriously? Nevermind.
OK, I see this all the time and I don’t buy it for one second. The idea that there are too many illegals’ to deport and the idea that a fence along the border is just to expensive is just plan and flatly not true. I’m guessing that if the liberals / socialist / commies ever get the kind of gun laws in place that they want, they won’t have any problems and would spare no expense doing a house to house search of the entire country in order to round up and confiscate all the privately owned guns in the country.

Too expensive or too many illegals to deport is nothing more than political speak for “I don’t want to do it.” Too expensive or too many illegals, don’t you believe it, it’s not true.

and commies??? Are they all one of the same?

Near enough.

Whether or not they carry documentation or membership cards depends on how high up the food chain you go.

Try a Google on “american communist party”. Then start expanding your research from there. Try Mccarthy and the American communist party. Try the democrat party and the American communist party. Then after you weed out all the clearly bogus entries and after you track down all the references to official records and government statistics and documentation and court transcripts, I think you may find that the remaining evidence is still just too voluminous to dismiss.

I guess as a retired military officer with 30+ years service, and a liberal as well, I've been a commie all along...geeze...where is Joe McCarthy when you need him?:rolleyes:
I disagree with just about everyone

where is Joe McCarthy when you need him

I know you are joking, but I lived through the McCarthy era and we don't need that again!

Anyway, I disagree with just about everyone. (accept maybe gordo_gun_guy, we seem to think alike)

-I don't think Mexicans are lazy. I worked in Mexico for years and that's just a ridiculous argument. They work hard, even for low wages in Mexico.

-I do think the average Mexican factory worker has a hard time making products that meet world class quality standards. This has nothing to do with being lazy, but rather do do with background and training.

-I understand why anyone would want to better their life, even if that means seeking illegal employment.

-I think so called low cost illegal labor is a sham. The American tax payer pays dearly in free social services to Illegals for the supposed low cost labor. The net result is actually high cost labor.

-I blame the employers and the US Government for allowing the illegal employment to continue. In recent times, I specifically blame President Bush for not securing our borders (north & south) as he should have the day after 9/11. And for not enforcing immigration laws on the books.

-I do think that Mexico's government is corrupt to the core, and this contributes (big time) to the overall illegal immigration problem.

-I don't think everyone that wants illegal immigration to stop is racist against brown skinned people. I just think they want illegal immigration to stop. I personally don't care if we stop white skinned Canadians or any other ethnic group from crossing our borders illegally...I just want our borders secure...period.

-My message to Presidente Calderon is, don't hold your breath until the United States is ready to succeed to Mexico.
Heard something like this before......

Mexico does not stop at its border, that wherever there is a Mexican, there is Mexico."

Sounds a lot like the excuse Hitler used for taking Czechoslovakia, and later Poland. There were "ethnic Germans" living there, so it was really a part of the Reich, and the Nazis were just installing the correct govt.

Without the safety valve of the US, what do you think would happen to the Mexican govt? If all those poor, hard working peasants who come up here to get a better life had to stay in Mexico, don't you think that just maybe, a few things would change?
Without the safety valve of the US, what do you think would happen to the Mexican govt?

That's a great point and one we don't hit on enough. If the US border is actually secured then Mexico's safety valve is closed. Then pressure will build to provide jobs and improve living standards within Mexico. That's why one of the most important missions for Mexico's government is to make sure illegals get jobs in the US.

Interesting article in our local paper today.

If crime is that bad in Mexico then you know some of it is also being exported to the US by way of illegal immigration. Note the part where they came across the border to make a hit on a Mexican that dared to speak up against the drug cartels.
Good point.... If the US truly enforced it's borders and law Mexico would be in a heap of trouble. Without an outlet to purge their social issues they would have a revolution on their hands.

As long as they can pawn their problems off on us the rich/elite/corrupt/ruling class can continue to oppress the other 95% of the people and their positions in society are secure.
An the sky turned bright...

Maybe America as we know it today will be run down the drain or changed in some profound way, but by that time Americans as we know them today will no longer be living there. There will always be change. When the space rockets take off, Americans will control who gets onboard. Or, we could do a new turn at civil war and see what happens. Or drop the A-bomb around the borders. Things will happen. Things will change. We live in an interesting era.
When the Mexican President said

that where ever there is a Mexican there is Mexico, I think he is trying to sooth the big mass of voters in Mexico into believing that he as a President has improved Mexico up to American standards, in some cases. His politics is the right and America is bending to it, and the proof of that is that America lets in so many Mexicans so that America can learn from Mexico. Soon the better life which the Mexicans in America enjoy will also be the life for the Mexicans in Mexico. This is all of course crap logic, but he does what he can to make stupid Mexican voters vote on him again.

Another way of looking at his saying is that he thinks Mexicans are mentally inflexible and can not adapt to the new ways of America, that Illegal Mexicans are bound to behave like 'Mexicans', no matter what. But is he encouraging the illegals or dooming them? The President appears stupid in either way. Or was he holding a speach to the chickens on his farm?
Hmmm... give up our soverignty?

That almost sounds like a reason to go to war. If anyone knows my thoughts on war, I generally don't like it unless it's absolutely justified as last resort. But if a leader of a country tells us to give up our soverignty, "them's fightin' words!" Maybe if they say to give up I'll pull a King Leonidas, "THIS IS AMERICA!!" *kick*
