Mexico's President says the US needs to give up it's Sovereignty

What was that, Felipe? :rolleyes:


Maybe we need some practice maneuvers along our southern border, hmmmm?
I like this part, "I have said that Mexico does not stop at its border, that wherever there is a Mexican, there is Mexico."
I googled Memphis maps and I just can't find Tijuana anywhere on this map.... :confused:
Despite the fact I now live in SC, I am actually a Kentucky redneck. As I write this more rednecks are breeding in the caves of Ky. They will emerge soon and go on their mission of world domination. You should all be very afraid.:D
What gets me is that the defenders of Mexico's policies just keep ignoring how BAD Mexico is.

In the 21st century, they can't even keep their municipal water supplies free of contamination and disease. They can't treat sewage or deal with garbage. The Aztecs, even, continually cleaned their aqueducts with lime to keep them safe and took garbage out of their cities on barges.

Mexico's cities are models of squalor and utter lack of building codes, coupled with rampant bribery to look the other way. Look at Tijuana. Or Mexico City, 25 million people under a thick blanket of choking pollution, with some of the worst slums in the hemisphere. Sprawling slums of millions of people in a filth below most other third-world pestholes, even.



Areas of LA are already starting to look like this. Is this the future we want? Importing desperate poverty to have entire regions of desperate poverty just like they have?
On a serious note. That is how it looks. I lived in El Paso. Just in case anyone does not know, El Paso is not close to the border it is on the border. We are talking about 100 yards in some areas. It is strange to stand on a high point and look at the dividing line of housing. What you show is how it looks on the hills of the Juarez side. In some cases even open sewers. I should also add there are some areas in Juarez that are nice and have expensive homes. But, just a fact that is the way it looks in a lot (not all) of Mexico, including interior. I will add that there are a lot of very wealthy people in Mexico. I worked in Torreon which is about the middle of Mexico. I know of Mexican families that go to Paris for shopping it's not all poor.
Yes, but there really doesn't seem to be a middle class at all.

Just the rich with villas, and the poor, as in, tin-roofed-shanty open-sewers poor.
This weekend I helped a friend put up a fence at his house. It did not seem very hard.:rolleyes: Tell me why can't our government do the same.:confused:

All kidding and over-simplifications aside, the Mexican President seems more and more hostile to the US all the time. What is to stop him from telling all the illegals in America to rise up and cause one heck of a mess, even an open war? I may be just spinning my wheels here, but it makes me nervous to have millions of people here who do not pledge allegiance to the same flag as we do.
The amazing contrast is Nogales,AZ, and Nogales, Sonoroa. Literally a high fence sepatrating two sides of the same city. Scary, as the Mexican side is littered with rickety homes perched on hillsides, obviously no building codes what so ever, right across from AZ, good buildings and FAR cleaner.
Sorry, El Presidente. I work with some wonderful Mexican people, including some here legally, working on a green card. I will also defend the land and Consitution on these United States, (Not Estados Unides de Americano.), and specifically the Great State of Arizona. Keep your land grabbing garbage south...or did you want to lose yet another war? Last war thier military participated in, that was won, was the ONE squadron of Mexican P-47 Thunderbolts flyingin WWII on the Allies side.
Ya know what's sickening? Here in AZ we celebrate Cinco de Mayo, and now they have started to advertise celebrating Mexican Independance Day this September. I have never heard of any celebration of The 4th of July or Veterans Day in Mexico.
Go away, El Presidente, your drug lord bosses are calling for you.
If the Chinese can build the great wall of China 2000 years ago... why the hell can't the United States, a superpower, build a damn wall thats 50 feet high and 3 feet thick, razor wire on top, and a foundation 15 feet into the gound.

Hell, our federal government pays billions of dollars a year to build, maintain, and run more and more federal prisons that have that very features that I mentioned above.

A few mega constructions companies need to get the contracts to buold thing wall... It may take over 5 years and billions of dollars to do... but if we were determined, we could fority that g'damn border.

The Feds have no problems with dishing out Billions of $ to Iraq.. it's funny how we can't get them to spend a considerable amount of $ on a wall.
The rule of law means nothing?

If U.S. laws mean nothing, then Mexican laws must mean even less.

Sounds as if El Presidente wants the U.S. to begin major shipments of illegal firearms to his non law abiding constituents along with comic books, written in Spanish, illustrating how to overthrow corrupt governments.

Gran diversión para la familia.;)

Perhaps we should send several million of our own non law abiding citizens, with 90,000 pesos($1000) each, to help get the party started. It is perfectly fine to have 15 Billion dollars a year sent there by their non law abiding citizens here. What would be wrong with a extra few billion taken directly there by American hands? Laws being unimportant and all.
Slugthrower said:
The rule of law means nothing?

Amid political correctness, apparently not.

Clearly, millions of Hispanics (and the people who hire them) are engaged in criminal behavior. It amazes me that each one of these sentences start off with "The illegal aliens..." but everyone acts like they didn't hear it.

If you're here illegally it is not different than me blasting straight pipes at 2:00AM. It's illegal, and the law seems to be terrified that someone might brand them racist.

In the Feudal Oligarchy of Chico the Innocent, crimes like this would be dealt with severely. And officials who failed to act on blatant crimes would only be a few steps behind them on their way to jail.
The hypocrisy of the selective enforcement of federal law is horrifying.

FEDERAL law says that they're illegal and must be apprehended and deported. Yet we have sanctuary cities that are blatantly defying federal law, and...nothing happens!

Why? Why is nothing happening?

If someone went and built a machine gun at home, watch how fast federal law would come down on a ton of bricks from orbit.

But sanctuary cities are allowed to openly defy federal law? What respect does that give people for the rule of law in general?

What other laws can we ignore, now?
Considering the author (Lou Dobbs) should it be surprising that the hyperbole got a little out of hand? :rolleyes:

Calderon's problem is that the way the entire Mexican economy and government is structured in a way that there are a very few super rich, a barely detectable middle class, and the impoverished vast majority. There is no way to advance out of poverty that doesn't involve leaving Mexico for a properly run country. Even educated Mexicans leave because the economy is so crappy. He'd love to have those immigrants back so they can build up Mexico's economy, but since Mexico has nothing to offer them in terms of opportunity, he knows Mexican society will disintegrate if they don't leave and stay gone.

IMHO, the problem Lou Dobbs has with Latin American immigrants, particularly Mexicans, is that they are
1) Brown
2) Speak lots of Spanish
3) Catholic.
4) Have lots of kids
5) Don't always have a good education

He completely overlooks the fact that they have a lot of solid conservative values. They
1) Work hard (2-3 jobs is normal for them)
2) Value family
3) Start businesses
4) Don't like taxes
5) Are generally socially conservative

I might as well add that practically all of the Mexican guys I've talked to about guns and hunting like them both. Now, we (as gun owners) don't want that voting bloc going towards the Democratic Party until that party learns to leave our guns alone. Now is not that time.
Confuse us, you've definitely been seeing a different breed than the ones I run into on a daily basis.

1. They do everything they can to get out of doing work.

2. Most of the men run around on their wives and have kids from many mothers, and then brag about it.

3. What businesses, other than taco stands?

4. Everyone hates taxes.

5. They're not generally conservative, in fact, they love democrats so they can milk the system as hard as they can.

Have a great gun carryin' Kenpo day

Something to keep in mind about Mexico and its historical capabilities is that its one military claim to fame is driving out the French from Mexico in the 1860s.

I suggest we rebuild Fort Brown (previously called Fort Texas and I like that name even better) and fly our Come and Take It flags and see how well they do.

18 posts and really none of which are defending what he said or espousing the "benefit" of increased illegal immigration, unusual for TFL.

The night is still young though and I feel the sentiments posted so far will not go unchallenged.
1. They do everything they can to get out of doing work. So the janitors where I work who spend 5 hrs cleaning a building after putting in a full day of work doing construction or roofing in the hot sun are lazy? Astounding.

2. Most of the men run around on their wives and have kids from many mothers, and then brag about it. Maybe. It's not like I follow them around to see who they're sleeping with. Nor do I DNA test their kids either. Of course, a heck of a lot of men in all cultures try to sleep with as many women as possible. The slang term "score" isn't Spanish vernacular.

3. What businesses, other than taco stands? One of those lazy-ass guys who is cleaning a building after work owns a roofing company.

4. Everyone hates taxes. Well, why does the Democratic party try to raise them all the time?

5. They're not generally conservative, in fact, they love democrats so they can milk the system as hard as they can. The reason they like Democrats is because the Democratic party is not currently treating them like a bunch of savages bent on destroying civilization itself, not because they're a bunch of liberals. Assuming that because someone is not a WASP going back umpteen generations to the Roundheads they are a liberal is foolish.