McCain to deliver a speech outlining his vision for combating global warming

Compare McCain to Obama issue by issue, and you cannot remain intellectually honest while saying you "can't tell the difference between them".

Voting my conscience means voting for the best electable candidate.
Allowing a socialist takeover doesn't do my conscience much good, so I don't know why it will make some of you feel better about yourself.
Ahhhhh...a trick question. This sounds like a CNN type poll. I think the question should be phrased the following:

Are you for the moderate conservation of natural resources with respect to free markets and the free will of the people, and do you favor the reduction of air/water/soil contaminants that pose a clear and present danger to the health and well-being of humans and cute, furry animals?

With this as the answer is yes!

In regards to the free-market, some things are worth more then money, keeping America clean and healthy is one of them. I value living in a pollution free, environmentally friendly country just as I value the 2nd amendment.

I don't think the US is handling its resources in a sustainable way, we need to look to the future.
Lets see we were all going to freeze to death in the 70's. Then we were going to burn to death. Now "climate changes" make for much worse storms. Thank goodness that Al Gore (not the fat depressed Grizzly Adams character) came along to save the planet. Now if only we could get the majority of worlds population to play this fun game. Oh wait they are to busy developing their economies. Those jerks keeps stealing our jobs while we play games like Captain Planet. (said very tongue in cheek) But if you don't like colors I have graphs that show just what we are up against.

Get yer free cup of Green Kool Aid!
Free markers aka exploitation of everything till it is gone

I sit here is a community that was at one time a great national resource. Alaska was rich with fisheries resources. At the turn of the 1900 the great concept was salmon the undepletable resource. Now the salmon fishery is closed along the entire West coast and the undepletable is almost nonexistent. During the 1970s when I was first here pink shrimp were another great fishery. Ops they are gone fished out by the early 80's. King Crab was abundant and boats deck loaded till they almost sank. Now no king crab fishery since 1980 in the Kodiak area. And on and on through at least six different species of fish just during my brief 35 years here on Kodiak I 've seen the free market take the money and run off some place else with no regards for what was gone.

This is just one story here in on small place on the globe. But hey the scientist must be wrong again becasue they are going against the free market of exploiting the world with no regards for the affects.
This is just one story here in on small place on the globe. But hey the scientist must be wrong again becasue they are going against the free market of exploiting the world with no regards for the affects.

I agree with your summation of the fishing industry on the west coast... it happens in the east as well. That is the kind of thing we need to work to protect.

Global Warming, however, is very simply... a farce IMO. It is unprovable yet it is accepted as fact. The part that insults me is that they want to begin taxing us in the name of protecting us from global warming. To me, that is so transparent.
toybox, what you describe has long been known as the tragedy of the commons. Common property resources are frequently mismanaged by capitalist markets because they're "free" in the sense that no one owns them, but all may use them.

In the case of fisheries, we now have the technology to privatize them, giving fishermen an interest in the future of a fishery they own, and can sell at some point down the road.
most fisheries are privatized

through some kind of quota or limited entry system. Which if you do not understand how those systems work sounds like a great idea. Here is the short version of how those systems work. The government gave a limited number of individuals exclusive rights to catch some amount of a particular species. As a result there is actually no competition and in many cases the owners of the shares/quotas (private individuals) get to lease those to someone else and profit simply by owning right to an amount of a natural resource. Of course the original issue of quotas were give out to individuals as a personal asset they can sell, lease or otherwise use or dispose of.
So you will vote for an idiot. That makes a lot of sense

Better to vote for an idiot than pi$$ away a vote and help Obama. McCain can't do half the damage to this country that Obama can.
global warming.............It snowed here in AZ today. Hasn't reached 100 yet this year. usually it is 100 min april.

Global warming it is a myth, It's a tool for politicians to tax the sheep more.
Global warming it is a myth, It's a tool for politicians to tax the sheep more.
Everyone agrees that the earth has been cooling for the last ten years... even if a few on this thread haven't gotten the last marching orders from envirokook kommand. That is why the envirokooks are starting to use the term "climate change". I've yet to see the newest kook theory about how we are causing the earth to cool, but it will arrive soon enough.

Having previously survived the coming Ice Age which will kill me in a decade or so (late 70s), Acid Rain which will kill me in a few years (80s), deforestation of the rain forest which will kill me in a decade or so (80s), Nuclear Winter which will kill me if I vote for Ronald Reagan (80s), the hole in the ozone which will kill me in a few years (90s), aquifer depletion which will kill me in a decade (90s), and "Global Warming" which will kill me any day just like Al Gore and The Day After says (2000s), I suspect I will live through global cooling as well.

If I forgot any other envirokook theories from the past, please forgive me. They are all beginning to run together in my mind.
McCain has also released a television ad in Oregon connecting climate change to increased destructive weather phenomena like hurricanes.
Well, he's got my vote! I, for one, am sick and tired of all the hurricanes and heat here in Oregon! Gubmint, please save me!


(I know, I know, notwhat he was saying. still funny though, and I felt like saying it. :D)
I was really dismayed that McCain has started chanting the AGW mantra. "Increased hurricanes?" Too bad that flies in the face of observed reality.
The envirokooks have an unbroken, and rather audacious, string of doomsday mendacity running back the better part of a century. They are lying now, just as they were lying in every past case.

No, I'm not for paving the earth over and pouring mercury into the drinking water. But all of this is merely one more thrust in a long-running war against private property rights. It seeks to transfer yet more wealth out of private hands and into government hands, and to transfer national sovereignty from these United States to global "authorities." It seems the communists, having lost the competition of ideas, have simply replaced their incendiary Red banners with a more appealing shade of Green.

And to think the Republican candidate for president chooses to hoist one on high. :rolleyes:
Mr James
But all of this is merely one more thrust in a long-running war against private property rights. It seeks to transfer yet more wealth out of private hands and into government hands, and to transfer national sovereignty from these United States to global "authorities." It seems the communists, having lost the competition of ideas, have simply replaced their incendiary Red banners with a more appealing shade of Green.

You've nailed it right there. That is exactly what has happened and it is clear to see.