McCain to deliver a speech outlining his vision for combating global warming

This worries me too:

Why revenue-neutral carbon taxes are essential,
what's happening now, and how you can help

The next Administration and Congress will be called upon to address 21st Century climate realities. In a carbon-constrained world, a permanent, essential feature of U.S. policy must be a carbon tax that reduces the emissions that are driving global warming.

A carbon tax is a tax on the carbon content of fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas).
A carbon tax is the most economically efficient means to convey crucial price signals and spur carbon-reducing investment and low-carbon behavior.

Carbon taxes should be phased in so businesses and households have time to adapt.

A carbon tax should be revenue-neutral: government can soften the impacts of added costs through rebates or by reducing other taxes ("tax-shifting").
Support for a carbon tax is growing steadily among public officials; economists; scientists; policy experts; leading business, religious, and environmental figures; and on the opinion pages of leading publications.

Also, looks like Boulder, Colorado is already on the Carbon Tax Wagon:
I for one am glad McCain is not hiding from reality on this issue, it is another reason I will support him in November. I can only imagine how all you science-rejecting, oil loving conservatives are gonna feel when you have to go down and vote for him too. It is ironic that all you who don't believe in global warming have no choice but to vote for a candidate who believes in global warming?
What's obvious to me -- and I'm about as common as they come ;) -- is that there was a huge snowstorm around here at the end of April, when the traditional last-frost date for this area is April 15th. That's not normal. And, being common, I don't buy the explanation that it's getting colder where I live because the globe is heating up. makes a pretty good case for what's been happening to the weather.

Politically, McCain is probably making the smartest move he can make this year. The conservatives are already disenchanted (and disenfranchised), so he might as well court the liberal vote. Obama overwhelmingly has the young liberal vote sewn up, so McCain is going after middle-aged liberals of the Gore mold. It won't work (compared to youthful liberals, there simply are not that many middle-aged ones), but it's as good a plan as any in a year when the Dems are fated to win the White House anyway.


It is ironic that all you who don't believe in global warming have no choice but to vote for a candidate who believes in global warming?

I stand by my previous statement:

Now I'm no supporter of the other two either, but I can tell you, I will most probably be writing Dr. Paul's name in on my South Carolina Absentee Ballot.
it makes me sad . . .

but I'm probably going to write in Mickey Mouse in November. He's really less of a character than the two (or three, depending on how you look at it :D) that are running right now. :(
Who's going to help me from the Global Cooling that has been happening since 1998? Can someone write Inconvenient Lies Part II to tell me what to do? Will Al Gore buy a few more Suburbans, please? It's been freaking cold here in Upper Michigan.
I am not surprised at all by McCain`s stance. He is a moderate`s moderate. His appeal reaches to liberal republicans and conservative democrats, hence the moderate base. However, he, like most vegetables [ie: politicians, celebrities, hippies (aka...environmentalists :eek:), Al Gore etc...] are easily swayed by "tabloid science". Tabloid science is my patented term for "scary science" or science that receives attention for its shock value and not for its validity. Thanks to tabloid science, legitimate research is bastardized and forced into the political spectrum.

Just like religion, politics and science do not mix and should be kept at 500 yards (or meters) from each other at all times. For those of you who have kids in public school, there is another reason that religion, politics, and science are kept separate; its called Sunday school, social studies, and :rolleyes: science class and each have their own syllabus.

Curiosity yields evolution...satiety yields extinction.
It hit 90 in Georgia this week, and the highs wont be below that much til November.

Tsk, tsk...come now... tell the full story and mention the overnight lows in Georgia while you are at it. Tonight, for example, is unseasonably cool. We have had many, many nights that have been unseasonably cool in Georgia this year. This year in Georgia has been cooler than normal, especially at night.

From my recent reading, scientists expect this year to be cooler than normal across the globe on average due to a phenom. called the Pacific Decadal Oscillation shift. It has to do with a shift in the temperatures of certain areas of the Pacific Ocean. This shift happens (reverses) approx every 20-30 years. This causes a change in weather patterns across the globe which will likely mean lower global temperatures... that's right... global cooling. This period of decreased global temperatures could last from 10 to 30 years.

I'm not kidding. Look it up for yourself... Pacific Decadal Oscillation shift

For those who hold the global warming religion in high regard... fear not. The global warming priests in charge of your religion have already come out with explanations as to why their global warming science "was not settled afterall". They are claiming this is just a delay in the global warming trend. According to them, death and destruction from global warming is still to come.... after the global cooling is all done. :rolleyes:

FireMax ~

Actually, the new mantra is "climate shift." That way, whether the temp is going up or coming down, the solutions can remain exactly the same.

So if McCain has seen the light about global warming, what are you good Republicans who don't believe in it going to do? Vote for Bob Barr? Thats a joke. I suspect he will do worse than Ron Paul would have done. If you are going to vote for him, might as well just go ahead and vote for Obama.
So if McCain has seen the light about global warming, what are you good Republicans who don't believe in it going to do? Vote for Bob Barr?
I am not a Republican.... I am a conservative. But the answer is "yes", I will vote for Bob Barr rather than vote for either of the liberals (Obama and McCain).
So, whats your stance on environmental protection, global warming aside - are you for conservation and the reduction of pollution?
So, whats your stance on environmental protection, global warming aside - are you for conservation and the reduction of pollution?

Ahhhhh...a trick question. This sounds like a CNN type poll. I think the question should be phrased the following:

Are you for the moderate conservation of natural resources with respect to free markets and the free will of the people, and do you favor the reduction of air/water/soil contaminants that pose a clear and present danger to the health and well-being of humans and cute, furry animals?

With this as the answer is yes!

Curiosity yields evolution...satiety yields extinction.