McCain to deliver a speech outlining his vision for combating global warming


New member
Just read an article about McCain and a speech he will be giving on combating global warming. When I finished, I realized more than ever that McCain is continuing to sell-out the conservative base by appealing to those who believe in this global warming theory which I and many other conservatives consider a huge fraud.

So McCain picks up a few new liberal voters and he loses some more conservative voters. What a grand strategy, McCain. :rolleyes:

I thought that McCain had learned his lesson. The libs will not vote for him in November, no matter how far left he shows himself to be. They already have a liberal candidate named Obama.

I realize that many conservatives will vote for McCain because "he is better than Hillary or Obama". My question to them is, since McCain is pulling further and further left.... can you still tell the difference between McCain and Obama?

(CNN) -- Kicking off a week-long push seen as outreach to independent and Democratic voters in crucial swing states, John McCain on Monday will deliver a speech outlining his vision for combating global warming.

"We stand warned by serious and credible scientists across the world that time is short and the dangers are great," McCain will say in Portland, Oregon, according to prepared remarks. "The most relevant question now is whether our own government is equal to the challenge."

McCain's commitment to fight global warming puts him at odds with some Republicans in Congress and with the Bush administration, which has not made climate change a top priority.

McCain's stance on carbon emissions places him closer on the environmental spectrum to Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

In his speech, the Arizona senator will propose capping carbon emissions incrementally, with the goal of returning to 1990 emission levels by the year 2020 using a cap-and-trade program.

Such a program would cap greenhouse gas emissions at certain levels, and allow more efficient energy producers to sell off emissions permits to other, less efficient companies, thereby creating market-wide incentives to reduce carbon output.

McCain believes this system will encourage companies to seek out more efficient means of production.

"As never before, the market would reward any person or company that seeks to invent, improve or acquire alternatives to carbon-based energy," he will say.

McCain has also released a television ad in Oregon connecting climate change to increased destructive weather phenomena like hurricanes. The spot features a McCain voiceover saying, "It's not just a greenhouse gas issue, it's a national security issue."

McCain will also speak about the environment on Tuesday in the neighboring state of Washington. Oregon and Washington are among several potential battleground states in the West, including California, Colorado, New Mexico and Nevada, where voters count the environment as a top issue.
I do have to say that I am not much of a fan of the whole global warming thing. I have heard it rumored that the carbon tax is to be used to fund the global government initiative. Tin foil? Maybe. Then again, maybe not. It would seem odd that the way McCain suggests limmiting emissions is right along with the way Daniel Estulin said his sources reported from the Bilderburg Group.

Finally, McCain has:

GOA Ratings For John McCain





Now I'm no supporter of the other two either, but I can tell you, I will most probably be writing Dr. Paul's name in on my South Carolina Absentee Ballot.
Tinfoil, Bilderburg, GOA and Ron Paul all in one post

If someone could slide in a little dose of anti-semitism, this would be a perfect thread.

At least McCain isn't trying to hide from science, unlike his predecessors.
By the time the election comes along and global warming gets debated, more facts will come out to debunk it anyway...MCain is a listener....

WildimhotAlaska ™
By the time the election comes along and global warming gets debated, more facts will come out to debunk it anyway...MCain is a listener....

WildimhotAlaska ™


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When Hurricane Katrina blew through New Orleans the damage was extensive. In some cases houses and building were so damaged that they simply could not be repaired and were therefore torn down so that a new structure could be erected.

I'm beginning the think Casa de Republican is so damaged after Hurricane Bush that the only thing to do is to level it, scrape the ground and start all over with a better structure.

McCain is no conservative. He is a Rockefeller Republican. He is a globalist of the first order. He has a major issue with "conservatives" in general and religious conservative in particular. He will do everything he can to win the presidency without the help of these two groups. Perhaps this is the year we scrape the ground.
He is a Rockefeller Republican.

Thats fine with me, time to hijack the party back from the extremists...

Remember the vast majoirty of the populace looks askance at the screechers on both sides. I don't want my kids raised in a creche and I dont want morality thrust down my craw

WildthatswhythecenterissobignowtheyhaveabandonedtherepubsAlaska ™
By the time the election comes along and global warming gets debated, more facts will come out to debunk it anyway...MCain is a listener....

What makes you think the left wants to debate the issue? Everytime a group of scientists stands up and says they disagree with the human initiated GW theory, they are shouted down and ridiculed instead of debated.

Wishful thinking.
I don't think their is anythings wrong with wanting to reduce pollution, we all want a cleaner environment.

Of course, but Global Warming is not about reducing pollution... it is about taxing US citizens to pay for the social injustice in the world. If the left were honest with us about their plans, they would admit the driving force behind global warming.... Socialist plans for equalizing the economic disparities of the world's citizens. In other words, they want to shift wealth from the richest nations to the poorest with this assanine idea of carbon credits. Read up on it.
What makes you think the left wants to debate the issue? Everytime a group of scientists stands up and says they disagree with the human initiated GW theory, they are shouted down and ridiculed instead of debated.

Actually thoughtful folks on the left are already debating the issue.

Of course, but Global Warming is not about reducing pollution... it is about taxing US citizens to pay for the social injustice in the world. If the left were honest with us about their plans, they would admit the driving force behind global warming.... Socialist plans for equalizing the economic disparities of the world's citizens. In other words, they want to shift wealth from the richest nations to the poorest with this assanine idea of carbon credits. Read up on it.

Albeit a bit overstated, your basic concept is correct. You should avoid the tinfoil parts, would make you far more immune from attack.

yes, all a big liberal conspiracy

Firemaxs skewed conspiratorial worldview doesnt change the essential truth of his statement...shall we do the Global warming thread again...I still see snow out there on May 12.

You know Red, screeching from the left is as silly as the screeching from the right.

WildthinkcriticallyAlaska ™
To add a little fuel to the fire, apparently Canada is already considering implementing said carbon tax. Now is Canada America? No, not at this time. However, if there is any truth to the idea that it is a worldwide push, this would definately make some sense:

Mr. Dion is expected to unveil his proposal for putting a price on carbon before the end of June. He and select Liberal MPs will then fan out across the country over the summer to explain the complicated plan and try to soothe fears – already being stoked daily by the Tories – that it will lead to a massive tax hike on gasoline, home heating fuel and electricity.