Mass Shooting In New Zealand

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The New Zealand police arrested three men for the attacks on the mosques. At least two IEDs were found.

The shooter scumbag had names of his mass shooter heroes on his rifle along with Nazi stuff.
Before posting stuff like that....
I would suggest reading his manifesto and seeking out the facts
Almost all of the media coverage is utter BS, sloppy, false, presumptive, and narrative driven
This is literally the worst Ive seen of such an incident, and there have been some really bad prior examples
How we have gotten to this point, how we have allowed ourselves to get this bad and so easy to manipulate...truly pathetic
Looks like the stream just hit LL for the fifth or sixth time today
I wonder how long it will stay up this time
And the latest LiveLeak stream of the incident has been blocked....again
All of the major sites are trashing it as fast as they can as they want to control the narrative
Train to fight back or train to die.
The shooter is an oxygen thief who accomplished all his goals of not only the random murders but fomenting discord and discontent internationally. AO-C, that liberal POS has already been making mouth noises.
This guy literally predicts how the media and the identity politics crowd will react
This guy literally says his main goal is to get them riled up with their rhetoric
And they fell for it hook, line, and sinker
I watched the video. Unless you’re used to seeing actual real humans dying and crying out their last words I wouldn’t recommend it. Very sobering. That said, the thing that I took away from this is how many peoples first reaction is to fling themselves in the corner of the wall and floor and hope for the best. At one point he enters a room where everybody is huddled on top of each other and just rapid fires into the pile. Awful. It’s amazing how fast things went bad and how casual this psycho was. I think I’ll go to the range tomorrow and pray to god I don’t have the same instinct if my time comes. Those people clearly didn’t deserve that.
Human nature
Our instinct is to separate from the threat

Which is why people should ALWAYS identify exits & escape routes BEFORE something happens
Identify them, dry run in your head, prepare to react

Not to the level of paranoia and constant fear
But just as you would plan for the hundreds of other things you do each day

As a pilot, we continually prepare for various scenarios, drill them, practice them
Even when alone, each time I line up on centerline I verbalize my V-speeds and scenarios before advancing power
I do the same thing throughout my day to day life
Some in the leftist main stream media have blamed President Trump. Not sure how far around the bend they had to go to blame the President of the United States for a mass shooting in New Zealand but they got there. I feel for the innocents that were killed and their loved ones left behind.
The shooters manifesto mentioned Trump is where it came from..
Prime Minister has been on the teevee saying, "Our gun laws WILL change."

He went on:

"We don't know the circumstances yet behind these firearms, or exactly what type they were," Alpers said. "But it does seem the photographs that have been released so far strongly suggest that they are semi-automatic rifles, which are the weapon of choice for these shootings."

At this point in our post-2016 political climate, certain things are all too predictable. It will somehow be blamed on our "gun culture," on President Trump, on video games (the shooter claimed Spyro the Dragon taught him about "ethno-nationalism"), and you bet your sweet bippy, on the NRA. Expert #1 will tell Anderson Cooper how Proposal A would have absolutely prevented this, and Expert #2 will perform deep psychological analysis on the shooter while lacking any actual data from which to do so.

I remember Columbine. In a rush to get THE SCOOP, the media managed to turn those two dinks into national folk heroes, and they created a false narrative that the kids were responding to bullying. Despite being completely disproven, most people still think it's correct.

Everybody's going to pore over his every published word. They're going to make armchair diagnoses and claim the mantle of expertise on something we really can't understand. All the while, they're giving the shooter exactly what he wanted. Great job.

As for the NRA blaming, somebody's going to "uncover" that the NRA has some "involvement" with the shooting culture in New Zealand. They'll point out the fact that the NRA has shared instructional materials and mentorship with instructors in New Zealand, and they'll conflate it with the NRA-ILA in an attempt to "show" that they're somehow responsible for this. I'm surprised it hasn't already happened.

At the end of it, the worst part is, we haven't even been given opportunity to grieve for this horror before folks have to turn it political.
Even when alone, each time I line up on centerline I verbalize my V-speeds and scenarios before advancing power
I do the same thing throughout my day to day life

Does the incessant talking about scenarios not bother the people around you in everyday life?
USNRet93 said:
The shooters manifesto mentioned Trump is where it came from..

You've reviewed the manifesto then come to the considered conclusion that the shooter's judgement about the origin of his position is solid?

Attributing legitimacy to the shooter's assertions for political ends would be a terrible convenience.
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I don't like it when foreign nationals try to dictate U.S. policy, so I'm not going to lecture the folks in NZ. Our Founders were wise, but that doesn't mean that we don't need to seriously consider the implications of combining a GoPro, live streaming, and an AR-15 in our domestic conversations about the 1st and 2nd Amendments. Knee-jerk reactions add nothing to that discussion.
One thing I caught from nut job AOC trying to derail the NRA who wished the New Zealanders well and prayers. AOC went on to say that what good are the NRA's well wishes and prayers, implying we need more laws and action?

My first thought is what good were the leftist laws and gun free zones where all these mass shootings take place? So, more laws and gun free zones will stop anything? And they say they don't want to take law abiding citizens guns. . . . . .
Who cares what AOC says? She's famous because she's attractive and from NYC, that generates clicks on left and right leaning sites. Otherwise she's just a freshman in Congress.
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The shooters manifesto mentioned Trump is where it came from..
He mentioned an adamant dislike for Trump as a president

He ‘blamed’ Madonna and Michael Jackson...yet not a peep about them in the media

He also mentioned that he liked China, hated capitalism, and that he was socialist....yet not a word

The media/political control of this events narrative is nothing like I’ve seen before, quite stunning
"...Australia has strict gun laws..." The laws of a foreign country do not apply. The guy was licenced by New Zealand. Nothing to do with Australia.
Jacinda Ardern is a raging Socialist. Her Labour Party has the same kind of policies your Democrats and our Liberals spout.
"...foreign nationals try to dictate U.S. policy..." The U.S. does that regularly with other countries.
I read the shooter's manifesto. It's a rambling, self-aggrandizing mess of malignant narcissism that I'd expect from someone who thinks murdering innocents is a laudable thing. If you want to read it, it's out there. If you're expecting a window into his motivations...well, it's just rambling racism disguised with big sciency-sounding words.

More than anything, it's pretty much a rip from a very similar manifesto written by Anders Breivik, the shooter in the 2011 Norway tragedy. So, we can add plagiarism to the list of repellent character traits.

The problem comes from the idea that we need to understand these shooters. As such, the media makes them famous in the process of claiming to analyze them, when at the bottom of it, they're reprehensible losers and nothing more.

The real question we (collectively) should be asking is, "how do we identify these guys, and how do we prevent them from doing this again?" That requires us to look into a mirror that's grown very dark. We worship celebrity and violence, and that's something we need to address as a society.

That, or we can take the easy way out and pass more gun laws, which do nothing. When the next shooting happens, we can pass more gun laws, which still do nothing. And so it goes. The shootings continue, and the politicians gain clout with do-nothing "solutions" because doing the real work is just too hard.

Just a warning, guys: let's stick to discussion of policies and ideas, not personalities and partisan politics.
USNRet93 said:
Some poster wondered how trump got blamed...a 15 second google search said trump was mentioned, NOTHING more. NO conclusions, NO attribution..geez, relax counselor.

Kenny53 doesn't just wonder how DJT was blamed by some sources, but says he isn't sure how far around the bend one would have to be to do that. The shooter's and immediate media assertions may not be very well thought out.

The race to be certain about the causes of an event immediately after the event doesn't do a lot for accuracy. Immediately following the Oklahoma City bombing the consensus was that we should be looking for a couple of arab men. More recently we have the Covington and Smollett stories with very quick diagnoses that were also wrong.
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