Mary Lou Sapone, 2nd A heroine.

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This is the story of two Marys. Both are in their early 60s, heavyset, with curly reddish hair. But for years they have worked on opposite ends of the same issues. Mary McFate is an advocate of environmental causes and a prominent activist within the gun control movement. For more than a decade, she volunteered for various gun violence prevention organizations, serving on the boards of anti-gun outfits, helping state groups coordinate their activities, lobbying in Washington for gun control legislation, and regularly attending strategy and organizing meetings.

Mary Lou Sapone, by contrast, is a self-described "research consultant," who for decades has covertly infiltrated citizens groups for private security firms hired by corporations that are targeted by activist campaigns. For some time, Sapone also worked for the National Rifle Association.

But these two Marys share a lot in common—a Mother Jones investigation has found that McFate and Sapone are, in fact, the same person. And this discovery has caused the leaders of gun violence prevention organizations to conclude that for years they have been penetrated—at the highest levels—by the NRA or other pro-gun parties.


For decades this woman lived a double life in order to ensure that the gun-grabbers efforts were known and countered. She deserves a medal if you ask me.
I thought this was pretty cool. It's not like the Brady Bunch wouldn't have done the same thing.

You're not kidding. There are anti-gun infiltrators posting feverishly on this board regularly.
This just in from the

The NRA's Paranoia and Cheap Tricks Revealed
An investigative report uncovered that a volunteer activist in the gun violence prevention movement was, in actuality, spying on the movement for more than ten years for the National Rifle Association. She spied on and betrayed victims of gun violence who were active in the movement, and the NRA paid her to do it.

Brady President Paul Helmke wrote in his blog "When the National Rifle Association asks its members for their next contribution, they might want to disclose how much of that money will be spent to spy on gun violence victims and their families."

Looks like Helmke is feeling a little sting. Now he knows how I feel when I read the lies, mistruths and propaganda that he spreads concerning law abiding gun owners.

they might want to disclose how much of that money will be spent to spy on gun violence victims and their families."

Or perhaps Mr. Helmke might reflect on how he used the VT shooting as a money making venture for the Brady Campaign. The "donate a dollar for each victim" was pretty disgusting in my view and certainly lower than Mary playing the Brady Bunch.

Anyone want to bet that she receives death threats from the gun control side?
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A quote from one of my favorite movies, "keep your friends close, your enemies even closer". Good job NRA on shinning some light on the other side.
some of the posts on here are rather suspicious. I will admit I have asked some absurdly noobish questions, but some on here are ridiculous.

something like 'what kind of rifle and scope do I need to use to make a mans head explode at 40,000 yards from standing position? Also what kind of cushiony thing would make it hurt my shoulder the least.'
some of the posts on here are rather suspicious

Agreed but some posters here (like me) brazenly dare to challenge the extreme 2A gives me the right to any gun, anyplace, anywhere, and the government is evil crowd and so some of them think we are anti-gun inflitrators or I think they use the term troll.
"Agreed but some posters here (like me) brazenly dare to challenge the extreme 2A gives me the right to any gun, anyplace, anywhere,..."

TG, could you *please* leave this thread alone and move back to one of the threads where you're already involved in a ******* contest? This thread is about a 2A activist; not your personal views of the 2A.

It is known that the Bradys and LCAV have in fact sent their goons in to spy on the NRA--I know some people in CA who busted a couple of them, in fact. The details are very sensitive, but suffice it to say it's not the last time it'll happen.
his thread is about a 2A activist; not your personal views of the 2A.

This is about a spy who lied, cheated and apparently stole and got paid for it not in the service of her country. Is that something you approve of? I don't like liars who use phony names.
This is about a spy who lied, cheated and apparently stole and got paid for it not in the service of her country. Is that something you approve of? I don't like liars who use phony names.

Actually, I'm pretty sure she did do it in the service of her country, even if you don't believe it.
This is about a spy who lied, cheated and apparently stole and got paid for it not in the service of her country. Is that something you approve of? I don't like liars who use phony names.
Yep I sure do approve. Ans If anything I think Mrs Sapones service was more directly in the service of her country than many CIA operatives assignements. She was working specifically to undermine those whose primary purpose is to remove our constiutional rights simply because they disagree with them. Anyone who fights to defend our most cherished and necessary rights, even if they must lie to do so, is a hero in my book.
Hum-mm... lets see whose from TN, fancies themselves a gentleman, hates militias, was in the army and government service.....


"I'm for resonable restrictions"

Nah couldn't be.
Hum-mm... lets see whose from TN, fancies themselves a gentleman, hates militias, was in the army and government service.....

If that's the worst thing you ever call me then thats OK:D

Time for bed now, don't forget to say your prayers get ready for school tomorrow.:p
Anyone who fights to defend our most cherished and necessary rights, even if they must lie to do so, is a hero in my book.

Apparently a well-paid hero but I digress. Guess we disagree on what a hero is. I served with some but not like this lady.
"Apparently a well-paid hero but I digress."

Are you still here? I thought you said you were going to bed. Anyway, yes, you and most others here disagree on many things.

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