I suppose my reading of this thread is too fast because I still haven't figured out what those who think the M&S publications are worthless recommend themselves or why.
That's exactly the point we've been making. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS DEFINITIVE DATA ON THIS SUBJECT. We cannot make "recommendations" because NO SUCH DATA EXISTS AND TO OBTAIN IT ACCURATELY IS NEXT TO IMPOSSIBLE.
And it is senseless to use the M&S study to try and justify what they claim. Because it's broken. And useless. It's like trying to fill and empty window frame. You need a double-paned window. The M&S study is a bunch of shattered glass on the floor. No one in their right mind is going to say, "Well, we dont' have a window pane... so let's try to fit all this shattered glass back in the frame and we'll use it that way." It just doesn't work.
What we CAN use is the information that we CAN know. Service calibers are service calibers for a reason. They all work with significant efficiency. Yes bigger is better. Yes faster is better. To what degree will remain to be seen, but the difference is insignificant when compared to the differences that proper training and proficency can make in your defensive capabilities.
^^^ That's a "bottom line" ^^^