Marshall-Sanow OSS Data: Undeniable Evidence of Fraud

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Shawn Dodson

On Monday, November 1, we're going to present information that removes all doubt that the Marshall-Sanow One-Shot Stop data is doctored. The facts don't require any critical thinking or mental effort to understand. The evidence is elegantly simple, and, sadly, more convincing than a signed confession of guilt by Evan Marshall himself.

I invite you to visit our Tactical Briefs page on November 1st. The URL for Tactical Briefs is

/s/ Shawn Dodson
Firearms Tactical Institute
I do not apreciate your grandstanding, Mr Dodson. If you want to promote your organisation, that is fine. But why do you have to resort to grandstanding and outragious statements?
Dear "Rosco:"

On November 1, I'll explain the reasons why we had to wait to make this information public. Until then, I want to inform as many people as I can ahead of time. If this offends you, so be it.

/s/ Shawn Dodson
Firearms Tactical Institute

[This message has been edited by Shawn Dodson (edited October 18, 1999).]
But you're not informing us ahead of time, are you? You're informing us on Nov 1. Of course, the topic title suggests that you are presenting some information now. Rather misleading, no? And we have to wait for this thread to load, only to discover that there is no data in it, merely hyperbole.
I'm not offended, I'm annoyed.

Touchy touchy. Geesh. Who pee'd in everyone's Cheerios this morning?

I am grateful for the bulletin. Shawn is not selling anything, just letting us know that he will be posting some good information on his website and that we should check it out.
I take the ammunition that defends my life vey seriously, and appreciate evidence either way on what is the truth behind all the facades. Marshal/Sanow's stats have been VERY suspect for many years and Police officers and others depend on their data when their life is in danger. So far, Shawn Dodson's site has been extremely accurate and scientifically founded without all the pseudo-=science and guesswork of others. This is a service to us all and may be saving lives as well. I personally have gotten some very enlightening facts off of his site and read papers by true experts that he has compiled....all for free. Thanks Shawn for putting all that together! Very well laid out.
Somehow, I think that this offends some people in and of itself. Sometimes the truth can be very disturbing.
I think is one of the best sites as to content on the net. That being said, is this info going to be posted for all to read, or is it going to be in the E-zine?

I'll be there Nov. 1.


Si vis pacem para bellum!

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I just received the latest issue of Wound Ballistics Review in the mail today and it contains obvious evidence that the "One Shot Stop" data is too good to be true. I consider myself to be a 'moderate' in trying to decide which round works best- light/fast or heavy/slow. I was once a disciple of Marshall/Sanow until I began to take a critical look at their purported database. I have studied all available, modern, published articles on bullet performance (FBI to Fackler to Strasbourg, etc) and the only source of information that wasn't willing to back up their data was Marshall/Sanow and the Strasbourg folks. I suggest that you gather information for yourself, look at it critically, and make your own decision. Read all of the information on 11/1 when it is presented by Dodson and then see where you stand on the issue.

El Cid '89
Fackler/IWBA v M&S.

I am not swallowing either hook, line, and sinker.

When somebody tells me the 357 Magnum and +P+ 9mm are marginal, when plenty of people have a long history of success with it, I gotta wonder.

When somebody tells me the 147 9mm is junk, and I know people doing quite well with it, I gotta wonder too.

I have to wait til Nov 1st?
But what if am confused as to what to carry today- a 45acp with hydrashok 230 grain or my trusty .22long rifle???
Making someone wait or not telling them is as goofy as the news shows who tell you they will tell you later about what you want to know.

The evidence to be presented on Nov. 1 won't identify which specific rounds work/don't work, but rather will show how skewed the numbers are in MS "statistics".

-Chris Orndorff
Ah ha! I thought so!

IMO, that isn't really proof of fraud.

It suggests sloppy work, or just the dangers of jumping to conclusions based on how they get their data.

IOW, it tells me the numbers are bad, but does it prove why? I don't think so.

When you don't get it all, just collect from here and there, take what comes, bound to be slop?

I knew that. Fraud is something else again.

Still some reasonable doubt; I wouldn't convict on it.

But then, I haven't seen it yet either. :)


[This message has been edited by BrokenArrow (edited October 21, 1999).]
"Figures lie and liars figure". A clever statistician can make numbers and charts sing any tune you want. To be credible to the community, research must be subjected to "peer review". I don't think MS stats have ever been through a rigorous peer review have they? Just my two cents...
I was going to respond to the above post about how MS data has never been peer reviewed and they refuse to publish any of their supposed data for anyone to see (probably because their data is comprised of third-party tales from their buddies, not from scientific methods) but I think someone else put it better on another forum. Let me just quote them:

"The main problem with ballistic discussions and the "average Jo" all come down to Marshall/Sanow's (MS's) bogus charts.
I guess that as a trained scientist, the methodology of Marshall/Sanow to find their data is so ridiculouly bogus that I cannot understand why people buy it. Getting away from the flaws in their study (variables) that they don't account for, like WHERE the person was shot, HOW pissed off they were, and WHY they decided to stop attacking (because they didn't want to , or because the COULDN'T?).
For instance, in just one case I know of tha MS discuss as a failure of the big heavy 230gr .45, a man was hell bent on killing a couple of officers and picked up a hatchet and charged them. ONE shot was fired from a .45. The BG immediatly stopped in his tracks, truned around and stumbled over to a car seat, and collapsed. Because he went "more than 10 feet" over to the car before he collapsed, it was deemed a "failure". This takes nothing into account about how determined the attacker was (he was very pissed off with murderous intent), and how one bullet made him turn around and stumble back to his car, it takes no account of where he was hit (besides the "torso"), etc. All it states is that he stumbled more than 10 feet (away from the Officer with the .45), so therefore is was a "dismal failure" on the count of the .45 bullet. What a crock of garbage.

Finally, there is one acid test that sets aparts true scientists from bogus ones, and that is PEER REVIEW!!!

For instance, the Kellerman/CDC statistics that state "you are 43 times more likely to be killed by your own gun in your home than to use it to defend yourself". This statistic is BOGUS because Kellerman refuses to publish data for peer review, and what little data he has put out has been ripped to shreds.
A scientist HAS TO publish the data and methods from which they derived their theories in order to be scrutinized by peer review to make sure that their study was accurate.
Marshall/Sanow is the same case as Kellerman. Their data is bull****. They derive it from secondhand hearsay stories, they fill in any blanks where they see fit, make estimations, and plain MAKE UP data when they need to fill in a grey area. Read their site, it says right there that they "estimate bullet effectiness for those that do not have enough data". So...their supposed "street data" that is so accurate because it is based on "real street shootings" is a bunch of garbage.

It is like basing your opinion of Glock Kb!'s on stories that you hear on the internet. Sometimes, you may be hearing the same story told three different ways, and think it is three different Kb!'s.

Taking stories from hearsay gives no good data at all, because you don't even know if the story is true or if it is a rehash of a story you heard before.
"CorBon XX" may have a high rating in M/S's data purely because the same shooting story was told ten times over from different people in different ways, and "voila!": CorBon XX has a high stoppage rating on their charts.

The simple fact is, M/S REFUSE to publish data because they have none!!! They are not scientists! There is no reason to trust your life to a chart made from data by non-scientific means.
Quite simply, the peer review is what makes a scientist accountable for his claims. Until M/S can come up with their data, their charts are hocus pocus voodoo.

If it were not for Marshall/Sanow and their crappy bull**** "charts" that rate the "street effectiveness" of bullets, then there would not be so many uninformed people out there that INSIST that no matter what logic is put before them that the lighter faster bullets on their charts work better. Unfortunaly, the masses are no more scientists than Marshall/Sanow, and, no offence, but they are easily fooled by smoke and mirrors.

Think about it: if people's minds were not so clouded by the bogus M/S charts, then it would be easy to have a logical discussion, from professionals in the business of studying ballitics, like the one above (not uneducated, hick Police Officers, calling themselves ballistics experts, like Ed Sanow). Personally, I would rather base my life on information given to me by people who are trained EXPERTS in the field, who get paid every day to study ballistics, rathar than a couple fo dudes who decided to compile all the shooting stories they heard into a "chart" that supposedly tell us how effective a bullet is.

Sorry for the rant, but that M/S bullcrap is so unscientific and ridiculous, and it is deceiving so many people, that it drives me NUTS."

One thing I would like to add is that no handgun bullet stops somebody %95 of the time. No one handgun bullet to the torso could stop someone even %10 if the person is determined. That alone shows how ludicrous the MS data is.
Fine and if the November 1st bulletin turns out to be a bunch of accusations and hyperbole, how about we post a thread entitled "Tactical Briefs: undeniable evidence of fraud"?
This looks like a marketing scheme for your web page to me, I hope you have something solid.

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