Marlin Model 60

While I have 2ea 1973 Ruger 10-22s I got NIB in '73 for me and my new bride, I ended up buying a NIB Marlin Model 60 back in 1979 as the Rugers weren't that impressive to me either. I originally got the 10-22s because I have a couple of M1 Carbines I love but the Ruger was just ok at the time.

However, my Marlin Model 60 has been a joy. No, I'm not that fond of a tubular mag when it comes time to reload it, but it's better than the 10rd mags that were all that was available for the Ruger until much later. The real advantage of the Marlin is the balance, the feel, the sights, and especially the accuracy.

My Marlin has many, many squirrels to it's favor as well as tons of pine cones. A great plinker, it's the rifle I taught my son and daughter how to shoot on leaving the 10-22's in at home. Interestingly, my wife likes the Marlin better than her 10-22 as well so both of them have pretty much sat unused for 45+ years.
I appreciate everyone’s input. I stopped by Acadamy and picked up the wood stock 60 on sale and a Centerpoint one piece scope mount. It was a high mount which isn’t what I wanted but all they had. Puts scope 2.2 inches above the bore. Before mounting I cleaned the barrel and ran about 8 cheap Thunderbolts through it. Will most likely use Federal match or CCI depending on what it likes the best. Rig feels good scoped up. Light enough to carry all day but balanced out nice. My10-22 has issues with the cheap Thunderbolt bulk ammo but this one seems fine. Thought about a lower mount with this scope but may buy a bigger objective and it will be ok. Going to catch some lower rings until I find a better scope but will zero it in first and see how it groups. Worse case scenario I can loosen 2 screws and slide it off the dovetail and use open sights. Only the firing range will tell for now. Trigger not the greatest but better than the 10-22 I had. Not as crisp as the Henry. I have 3 Henry’s so the tubular loading is no issue. Got out the door with gun and mount under $180.
Dang, that was a good deal! Run a bunch of different types of ammo through it and see what it likes best, every gun seems to have it's own mind about such things.
Research trigger spring kits that are cheap enough and fairly easy to install.

Also order a spare buffer about 10 dollars online. They break sometimes best to have part on hand to minimize down time.
Better to have and not need than need and not have.
MCarbo target trigger 29.95, spring kit 29.95.
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I paid $105 for mine in 2002 at Walmart. It has always been totally reliable and very accurate. I watched a video of Hickok45 this week on YouTube and he took his apart. It is so simple that I took mine apart and cleaned it for the first time. You remove 2 screws and it comes apart with the removal of one pin. After all of those years, it was not that dirty inside. Simple, cheap, reliable and accurate. What more do you need?
My husband watched one and took the old one we got my Dad. It was 30 years old and black inside. Still shot but he had it looking new when he was done. I got a set of Warne rings today but still need medium but it set at 1.5 inches above bore instead of 2 plus. If this southern rain ever quits I’m anxious to zero it in and see what it will do.
Take mine apart after a few hundred rounds or to clean. The tricky part is if you take the lower assembly apart. Had to replace my feed ramp and lifter in mine a few years ago. mine was made in '79 and the feed ramp just wore out. Works great now.
A neighbor brought a Model 55?, pre-"Curser" to the 60 for me to fix this fall. There were a couple of problems including a broken ejector spring and the Magazine tube follower.

It was not the most fun I've ever had working on guns, but managed to fix it and get it back together...a major problem, since I'd never taken one apart and will NEVER do it again! Couldn't get the magazine tube apart without dynamite, so found a (new) replacement that's very nice.

:confused: It's not hard even if you take the rails apart.
I had the 10/22 and as some said it just does not feel well in the hands. The 60 was great and way more accurate than the 10/22. I sold it only because I do not want semi auto 22s.
Well as luck would have it husband took it apart last night to clean all the excess oil out of the action. And bent the spring reassembling. Did manage to use some needle nose and push a wire coat hanger through it and get it straight again enough to get back together. I ordered 2 springs for myself and a rear screw from midway for old gun we got my Dad. Saw a different video of putting the spring back in which was a lot easier than the others we watched. Still cycles and shoots. Not going to take apart again until extra springs arrive. Used some break cleaner inside to remove excess paint from the factory. Cleaned excess oil out and slightly oiled and lubed parts that needed it. I don’t think without the cut wire coat hanger we could have ever got the kinks out of the spring. Luck of the draw without a spare on hand. Hes ocd on clean guns so I doubt it will stay dirty longer than a few range trips.
I have a M60 I bought from a pawn shop for about $100, Pre-85, so it has the full length barrel and tube magazine. put a cheap 3x9 scope on it, and she shoots like a dream.
Got out to the range today. Cci high velocity shoots around an inch at 50 yards. Didn’t take all ammo but shot the cci and a box of Winchester Xtreme that runs 100 FPS faster according to the box. Maybe 3 inch groups at 50 yards. Didn’t get to try the Federal match or Hornady target yet. Wasn’t sure bent spring was going to hold up. Was pleased. Had one stovepipe with the Winchester ammo. Had about 10 rounds of cci subsonic. Fed equally well. Gun is filthy inside again after 210 rounds. Time to break it back down and hope the spring I straightened out will go back in one more time until Midway ships the 2 new ones. Minute of squirrel all day with the cci.
I appreciate everyone’s input. I stopped by Acadamy and picked up the wood stock 60 on sale and a Centerpoint one piece scope mount. It was a high mount which isn’t what I wanted but all they had. Puts scope 2.2 inches above the bore. Before mounting I cleaned the barrel and ran about 8 cheap Thunderbolts through it. Will most likely use Federal match or CCI depending on what it likes the best. Rig feels good scoped up. Light enough to carry all day but balanced out nice. My10-22 has issues with the cheap Thunderbolt bulk ammo but this one seems fine. Thought about a lower mount with this scope but may buy a bigger objective and it will be ok. Going to catch some lower rings until I find a better scope but will zero it in first and see how it groups. Worse case scenario I can loosen 2 screws and slide it off the dovetail and use open sights. Only the firing range will tell for now. Trigger not the greatest but better than the 10-22 I had. Not as crisp as the Henry. I have 3 Henry’s so the tubular loading is no issue. Got out the door with gun and mount under $180.

Great choice, and great deal. That's where I got my M60 for $150 no scope. It shoots great, my 10/22 does also. Both great firearms. :cool:
They were on sale for $156.00. I bought the base but before shooting I found some medium height Warn rings. It lets my Vortex sit 1.5 inches above the bore. Could probably go with low rings but I’m pleased with it. After about 50 rounds got used to the little creep in the trigger and don’t see any reason for a trigger kit for it. If a bench gun yes but not for what I need it for. It shot well with open sights but eyes don’t work like they used to so thought tree rats might be clearer with optics.
Can't comment on the model 60, but the issues I've had with the XT-22 and how cheap it looks and feels, I have no doubts the newer model 60's are the same in that regards. The accutrigger is really nice, but it's meaningless when the rifle shoots 4 MOA and that's what hurt most was how inaccurate my Marlin was. I've posted pics of the grooves that look like tank tracks, it's been sent back to the factory for repair once, and the customer service with them is lacking.

I'm led to believe this is most Marlin microgroove barrels these days and I would stay away.

I'm not wasting my time making phone calls, packing and shipping the thing to them more than once. If they can't get it right when it leaves the factory and can't get it right when they ship it back to me, then they never will and it's a lesson learned: Newly made Marlin .22's are not to be touched or thought of. Nothing made today is as well made as it was 30+ years ago.

Used model 60s are fine and I would love to own one, but I've got a Ruger Charger that shoots like an Anschutz, so there's no reason to bother.