Man in Ca. defies state registration. Will he stand alone?

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I received this from Brian this evening. He wrote Sunday Nov 20, Sunday is the 21st and Sat is the 20th, so I don't know which day it is on.

I will be interviewed by Stephen Wolf.on the show CRIME TALK this coming
Sunday, Nov. 20,

The subject of the interview will be the statement "Why I WILL NOT Obey
California's Gun Registration Edict", copies of which were sent to the
Governor and Attorney General of California.

Crime Talk is aired at 3 PM Pacific, 4 Mountain, 5 Central, and 6
Eastern time. If it's not on a local radio station, you can hear the
broadcast at the above times on If you miss
the interview on Sunday, it will be available in archival format on the
Crimetalk webpage. Click on Listen to Past Guests or Crime Talk

My humble thanks to everyone who has sent me their remarks of thanks,
solidarity, and/or wishes for health and success in this matter. It
means more than you can possibly know.

One way or another, we will see the Constitution obeyed by our servants.

Brian Puckett
President, Citizens Of America
Fight for your gun rights NOW!
The media will make him look like an idiot bent on overthrowing the US government. He will be made to look like just another wacko. Look for it and recognize it for what it is...."anti-gun media spin" designed to destroy this individual and all gun owners who might think likewise while making Americans understand the loonacy of gun ownership. If this is the case, then nothing short of un-organized violence by many will put forth the strength of his and our convicions to the American people. Even then, he, and his ilk, will be made out to look like loonies. I hope I'm not involved in any way with this because, basically, I'm a chicken **** and don't have the guts to stand up for what is right. I'll be towing the media, politically correct line and condeming his kind as not representative of gun owners. This guy is going to become the new Timothy McVeigh.
Frank, if the mediots want to potray Brian as a militant fascist wacko gun-nut, they will, whether we like it or not.

If the sheeple want to believe it, they will, whether we like it or not.

And *if*, G*d forbid, it comes down to a shooting war (sorry, admins and moderators, but you must admit the possibility), I'm in 100%, whether THEY like it or not.

In short, I don't give a rodent's anus what the so-called "mainstream" thinks. I WILL stand beside Brian, figuratively and literally, come what may. If that means taking a bullet for him, fine. If that means my death, fine. I'd rather be dead than a subject anyway.

What I refuse to do is cower in my "safe" little cottage and say, "Someone oughta do something about that!" I don't blame anyone who does, mind you. I just can't do it myself. Typical belligerent mick, I suppose. :)

Brian, if you're lurking out there, know this: You have literally hundreds of people who will get your back. If you fight, you won't fight alone.

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called into question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
I'll join you, Jeff. He is not alone. Courts nothing. Money is nothing. God, soul, Blood is everything. If it comes to a fight I'll be there as well as my brothers. Especially death. It is about time to hit these bastards hard; if it comes to that. What can they do drop bombs yah right. Their military is so bad that I can even begin to speak. The police will eventually join us as they are god souls first, then they are police officers later. Believe me government boys we are watching you as you are us. We are getting tired and tired and soon you will have a problem in your hand a 2 million people problem. If it come to registering, turning-in, or any other infridgement of my rights; I and all my brothers and sisters will be there fighting the oppressors the founding fathers warned us about. I'll be watching you traitorous government boys.

F**k public opinion! If the Founding Fathers listened to public opinion, we would be bowing and scraping to Queen Lizzy today and have that awful socialist Blair as our leader (instead of the awful socialist Clinton :().

During the First Revolution only about one third of the people were rebels. One third didn't care, the other one third were loyalists. A minority can make a difference.

I'm with Brian 1000%. I've drawn my line in the sand long ago: NO REGISTRATION, NO CONFISCATION.

I will not bend down and lick the boots of the Socialist Pigs. I will instead line them up in my sights.

I had two ancestors in the First Fight so I'm in. Must be in my blood.

Who cares what the stupid controlled Sheeple think anyway? Most here are men and women of action, sheeple are only hand wringers. History is made by the former, not the latter.

We will restore this Constitutional Republic because we have the numbers! God, Guns and Guts made America great and She will be again.

Someone once said "The only thing needed for Evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing"

Death to the New World Odor...

[This message has been edited by Leadfoot (edited November 18, 1999).]
When will the Gun Registration and Confiscation crowd learn, to complete their agenda they will have to become what they decry. The will have to take up the gun, ignore the first, fourth and fifth amnedments to the constitution (as well as some others). Every time I read about the 'ban the gun crew' like those in CA, that flake Wiggens in MO, or Chuck the Smuck "I own guns" Shumer, I want to buy another Mil pattern rifle or "hi-cap" mag. If they become what they decry, then the brakes will be off as they will have shown their true stripes for the tyrants they are. Other wise they will have to just try to brow beat us into giving up willingly and that is somthing I wont do.

I am not saying the we need to take up arms in our defence. What I am saying is for the anti gunners to accomplish their stated goal, amidist our peaceful determined defence, fight them at every turn, is that THEY WILL have to take up arms. Then the million mom marchers and all the rest of the sheeple will get it.. these people are wolves if sheeps clothing.

[This message has been edited by Alan B (edited November 18, 1999).]
I will continue to keep everyone informed of the progress. Also let me say this, I don't think that you will find a more pro-gun or gun activist without searching long and hard than I am. It is THE reason I am running for Congress, I have appeared on television doing editorial rebuttals, I have filed complaints with the FCC and threatened TV stations. This said, we need to exercise extreme caution on these boards when expressing a desire for a call to arms or an armed confrontaion. We must be careful to not expose Rich to any liability by advocating or organizing armed response via his boards. I am certain Mr. Puckett appreciates the words of encouragement and the sentiment, but let us all be careful how the posts are worded. I hope I did not offend anyone here by posting this, if I did please accept my apology as it was not my intention.
I will continue to keep everyone informed of the progress. Also let me say this, I don't think that you will find a more pro-gun or gun activist without searching long and hard than I am. It is THE reason I am running for Congress, I have appeared on television doing editorial rebuttals, I have filed complaints with the FCC and threatened TV stations. This said, we need to exercise extreme caution on these boards when expressing a desire for a call to arms or an armed confrontaion. We must be careful to not expose Rich to any liability by advocating or organizing armed response via his boards. I am certain Mr. Puckett appreciates the words of encouragement and the sentiment, but let us all be careful how the posts are worded. I hope I did not offend anyone here by posting this, if I did please accept my apology as it was not my intention.
Here we go again. Let's not get ahead of ourselves this time, OK? Especially since I suspect that a good bit of current bravado is just that, will disappear when push comes to shove. But that should, must be, a long way off anyhow. What we need is someone who will PUBLICLY refuse to comply with clearly unconstitutional laws. That person must be above reproach, no criminal record, no psychiatric history, decorated veteran, better quit I think I'm describing me, and then must stand the hell UP and say loud and clear, on camera, to the press and the sheriff and the Feds, "I WILL NOT!!!". I gather this gent says he will do that.

Then he must be dragged off to jail, in handcuffs, denied bail as "dangerous", called all manner of ugly names and laughed at from one end of the country to the other, without any nutcases shooting up the area. Finally, in that way, will we all some day get our day in court. At that point, will we be there?

My money will be there, if I'm living on the street. And my body will be there if I have to hike. But after some recent examples, I suspect that most of the "kill or die" heroes will still be at home thinking about what badasses they are. The place to draw the line is in a courtroom. Bring all the lawyers, witnesses and crowds the location can stand (lessee, 80 million gunowners multiplied by $100 each is HOW much?) and then 100 times that many again. SWAMP them, and then shout down HCI, etc massively, take no prisoners, use their own terrorist tactics against them, show them to be total idiots until they withdraw. All peaceably.

I expect "I can't afford $100" from most everybody, including those who claim they will die before surrendering their guns. Yo, guys, wake up. I will surrender $100 MANY times before I surrender my life, and so will you. If the money ain't there for this man's defense, way before he even asks, then there will be no one actually standing beside him or anyone else.

We have a volunteer, for a tough and inglorious job, if he manages to get arrested let's see to it that he has no reason to plea bargain, that an army of attorneys arrive within a day or two better financed than he ever imagined. That is step one, step two (physical presence-quit your job and go) can be coordinated after that.

Option two, which I REALLY don't expect, is several thousand people saying "no", instead of one. Jamming the courts on purpose, with people who can claim to have led exemplary lives "why am I in jail?" and then refusing bail or plea bargains, demanding jury trials, so as to clog both the jail AND the court as much and long as possible.

I suspect, however, ain't but a precious few willing to do that.

It was pretty lonely at the Mall in Oct.
Ditto. It's easy to say no until someone shows up at your door.

I'm really curious why there are not more lawsuits. Maybe it would help if some lawyer type would post instructions on "how to file a pro-gun lawsuit and how much it costs"; many may casually like to sue for their rights, but have no clue how to do so or what the price is. If it could be done relatively cheap (i.e.: represent yourself on "but it's obvious" principles), many of us could take it up. With enough people at it, progress could be made.
Some of you are making the assumption that he will get a fair hearing. I doubt that.

Nowadays, the law is what the judge says it is--they routinely spit on the Constitution. They think of themselves as little dictators in their courtrooms where they are the law.

He will surely get a "show trial" then, locked away out of the spotlight. Who will remember him then, save a few of us?

[This message has been edited by Leadfoot (edited November 18, 1999).]
I'm ready to put my money ($100 to start) where my mouth is right now if there's some appropriate organization ready to start a legal defense fund. I'm good for more if required down the road. As one of the posts said, we need lawyers showing up at the courthouse immediately. Those lawyers should be pre-identified and on retainer. Let's do it now.

Who's with me?

I'm in. Maybe Mr. Pucket can take steps to set up and escrow account or something similar. It might help to garner some GOOD legal talent if they know the bucks are there
and that it's all moonshine. And, are there
ANY pro-bono types willing to make a name for themselves?

Maybe at the least, pledges can be taken to see just how many of us can be counted upon.

I came in too late, but I remember there was a fiasco call FOUP(?) where everybody huffed and puffed, but only a few bucks were collected. I hope this one doesn't end up the same way.

Where are the pro-gun orgs in this? We should be hearing from them one way or the other. I suspect this will end up being OUR fight.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
IF Kalifornia pulls this off, then other states will soon follow.

This is a test of our will! of your will.
of your resolve. Are we sheep? or are we men.
(and Nancy is a bigger man than most of us)

You must stand behind him this year or be prepared to hand over your gun NEXT year.

Tell your friends, co-workers, hunting buddies, your dad and the old man down the street.

Seriously, I'm not giving up my SKS. There is already a copycat bill in the Florida House. And it's coming to State near you soon.

I got 100 bucks.

The new guy.

"I'm totin, this pistol because my dang SKS won't fit in my holster"
Let me state that I am with this guy 110%. I'm glad to see civil disobediance recognized... I think that a few months ago, on this same board, this declaration may have been widely scolded and dismissed.

But I was disappointed when he was going along great, then got soft when it came to automatic weapons. Does anyone else see how that really took the wind out of his case? "..the second ammendment *specifically* protects my folding stock and flash hider... but, beyond cosmetics, you might be right to restrict any REAL military small arms capability."

Just because our rights were eroded piece-meal doesn't mean we have to reclaim them in degrees. I want them ALL and I want them NOW!

Just a thought, guys but what IF thousands showed up armed at the state capitol building in Sacramento, Calif. and said "we will not turn them in or register them. Come get them!"

Civil disobedience with real teeth or a fools cause? Would you join in an armed march? What would happen?

I agree with the need to have a case go to the supreme court. I think it REALLY needs to happen, and SOON!!
Frank, that is precisely what I'm saying, no I absolutely will NOT show up for an armed showdown on this issue, because it would be suicidal in the first place and I would be all alone there in the second place. And it is not required in the third place.

I will be HAPPY to show up with thousands of others UNARMED except for the fat wad of bucks in my pocket to support the legal efforts which would get this issue addressed by the courts, but before that happens discussing any sort of armed resistance is premature as well as futile.

Now, if you want to discuss a big group showing up armed and refusing to register/surrender their weapons, then submitting peacefully to arrest and forced confiscation, so as to go to jail and fight IN COURT, we can talk. I suspect I'd still end up essentially alone, however, and we already have a volunteer for that who lives in CA (a dickens of a lot more convenient) so I'm in no hurry to fire up the car. Most likely they'll come to me soon enough.
Larry is right. He would be alone.

I was talking about this earlier, out of a hundred who say they will act, 99% will not.
Especially when real risk are involved.

Larry I'm glad to meet another 1 percenter.
I also agree it's better to work within the sytem first. Money does grease the wheels of
our Court System and that's what is needed for now.

The new guy.

"I'm totin, this pistol because my dang SKS won't fit in my holster"
Work within the system!?!?! Whatever!

We have been begging and pleading for our rights for years now and we are met with little more than a sneer and a derisive snort. The chains of our enslavement have already been forged. I can hear them clanking in Kalifornia, Konnecticut, Maryland and all across this land. At what point will a starving man give up his liberty for a sack of grain?

My God people, the system WILL NOT WORK!! When will we collectively wake up and realize this? If we win this fight, then the fight will have to be carried on by our sons and grandsons. If we lose, then we won;t have anything to worry about because one day we will wake up and all of the Second Amendment and the rest of the BIll of Rights will be gone.

There will be no definitive moment when everyone will say - OK it is time to take drastic action. Before you know it , it will be all over and you will be helpless.

My God, all they have to do is wait a generation when the propaganda and brain-washing will leave so few people interested in the 2nd Amendment, that it will be EASY to roll over it. When no one cares, the right goes away.

The time for action was yesterday. It gets me PO'd to no end when folks always talk about operating within the system. HA! and Double HA! Working within the system is the best way to lose all of our rights. Look what working within the system has gotten us so far? Nothing. All it has gotten us is more BS laws and more to come.

[This message has been edited by CassidyGT (edited November 20, 1999).]
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