Man am i mad!!!!!

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Wow, this is similar to what happened to a buddy from work. He ordered a rifle w/ this and that specifications; looks at the box, yup specs printed on box. Gets the escort to the door, opens his car trunk, opens the rifle box to drool over his new rifle and it did not have the specs he ordered and what were printed on the box. He runs right back in to see the manager and was basically told to pound sand.

He relayed this story to a well known area gunsmith who told him this is not unusual.

I can understand a Walmart contract rifle w/ bargain features, sure, but when the gun was not as ordered or advertised and they refuse to make it good is just poor customer service.
Once again Caveat Emptor. You shoul,d always regardless of retailer, check your purchase before paying the money. Especially with a firearm.

Definitely contact walmart customer service, they should do something about it.

Anyone who doesn't think manufacturers make cheaper product lines for Walmart should try to find the tires they sell somewhere else. Sure, they may say Goodyear on the side, but I've never seen those models for sale anywhere else.
With tires, I have never found one at Walmart I couldn't get at Big-O. I managed a Big -O for a while. So again a myth. Oh, and because I get a discount to buy at Walmart, I buy all my tires there. Well, when I was the manager of the Big-O I got a better discount and bought them there, but now I shop around and always look for the tires and sometimes the brand is weird, but I can always find the same tire model at another store or on the Internet. Always.

People love saying caveat emptor, but the accustock sticker on his gun ammounts to a material misrepresentation of the product. Intentional or not, the buyer was told, by the sticker, that he was buying a gun with an accustock. That was a lie. That lie is on walmart for not doing their due dilligence as a merchant. No court in the country would require a buyer differentiate the subtle external clues to an internal component when there is a sticker on the product advertising said component.
The only problem with your argument is suggesting the employees at Wal-Mart are trained to be able to complete "due diligence". These are in most cases minimally trained employees, that only care about getting the paperwork done properly. Then there is the fact that you're going to have to prove either Savage or Wal-Mart put the Accustock sticker on the non-Accustock rifle. It's going to be a finger pointing battle between the two with no foreseeable outcome in favor of the purchaser.

Then there is the fact most people don't buy a car without a research, so why shouldn't you do the same when buying a rifle. Telling the difference between a rifle with an Accustock and without is about one of the easiest things to do. All you have to do is look at the recoil lug and the difference is noticeable, and a little research would have gone a long way in this case. Most people have a smart phone these days and could have researched it at the gun counter in Wal-Mart in less than five minutes just by running the SKU in google.

The main thing here that upset the OP, is that he thought he was buying a rifle with an Accustock and Nikon scope for about $200 less than regular priced Accustock rifle without a scope. I'm betting his initial thought was the people at Wal-Mart screwed up and didn't realize what had happened and he was going to capitalize on the mistake. The OP was probably laughing all the way home, until he took the rifle apart and realized he paid regular price for a rifle without the Accustock.

Now his not so great deal burned up most of the money he was going to use for a Ruger in 6.5 CM he had been saying he was going to buy in another thread. Now he's spent $400+ and doesn't have the stock nor the rifle chambered in the cartridge he wanted. So now that leaves the OP with two choices, build the rifle he wanted or sell it and try and not to take a loss. Building will cost more than the Ruger 6.5 CM he wanted in the first place, and selling and breaking even will be tough even if he did save an extra 10%.
You do not have to prove intent to be awarded damages for false advertising. It is a civil matter. The fact of the matter is that the OP was sold a product under false pretenses. If he would not have bought the product for the price if it were properly labeled, he is owed a refund. Anyway... this is just turning into a flame war, so all leave it at that. Agree to disagree, I guess.
We'll I am not suing anyone. Anyway

The ruger hawkeye predator will most likely get bought next payday. Definitely still on the list of things to do. Also I am entering a point in my life where I am finding it hard to let things go so I will most likely keep this rifle and yes possibly build the creedmore.

Maybe rebarell this one. Hard to say. I will say however that I feel my research was not really needed. With the bottom bolt release smooth barrel nut and sticker thought it was golden no big deal. The main thing is that now I got a good rifle that certainly will shoot well.

Lu's it's a savage so if I did decide to build the creedmore I already have the action with which to do so and could buy a shilen drop in bull barrel for it and a new stock and be in a bit cheaper than the ruger anyway.
Kilo-Glad your not going to raise a stink about it,Hope she turns out to be a shooter for you.

Taylorce1- While your first 2 paragraphs are somewhat true. The burden of responsibility is on the seller,be it Walmart or Savage. The court would decide that. It is not his job to research the rifle. In fact one can purchase knowing nothing at all. The fact is , It was advertised as a Accustock and it is not. I won't go so far as to say it was false advertising, maybe just a label mistake. Either way that does not put the blame on purchaser for the mistake.
Yes you can buy something uninformed, but with the technology at our fingertips why would anyone do it. Most people carry a portable computer in their pocket and they can get information almost instantly. Most people who make a major purchase at least do a little online research, and I'd consider most firearms a major purchase.

I'm not saying the OP is to blame, I'm just saying the OP thought Wal-Mart had made a mistake. He was going to take advantage of it, I've done it and who in their right mind wouldn't. However, if things seem too good you need to do a little research. It could have been done right there in the store without the chance of anyone else beating the OP to the deal if it had been an Accustock.

It wouldn't be false advertising, this more than likely would fall under "bait and switch" if one were to peruse it in court. However unless Wal-Mart was putting an Accustock sticker on all there Savage Trophy Hunters this would be almost impossible to prove it was anything other than a mistake. A sticker is just a sticker that's all it is, what matters is on the SKU, original receipt, original box and the federal paperwork. If anyone of the these has the words Accustock in the description of what was sold to the OP then Wal-Mart would be liable for it. Judging by the haphazard way the sticker was put on in the OP's pictures my bet is one came off a rifle somewhere and someone put it on the first Savage rifle they found weather it be Wal-Mart or someone at Savage.

"Because the purchase is a firearm walmart can not per policy or maybe even some strange ordinance. This store can not have you bring a gun into the store, it would freak everyone out."

This is BS, they sell guns so they should stand behind the items they sell. Your dont know if its walmart or an ordinance so to me that sounds like your just guessing. The real reason Walmart wont take guns back is they dont want to deal with the additional paperwork and then have a "used" gun to sell or deal with, most of the people that work there are not gun people, just normal paid employees working in the sporting goods section. No more informed than the people working at the register in the front on the store.

Also I never said I payed more for a gun at a local store, you put that part in, not me.:rolleyes: OMG that man has a gun in a box and walked to the retun area in front of the store AAAAAA! You dont need to be a mouth piece for Walmart and scared sheeple everywhere.

To the OP, you should be mad that you bought a gun that was mislabled, by not getting mad you are just part of the heard. Saying you will just keep it and be happy is verry strange. That is like going to the dealership to buy a car and once everythng is paid for and the paperwork is done they bring out your new Pinto when you ordered a new truck and you saying your ok with that. It was not what you thought you were getting. I bought a Ruger 10/22 many years ago from Walmart and after the "Walk of Shame" (that is where they dont even let you carry/hold your own gun out of the store and make you leave with out doing any other shopping, just directly from the sporting goods dept out the door to your truck:mad:) I decided never to buy a gun there again.

I'm done with this, good luck to the OP.:rolleyes:
I will say that this is another reason why I choose to purchase my guns from my local gun store, a place that will stand by what they sell and will not tell me to take it up with the maker of the gun if something is wrong.

smee78, you are wise, there's still some of us that believe in service after the sell.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter

Your model 11 vt looks just like mine, checkering, barrel nut, and stock. I bought mine packaged with the Nikon prostaff 3-9. She is a good shooter(.308 win) and averages around mos with 168 gr and up projectiles. The gun loves 190 gr Berger vld's. It doesn't appear from the pictures that WalMart is selling a different savage 11 vt.

I sure do hope Wally world or savage make it right for you. The standard Tupperware stock is the worst thing on the rifle.
in the event that nothing can be done for me the only thing i do by being angry about it and throwing myself is prove how much of an as!@#%$ i am.

i will be happy with that rifle although disapointed but seems as though you are more upset than i am.

To the OP, you should be mad that you bought a gun that was mislabled, by not getting mad you are just part of the heard.

see i believe in something a bit different. sure i am dissapointed but to be angry just breeds negativity and thats no good. realistically even though i have contacted savage and walmart i am sure i may never even hear back from the and to be a thorn in their side over something that is not really that big a deal would be rude.

now i am very dissapointed and will likely never buy from walmart again and depending on what savage says maybe i will just stick with the other american gun makers from now on. see if there is nothing that savage or walmart can do to remedy this then they both lose my business.

thanks to everyone that has replied and tried to help.
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