Mall Shooting

We turned the TV off, ours sits in the bedroom, (no TV downstairs) at 11 pm.

I slept till 4 am. 5 hours of solid sleep. Old Guys sleep in chunks, this one does anyhow.

Read and clean off E-mails. Jump on to the Gun Blogs, like this excellent one.
Enjoy reading the thought patterns of somewhat like minded people, such as I.

Just about every time we venture out, new Jeep Cherokee is indoor garage kept, always. We are locked into a dry, clean vehicle. Good visibility all around, garage door down, remote set monitored alarm. In our little bubble.

The first time we are in areas of possible physical danger, of an urban kind, is when we park. I have been in poor places for possible defense, all my life, not able to carry a concealed firearm, UK/Germany/Australia/Canada.

Prior to 911 I was able to obtain a Florida CCW, by submitting a State Hunting Lic. as proof of shooting ability. So on my many trips into the USA, once I entered the land of the free, I could be armed. From the mid 80s.

Using my Sons address, till I obtained my Citizenship. Then seamlessly renewed my expiring Florida Lic, with my own dwelling address.

By far the most suitable pistol, in my eyes, the Glock 19, is worn every day.
I liken it to the Insurance slip, kept in my wallet, to be used if required, but always carried. But once I park, I am aware of my surroundings, reference any threats. To me or mine. Once your feet take you into the places we all go to, could be the place that your CCW Pistol is called into play.

It had better be a pistol you can shoot well, that works first time, all the time.
Carrying 16 rounds, why not?
Avoiding Black Friday at the mall is something I may want to do, but I have a, I sometimes go to support.

If this happened and I were in the parking lot near the shooting.....Draw, Keep eye on shooters, move family to safety. Fight if the opportunity arises while keeping family safe. Stay on foot to be mobile. Family on phone to 911.

If inside mall away from event. Move to farthest away indoor location near 1-3 exit 911. Stay on foot. If violence moves into mall, retreat out your opposite side exits and consider safest routes of evacuation, rides from friends, etc. The key is don't just randomly do things. Leaving maybe a good choice, but often malls are located in either isolated areas or areas I don't want to be out in the open by. Once you leave on foot as a family, you are a pretty soft target.
It was an armed concealed carry civilian that took the fight to the shooters, and assisted in rescuing many hostages.

I believe the time to prepare for such a situation is before you get into it. That or become a total recluse. I can only share my own plans and observations. Every time one of these incidents happen I do some research and become better educated. I look for details , like did they work in pairs, what was their killing ground, what kind of weapons were they armed with, did they plan for the arrival of authorities. My friends and I do some gaming over coffee.

I've made adjustments to my EDC, plan an escape route upon arrival, if I'm with other we decide on a rally point to meet in case of an emergency.

I refuse to allow these people to win, I for one will always fight back. Even if that's just to survive.