Machine gun payment options....

The dealer is also authorized for a certain amount of processing every month

Thanks freakshow I figured there had to be some sort of reason like that, makes sense, sucks but makes sense why they dont want it charged...

A really ticked off wife can inflict way more pain and damage than a measly machinegun.

Seems like you may have already met my wife at some time Skans!!

You should look in to a "lightning link."
Some could be had for 6-8000.00.

I have been looking around for those too... never seen any for sale that were civilian transferable (just the dealer ones, $40 for 2!!! what a shame) but i have always heard they are way more then 8k, closer to 11k or so, IMO if you are going to pay that much might as well get the whole gun for a little more, plus im not crazy about just safe and auto as my only options, i have also heard the can bend and break after a while, just rather have the real thing i guess.

IMO, if you cannot afford to pay in full for a new toy without incurring wrath from your spouse, you probably should not buy said toy.

you must be rich, really rich, me? not so much. I'm not trying to dodge or hide anything from my wife, i explained that earlier, it would just be easier for me, and permit me to get it faster if I could use a credit card for some of the purchase thats all, my marriage is worth more to me than a machine gun.
Does she like the idea of me spending that much of course not, but she has agreed that I can get one, so no need to hide it...

So do you want the contact info for the local dealer?

yes yes i do, Im also wanting to order a suppresor from YHM very soon so that would be great i'll send you a PM thanks!

There are 4 position selectors out there for M16s but I don't know anyone who wants one.

You know one now! as long as its straight down for burst then I think I would want one, might as well get everything that i can if im spending that kind of money, wouldnt use it much so i would want it straight down so i dont have to just flip by it all the time on the way to auto...
You should look in to a "lightning link."
Some could be had for 6-8000.00.
They are used in a AR-15 and when easily installed turn
the semi function to full auto.
I read that a modified trigger group can yield any select fire
one would want.

All of what you mentioned sounds illegal to me.
Thanks for the sites PTK...I dont know how long I spent on google and never found sites like those...

anyone here have a lighting link? are they really as good as a FA trigger group?

are lighting links the same thing as a DIAS drop in auto sear? I have read about things referred to as DIAS but only ever seen pictures of things called lighting links (the metal plate with a tab) or is lighting link just the name brand?
In terms of value, durability, and usefulness...

Lightning link < DIAS < AR-15 conversion RR < Colt M16 RR.
so what is the difference between a DIAS and a lighting link? Ive seen drawings and diagrams and even 80% complete lighting links (not sure how legal that is) but never of the DIAS for an m16 anyways. do they operate on same principal? I sure like that 7k number better than 14k!
Here is one thing to consider when buying Lightning Links, DIAS and/or registered sear conversions....

If the registered conversion part breaks or wears out it cannot be replaced, only repaired, if possible. BATF considers replacing it with a new part to be the new manufacture of a machine gun, and a civilian could not own it, as it would have been made after the effective date of 18 U.S.C. sec. 922(o). This wear/breakage thing is also true of the receiver on a gun where that is the registered part, but in general the receiver is less subject to wear or breakage than a small part, like a sear. Being larger, a receiver may also be easier to repair.

Bardewell's NFA FAQ

it would just be easier for me, and permit me to get it faster if I could use a credit card for some of the purchase thats all, my marriage is worth more to me than a machine gun.

I actually went to the bank once and applied for a loan to get a machinegun. They couldn't determine how to use the gun as collateral for the loan, so they offered me a high interest rate and I turned down the loan.
Skans, explain the outcome here.

Guy comes in and pays cash for a machine gun from me. I file the papers. Lock the shop, go home. Someone breaks in, steals the machine gun.

Do I file a theft/loss report with the ATF? Why or why not?

As I understand it, the BATFE Form 4 registers the NFA firearm to a particular entity or individual. That person is permitted to possess the NFA weapon and is responsible for complying with NFA regulations in that regard. It is not the same thing as a title to a vehicle. The Form 4 merely says, that as far as BATFE is concerned they will look to you as the owner of that gun. Notice that on the Form 4 the Transferor is refered to as the "registered owner of the firearm"....not the legal owner. I believe it is possible to have a different legal owner than the registered owner....and in fact this does take place when someone pays full price for the gun, no refunds, but the transfer remains pending for 4 months. During that time, you have a legal owner and a registered owner and they are not one and the same.

Legal ownership would still be determined by state law and the law of contracts as interpreted in your particular state.

In your scenario, I would say that the guy who purchased the machine gun had his gun stolen while it was in your custody and control. However, as far as BATFE is concerned, until the transfer is complete, you are responsible for reporting the theft to BATFE.
I actually went to the bank once and applied for a loan to get a machinegun. They couldn't determine how to use the gun as collateral for the loan, so they offered me a high interest rate and I turned down the loan.

they must have wanted to do an unsecured signature loan, I has thought about that too but interest is higher than a credit card!

I guess if you took out a secured loan on a machine gun and defaulted on it im sure they could think of a way to reposses it, probably just dont want to mess with the paperwork, i have found a lot of banks are lazy like that, i think they forget even though you are getting a loan from them, you are the customer and they need you more than you need them.

I'm thinking I will probably just use cash I have on hand and take out a 401k loan for the remainder...seems like the best option for me, probaly a better idea than using a credit card anyways.

I looked around on the internet for a little while today looking for the DIAS and found some pictures of them and desrciptions of how they work, I also read you have to set them correctly and they need to be shimmed in place and all sorts of other stuff, seems like quite a hassle which really makes me question reliability...seems like it could be pretty tempermental.

In terms of value, durability, and usefulness...

Lightning link < DIAS < AR-15 conversion RR < Colt M16 RR.

PTK i was wondering why you rated a converted registered reciever below a colt m16? if it was a conversion (not a married DIAS and lower) are they not the same? basically a m16 bolt and fire control group dropped into a previously semi automatic lower?

If they are cheaper I think I would rather go that way than an actual m16. Im not looking for historical signifigance of any kind, I would likely get rid of an A1 upper and old m4 style buttstock as soon as i got it anyways, i would also, if worn at all, replace the entire trigger group and bolt with a 4 position selector.

Does anyone know are you required to destroy or turn in a FA trigger group if you replace it? how many spare parts could you have laying around for it? just curious...
If they are cheaper I think I would rather go that way than an actual m16.

Is the lower in spec? Is the new autosear hole anodized? Is it located correctly?

Can't really tell any of that over the internet, can you.... ;)
A here is good info on the lighting link and even shows how to set them up so they are select fire.


They also have good info on the DIAS


And registered receivers

IMO, if you cannot afford to pay in full for a new toy without incurring wrath from your spouse, you probably should not buy said toy.
Not everyone who uses a credit card for a purchase is taking out a loan. I use a CC for the rewards points and purchasing protections, and pay in full each month, for example.

It would certainly be foolish to go into debt and pay 9-27% interest on a $20k machine gun plus ammo, but I don't think that's what's happening here.
It would certainly be foolish to go into debt and pay 9-27% interest on a $20k machine gun plus ammo, but I don't think that's what's happening here.

It is.

I'm willing to pay but having that much cash on hand that my wife would let me spend on one is another issue

If she wouldn't notice it at the end of the month she wouldn't at the beginning either,
It would certainly be foolish to go into debt and pay 9-27% interest on a $20k machine gun plus ammo, but I don't think that's what's happening here.

yeah that would be foolish, but i wouldnt plan on using a CC for the entire thing like I said, and im not taking to knob creek either to try and keep pace with the mini gun, 20k? not even close, maybe 6-7k.

you FA guys dont seem like you want anyone to join the this like joining a snobby country club or something? I'm not poor but I also don't have 15k in cash I can drop on a gun without batting an eye lid, that doesnt mean i'm not worthy of owning one.

jmorris- thanks for the links much appreciated!

Is the lower in spec? Is the new autosear hole anodized? Is it located correctly?

PTK- What would be out of spec? I was under the impression that all the lower's are the same, only exception I know of is the colt's with a smaller diameter front take down pin, that you can buy different pins for-what else could be different?

autosear hole annodized- Are you just talking about the hole for the trigger or the one that the hammer pivots on? is this just done to make sure the hole does not get ovaled out by the increased stress of FA? Could I take a lower that was not annodized somewhere and have that done to it?

location-I thought all the holes were in the same place on recievers that were FA of SA...are they not?
not even close, maybe 6-7k.

you FA guys dont seem like you want anyone to join the party...

You can join the party for less than that. Once you start it's not like you can only have one. I would just start with a MAC or some other SMG that will cost less than half of what you already have and fire much cheaper ammunition. Take what is left over and start building the fund for your next toy. That plan is interest and deception free.
There is also the joy of suppressed weapons as well:) one shoulnt have to go though life without a suppressed .22 at very least.
+1 on suppressed, hopefully that is what I will get for christmas from my wife, i've been dropping some hints we'll see...223 supressor is what i want 1st. i'd also like to find a 9mm suppressor that would would work with a 9mm ar and also a 9mm pistol if i can ...
"you FA guys dont seem like you want anyone to join the this like joining a snobby country club or something? I'm not poor but I also don't have 15k in cash I can drop on a gun without batting an eye lid, that doesnt mean i'm not worthy of owning one."

Since you decided to go "there", let me tell you what I think. I think you had your mind made up before you started this thread. I guess you thought everybody on here was going to tell you to go ahead and make a bad decision. When that didn't happen, you come out with that comment.
Why would it make any difference to the full auto community whether you owned a machinegun or not ? How would it effect me ?

The question you posted was more a financial question than it was a gun question. Buying anything at all on credit is almost always a bad decision in MY opinion. Personal debt is one of the biggest problems facing our society today.
Unfortunately, for most of us working stiffs, there are certain things that we just can't resonablely come up with the money to buy. Our homes and vehicles usually head the list. You end up paying a lot more for the item because you bought it on credit and you put yourself in a situation where if anything bad happens, you could lose them. But, it is pretty much agreed by our society that the added expense and risk is worth the reward. However, buying frivolous toys on credit, and at a very high interest rate at that, is a very bad idea in every way. Other than instant gratification it has no redeeming qualities at all. And in this case you are not even going to get that since you won't be taking home the gun for months. Obviously this is your decision. Obviously this is your money and your life. But, you asked our opinion on it, so I am giving you mine.

The decision to buy a machinegun at all is IMO something you need to seriously evaluate. Are you going to get as big a kick out of it as you think ? How often are you REALLY going to shoot it on full auto ? And is all that worth the money ?
Most people I know that buy a machinegun are tickled to death with it for the first couple shooting sessions. Then they get a huge kick out of showing off to their friends. But, after a few months it comes out of the safe less and less. I haven't had mine out of the safe in a year probably. We even have monthly matches which I go to about once or twice a year. The whole full auto thing just doesn't pull my chain. What does pull my chain is firing a single round and hitting exactly where I wanted to put it. I should have considered that before I bought a machinegun in the first place. I am not getting rid of it, but it basically just sits there.
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