M1 Garand


New member
So just how difficult, and expensive is it to buy an M1 Garand? I'd love to own one, ut from what I've seen online there are a few loopholes to jump through.
I have spent alot of time reading on Garands recently. The CMP appears to be a great source, but have to be a member of a club they recognize to buy from them.


I have not joined one, but am planning on joining the Garand Collectors Association. http://www.thegca.org/

Other than CMP, there are lots out there on gun auction sites and prices range a good bit, from $500s to over $3000. Getting into the $1500+ range you are getting more of a collectable than a "shooter" unless it is a match rifle, from what I can tell. More knowlegdable users may add correct me or provide more info. A little FYI, to a point you get what you pay for and recently a bunch of surplus garands got released. They seem to be priced in the $400 range, but I have not heard good things at all about them. But, I have never seen one in person.
Also, as far as garands. Most all are 30-06, with a few .308 conversions out there. 30-06 is fairly expensive ammo (in my book) for alot of joy shooting, but again, CMP apparantly has some decent prices on 30-06 ammo. Overall not hard at all to get one, just have to search it out.
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30-06 is fairly expensive ammo (in my book) for alot of joy shooting,

This is true unless you reload. Then it is pretty cheap to shoot although not quite as cheap as my bolt action 30-06 because the Garand (among other semi auto rifles) is pretty hard on brass. Also, if you do reload, when reloading for the Garand youare a bit limited on what you can do. Precautions must be taken to prevent slam fires and damage to the operating rod. I've been reloading for a number of years but am new to the Garand and at first I was a little dissapointed to find out the my standard 30-06 ammo will not work.

After the learning curve, my Garand is becoming my favorite rifle to shoot. Get one (try to get a good one that doesn't have a shot out bbl) and enjoy.

They are a blast and will work for most any North American big game if you are so inclined... otherwise it's great fun at the range. After my recent purchase I'm wondering why the heck it took me so long to get one.
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Not to get off topic, but I do not reload and have considered starting to or getting a buddy to go into it with me. Aside from start up costs of reloading equipment, what is the range of cost per round of 30-06 reload?
The cheapest I can find it "new" is around $0.50/round.
I did some editing to my last post while you were posting... give me a minute and I'll try and give a rough estimate of my "per shot" cost.
Not counting the initial (and as you'll find out... continuing) investment in equipment. Figures do not include tax or shipping and prices were taken from midwayusa.com. I buy primer/powder locally to avoid haz-mat shipping fees. Actually, I buy most of my stuff locally.

Bullet: 165 gr. Sierra SPBT Gameking = $26.49 per box of 100 or 26.49 cents each.

Brass: Remington package of 100 = $45.49, if you use each brass 5 times (Garand is hard on brass) they cost 9.1 cents per shot.

Powder: 1 lbs of IMR 4895 = $22.99, 7,000 grains per lbs; 47 grains per shot is 15.44 cents per shot.

Primer: CCI #34 (Mil Spec. primers) = 35.99 per 1,000 or 3.6 cents per shot

Grand total is 54.63 cents per shot. Of course this is hunting ammo and nothing bought in bulk. If you scrounge brassand buy powder/bullets in bulk the cost will go down, I just practice with hunting ammo.
If you don't reload, CMP sells '06 ammo fairly reasonabley, its good ammo for sevice ammo.

I agree Re-loading is best. Having reloaded for my Garand, M1A, and ARs for over 35 years I don't find semis, is loaded propertly, are that hard on brass.
Having reloaded for my Garand, M1A, and ARs for over 35 years I don't find semis, is loaded propertly, are that hard on brass.

Yeah, my Garand isn't horribly hard on brass, but still not as gentle as my bolt action. Plus, no neck sizing with semi auto so... A little more wear when resizing. I see we've gone way off topic (with my help); I'll cut it out and save it for the "skunkworks".:)

p.s. KraigWy, I'm from Green River but live in AK now. Ever hunt the Wind River range?
KraigWy, I'm from Green River but live in AK now. Ever hunt the Wind River range?

No Sir, I'm from Newcastle, I hunt the Black Hills or the Big Horns, but I'll like to get over there.

I did spend 22 years in Alaska and have hunted and fished there though.
My 0.50/round was based on CMP. But did not count for the $9-&16 S&H per can from CMP. That comes to about 0.55/round. Plus, I would have to become a member at a yearly cost of $25 to Garand Collector Assoc. AND, I'd miss out on the fun of learning to reload and doing custom loads.

And sorry for leading of OP topic
I'm pretty sure that you need not join a club if you are former military and can send a copy of your DD-214. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

Kraigwy, ever hunt the Absaroka range? I never got a chance to. IIRC it is as remote as you can get in the lower 48.

I love AK but miss the hunting in Wyoming. Way cheaper for the average Joe.
Per the CMP website: In Lieu of Club Membership.........

In addition to shooting clubs, the CMP also has several special affiliates. Membership in these organizations satisfies our requirement for purchase. These special affiliates include: Congressionally chartered veterans' organizations such as the VFW, AL, DAV, MCL, etc. U.S. Military services (active or reserves), National Guard, to include retirees.
So, do you have to be currently serving or does former but non retiree service (with proof) count? Sounds like the former (currently serving) or you must be a retiree.

I'd miss out on the fun of learning to reload and doing custom loads.

Carefull friend, it's an addictive habit:D
So just, join a recognized club, have proof of marksmanship training, and the money and I'm good? Ok, cool. I didn't realize .30-06 was so expensive. I always assumed it was a common hunting/sport shooting caliber.
I always assumed it was a common hunting/sport shooting caliber.

It one of the the most common but you can't shoot any ol' 30-06 through the M1 or you will likely damage the operating rod or risk an out of battery slam fire. There are a few options for the Garand: 1- a couple companies make new factory "M1 Garand" loads, 2- buy military surplus stuff or 3- reload.

That being said, it is a great rifle, fun as heck at the range and a worthy hunter not to mention a piece of American history that you can hold in your hands and still put to good use.
So, do you have to be currently serving or does former but non retiree service (with proof) count? Sounds like the former (currently serving) or you must be a retiree.

Your non-retiree DD214 will serve as proof for these:

Proof of U.S. Citizenship
Proof of Age
Marksmanship or other Firearms Related Activity

But not this one:

Membership in CMP Affiliated Organization

An active, guard/reserve or retired military ID will work for all 4 requirements.
CMP Purchase Rquirements

Could not and never have been easier to comply with than they are today.
www.odcmp.com Go, check it out for yourself. And there are two stores one can visit. Aniston AL and Port Clinton OH and the National Match will also have a CMP booth at Camp Perry.
You think .50 per rd surplus is expensive, have you looked at the cost of commercial 30.06 lately? You will be glad surplus is available

Another option other than the GCA is the M1 Collectors Club. Its only $14.0 per year and runs for a whole year from the time you join .
The GCA runs from Sept-Sept no matter when you join. So if you would join today it would cost you $25.00 for 2 months