Looney Tunes taking away Elmer Fudd's gun!

In today's times it is absolutely ok for video games to be played that depict horrific body part explosions and hundreds of as-realistic-as-possible kills and somehow Elmer Fudd having a shotgun is wrong? Jeeezuusss!!! Those of you that think this is trivial need to freekin' wake up!

I'm quite awake, thank you. Altho I too think that disarming ol" Elmer, regardless of his horrific gun handling, is going to do little to curb gun violence in the world, I do understand where folks are coming from. The introduction and condoning of random violence to children at an age where they are very impressionable may have consequences, especially when they are too young to differentiate between reality and fantasy.

Those video games you are referring to are rated R or PEGI 18, meaning they are only sold to folks over the age of 18 and are intended for use of folks over 18. Bugs Bunny is intended for the youngest of kids. Big difference. Kids under the age of 18 playing those video games had those games bought by an adult and are probably played in the same adult's household. Parents who only have to answer to themselves for the irresponsible actions. Not the same with Bugs and the folks that produce and distribute it. When I was a parent with kids under the age of 18, I did let my underaged kids play those types of games because they were old enough and responsible enough to know that the violence they saw was fake and not acceptable in real life. I did not let the neighbor kids or other friends play those same games in my house unless they were 18 or had THEIR parents permision since so many folks have different impresions of what is acceptable. This is what I see here.
Taking always Elmer's gun has nothing to do with gun safety, its a heavy handed attempt at virtue signaling by the current owners of the character.

Seems its ok to chase and try to kill Bugs, as long as its not being done with a gun, because guns are "bad" and killing Bugs with a sharp blade apparently is not.

the current owners are trying to show off how good and caring they are by removing Elmer's gun.

I will admit to a degree of bias, but to me the modern kids cartoons, including "new" adventures of our old favorites are nearly all crap. And some of them are crap pushing social messages I disagree with.

One has to go search the internet to find cartoons from the WWII era because today they are deemed racist. Ethnic character cartoons have been removed. We're no longer allowed to see the past for what it actually was, only the "approved" version, and its been going on for decades, at least. Today's fanatics pulling down statures is just the most recent action of something that's been going on for some time.
If Elmer was dumb enough to try and shoot his gun after Bugs tied the barrel in a knot maybe he shouldn’t own a gun.