Looney Tunes taking away Elmer Fudd's gun!

Lots of outdated misconceptions floated here in this thread.

"Kids" today spend very little time in front of a TV. That ended a good 20 years ago.

"Kids" today are tied to their cell phones & all the cartoon violence in the world ain't nothing compared to the violence/sick crap they can find on TikTok.
"Kids" today are tied to their cell phones & all the cartoon violence in the world ain't nothing compared to the violence/sick crap they can find on TikTok.

Kinda depends on what your definition of "kids" is. Most kids don't get a cell phone till 8-10 years old. By then their morals/ethics, cognitive, emotional, and social skills are already developed. It is at the ages of 1-5 that kids watch and are entertained cartoons. Long before they are fused to a cell phone.
Kinda depends on what your definition of "kids" is.
I'd say 12 and under would be a fair point to define" kids".
A lot of these providers these days are also offering "family" type deals - which in itself is putting more (& better) cell phones into younger hands.
As far as being developed by that age goes......we could have a very lively back and forth over that - but - it's beyond the scope of this forum - other than - quite a few members here think the age of today's youth being trusted with a firearm - is a whole lot different than it was when they grew up.

I don't know - I don't even pretend to know about child psychology & child development. I just know what I see when I'm out and about.
While living in St. Louis during the mid-1950s, I played “Army” with a real BAR. It was a prewar Belgian-made FN DEWAT copy that had been captured by the Germans at the beginning of the war and liberated by the US Army at its end.
Dad brought it back along with two 98k Mausers and a couple of German helmets. I & my friends dragged all that hardware around the neighborhood without anyone battin’ an eye. The BAR was a heavy SOB for an 11 year old kid.

Crazy to think what would happen if we did the same today.

The old BAR was donated to the Military Museum at Camp Mabry in Austin, Texas 20 years ago and resides in their vault.
Found this picture of one just like it on the Internet:


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Colin Noir has a good video on this issue on YouTube. I agree with him that this is important in that it is part of the continuing effort to have children grow up and see guns as something irrelevant and dangerous and not a reasonable part of their lives. The anti-gunners want children to believe that the 2nd Amendment is an irrelevant holdover from the dim dark past and that it should be done away with as much as is possible. They want people all over this country to feel about guns that way people in NYC feel. Most in that city have never touched a firearm, only know guns from what they see on TV, movies and video games, and have lived all their lives with the belief that only the police should have guns, and that others with guns are invariably criminals.

I have a nephew in the NYC area that once told me that he kept a baseball bat next to his bed as a means of protecting himself and his family should they ever suffer a home invasion. When I asked him why he thought a bat was a better choice than a firearm, he admitted that a firearm was far superior for his family defense, but that guns were so dangerous, so evil, that he could never imagine having one in his own home, let alone having it loaded and available. He admitted that he and his siblings all thought of me as their nice, but crazy uncle because they know I own guns, but more incredible to them, I am a member of the hated and feared NRA.

The anti gunners have already won in a large part of this country. As hunters foolishly ignore what is happening, and think that they with their bolt action rifles and shotguns are safe forever from the gun haters, our political strength as defenders of the 2nd Amendment is diminished. Taking guns away from Elmer Fudd, without diminishing the violence in those cartoons at all, is just part of the effort to turn all of American into copies of what they have already achieved in New York City.
but that guns were so dangerous, so evil, that he could never imagine having one in his own home, let alone having it loaded and available.

And yet, the police carry loaded guns on their persons!! :eek:

Do your relatives think that a badge, and perhaps a uniform renders them immune to the siren call of evil from the danger of having a loaded gun???
I'm afraid that they do believe the police are so well trained, and so used to handling firearms, that they do not feel alarmed when seeing an armed officer. I have actually spoken to these relatives and told them that it is highly likely that I shoot more often than the average LEO who has to "qualify" twice a year in most places and for many, that is the only time that they actually fire their gun. I showed my nephew data that showed that licensed concealed carriers are less likely than off duty LEO's to be arrested for violent crimes. But facts do not matter, just as when I explain what the NRA does it goes in one ear and out the other. These people have been told for decades that the NRA exists only to encourage sales for gun companies, has no concern for the damage done by firearms, blah, blah, blah. Even my older brother, the father of these nephews and nieces, a man who served as an officer in the Army (a very long time ago) says he would not have a gun in his house because of the danger and because he is sure he does not need one. I've mostly given up trying to educate them after decades of banging my head against the wall.
While living in St. Louis during the mid-1950s, I played “Army” with a real BAR.
I think we have the winner of "best sentence ever on an online forum".
DEWAT or not - that's a clear winner. :)
I was born in 1949. I played "cowboys and Indians" and "army" all the time growing up. We would do "shoot and falls" as we played. Our theatrical falls would rival Errol Flynn in drama. I was G.I. Joe, Roy Rogers, the Lone Ranger, Jungle Jim, Tarzan or Zorro on any given play day. But you know what, I never had any difficulty in understanding the difference between "play" and "real". Gun safety was numero uno with my dad. Zero tolerance for sweeping my Benjamin pump pellet rifle across something I didn't intend to shoot. One forgetful moment in leaving a safety off and our weekend trips to the river to shoot nutria, snakes, rats or whatever would be postponed a week. That was traumatic.

In today's times it is absolutely ok for video games to be played that depict horrific body part explosions and hundreds of as-realistic-as-possible kills and somehow Elmer Fudd having a shotgun is wrong? Jeeezuusss!!! Those of you that think this is trivial need to freekin' wake up! "One ball at a time............" TangoLima - you are spot on!
WOW!!! Taken the gun out of Hunting and giving Elmer Fudd a scythe to chase bugs bunny & daffy duck is Crazy!! That's what they did , Saying it's ok with stuff like booby traps , tnt is ok but no shotgun . That's like saying to your Kids its ok to run with scissors! One more step for the other side to tell us we don't need guns for hunting ! Yes its a cartoon but really it comes down to common sense which is a lost thing in today's world! Ok I'am off my soapbox now!:rolleyes:
I'm torn. In all honesty elmer's gun safety was poor at best and he was a bad example. That said as a kid i knew it was a goofy cartoon and did not equate it with real guns. i watched a clip of the new cartoon, him chasing bugs with the grim reaper blade was far more terrifying than the shotgun!
The new Elmer Fud will work for PETA and protest with his arms around Bugs... his new:confused: lover.
Back when kids got in fist fights, were spanked, had their recess taken away, went without dinner, were verbally scolded when they did wrong etc, they learned to have some empathy for others. Now they lie with impunity and if they don't get their way they explode without remorse or empathy. I think there is no reason to make new cartoons without the old characters we know and love. In the case of Elmer fud, that includes a double barreled shotgun as part of his persona.
Elmer Fudd was hilarious. The modern remakes are pathetic.

As far as the gun control crowd goes, the last few weeks have put the nails in that coffin for another decade at the least.