Looney Tunes taking away Elmer Fudd's gun!


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The executive producer says "were not doing guns" but we will be doing "tooney violence " in what they term the Acme style!

I grew up with old Elmer and really never thought the woke world would come this far....but it is apparently ok for Bugs to use dynamite on Elmer...go figure.
American is being neutered, one ball at a time.

I have picked slingshot for awhile now. Can't scare the nice people whole playing with air rifle in the backyard.


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Unbelievably my neighborhood in the Midwest in the early 1960's put up with weekly assaults of tactical 10 year olds armed with the latest military plastic or Wild West six-shooters playing cops and robbers, cowboys and Indians and Army.

How did society survive??
It's probably for the best....doesn't appear Elmer had been through a gun safety course or followed good gun handling practices anyway. :)

Besides, not very complimentary to be called a Fudd. He did more harm to the gun community than he did good.
I'm one who doesn't mind that much. For the same reason I'm against airsoft gun games. I don't like ANYTHING that gives kids the false impression that getting shot has less than lethal consequences.
Dale, I grew up in the times when kids ran around with realistic toy guns.
I was not allowed to have one.
1. Some kids did end up getting shot in tragic errors
2. My dad maintained that part of real gun safety was never even pretending to point a gun at something you did not intend to shoot and as compensation we shot real guns at tin cans. Mine was an ancient kids sized .410 with a pull-knob striker that only strong adult fingers could pull back.
3. My mom hated guns, which somehow made shooting tin can more fun
4. My dad and I made pistols that shot big rubber bands. They were really fun.

I am with Doyle on this. Nowadays I shoot expended shotgun hulls or nra bullseye targets.
I'm one who doesn't mind that much. For the same reason I'm against airsoft gun games. I don't like ANYTHING that gives kids the false impression that getting shot has less than lethal consequences.
I get it, but back in the day you can name any serial western (anyone remember "Sugarfoot"?)
as well as shows like "The Untouchables" where there was someone shot always but back then they just fell over. You didn't see entrance and exit wounds and blood spattering like it may or may not happened in real life like you see today

Other shows and cartoons like Popeye and The Three Stooges were extremely violent although usually without firearms.

Fast forward to 2020 and you can hardly watch anything on TV or the movies that doesn't have firearms related violence with much more realistic bullet strikes, etc. and the Liberals want to blame gun violence on gun ownership and Elmer Fudd! To give an example, Sylvester Stallone comes out saying you and I do not have a right to own guns and at the same time his movie "Bullet to the Head" comes out!

Despite all of that I think todays world is more violent as far as rape, murder, etc and it's not because Elmer Fudd shoots at wabbits in a cartoon. We watched those cartoons and I could be wrong, but I don't think we were any more violent or unsafe than folks are today...There are many other factors involved.
Maybe that was a bad idea (kids and toy guns).
Maybe we knew the difference between toy guns and real guns.
Maybe TV commercials taught us not to believe everything you saw on TV.
Maybe it was just a totally different time and place.
We are talking about 2 different things. Guns are evil and we shouldn't have them. They make the younger generations believe that. And that's how Americans get neutered.

Gun safety should be taught by parents, not by TV, especially by cartoons that everybody knows is silly. When Fudd did something silly, point it out to the kids. If parents let TV take their kids away, they are already neutered. Make air guns tools for firearms safety training. No I don't think kids should be doing it unsupervised.


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I was under the impression Elmer wasn't shooting his gun for something like 55 years plus?

I thought they (Looney Tunes) decided shooting Daffy Duck in the face & making his bill spin around wasn't a good idea.

I guess I was mistaken - maybe not watching cartoons for 55 years had something to do with it.
Have to keep the kiddies safe while watching cartoons, but violent video games are just fine. Makes you wonder the logic
Have to keep the kiddies safe while watching cartoons, but violent video games are just fine. Makes you wonder the logic
You don't want to get me started on the violent video games thing. There is no way that those don't have a negative influence on kid's behavior as they grow up.
I never once bought into the theory that two six-shooters pointed at the ground could result in enough propulsion to temporarily levitate a short, mustachioed humanoid form... just saying.
Elmer......like so many other icons of a three generations ago, was a product of it's time. Those times depicted violence as nor only a solution to any problem, but as comedy. Look at the Three Stooges from the same era. Slap-stick comedy that generally used violence and injury as comic relief. Look at Tom and Jerry and Mighty Mouse. Violence used as comedy. Cartoons of that era were rampant with racial and ethic put downs. Black face characters were common and ethic groups were always negatively stereotyped. This all viewed by very young children who were very impressionable. No different than watching old black and white romance films where the man was always the boss and women said no....but really meant yes! I see "Gone with the Wind" is now being taken off streaming services.

We have evolved past all of that. With all the violence in today's world, the youngest of our children that are being babysat by the boob tube do not need to think that violence is okay, instilled upon them constantly. Elmer is a negative figure of both responsible gun ownership and hunting. I have no issue with him being ushered out the door.
Elmer is a negative figure of both responsible gun ownership and hunting.

Consider the opposite, that Elmer's portrayal of guns and hunting is the reason he should NOT go away. He's a fine example of what NOT TO DO. And, in the end, he always loses anyway....

I'd say the real root of the problem is not so much what kids see, but not dong a good enough job teaching children the difference between fantasy and reality.

Of course, we have that same problem with our politicians, too...:rolleyes:
My thoughts on the Elmer Fudd makeover. First, he now chases Bugs around with a sickle, threatening to hack him up. My wife was appalled when she saw this. The gun, which Fudd never actually shot, and certainly never killed Bugs with, was not one tenth as offensive as him chasing Bugs around like a murderous serial killer.

Now, which do you think kids are more likely to imitate? Chasing a friend around with a sharp lawn instrument or a shotgun?
I’ve noticed that kids these days make bigger messes when eating than I or anyone I know ever did. My theory as to why is because most of them have spent very little time at a dinner table eating with the family, instead they are in front of a TV, computer or some other device, eyes on the entertainment and not on their food. They seem to be lucky if they get half their food in their mouth while the rest is all over their face and everywhere else.

Taking away Elmer’s shotgun? How about taking away the video screens and teaching kids how to effectively eat and drink!

I also have to agree with Skans. Elmer chasing Bugs around with a sickle has a much greater chance of being replicated by children than a shotgun. I can’t imagine there is much likelihood of kids getting ahold of a real shotgun and chasing each other around with it, but a large kitchen knife or other sharp tool, replicating a looney toon chase, swinging it around wildly. I bet we can count on that.

Meanwhile 8 year olds are planning and executing assaults on extremely violet video games.

One had to ask. . . If Elmer has retired his hunting gear and he doesn’t have a shotgun, then is he still “hunting wabbits”? Or is his character now just a hateful murderer?
Maybe he’s just protecting his garden.

I suppose I’d have to watch one of the new cartoons to see what his motives are.

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