In the end... All the big name manufacturers make a fine pistol that will fi the role of range duty and defense use.
They are all a little different and everyone has different opinions and likes/dislikes; this makes for a situation where pretty much everyone can find one they like.
As far as striker fired for range only... I get the thinking where there is less "pride in ownership, and enjoyment" as most are utilitarian in design and function... But for me, while I may enjoy my hammer fired pistols better overall, I like guns in general, so any gun makes a fun range toy. Striker fired does tend to run cheaper on average than hammer fired, so many people on tight budgets are more likely to pick one up for general purpose use.
So while I love my CZ pistols, and they are well priced, they are not striker fired; so I can't suggest them to fit the criteria set forth. But the suggestion of an SP-01 above is a fine choice if the criteria are flexible.
Just find something you like and enjoy it. The finer points can be debated until the end of time, but all the major brands make a good to great striker fired pistol.