looking for new 22lr

Since you said you're open to bolt action, I'll second the recommendation of a Savage Mark II with a bull barrel. I have a Savage Mark II FV myself, insanely accurate. No exaggeration, a friend and I were shooting 9mm casings at 50 yards pretty consistently a week or two ago with it. I'm no marksman, so I was pretty happy with that.
A CZ UZA 452-2E ZKM XII Super Match 22LR (24.8").
Though I'm left handed and prefer to shoot LH designs, this thing is amazing. Hard to find but excellent.
I had a plinkster and didnt like it. It shot good enough and was reliable but its cheaply made with cheap metal and parts. I love my 10/22's. Well made and plenty accurate. Never really understood the knock on the 10/22's accuracy because both of mine will shoot very well. Sure there are better guns but Mossberg's and Marlins are not in my opinion. I have a Remington Targetmaster that will shoot better than any .22lr Ive ever had so if I need super accurate I shoot it.
Buy a Ruger 10/22. Add $500+ in upgrades and then you'll have a rifle that will shoot as good as a Marlin 60. Or just buy a marlin 60 and be done with it!:D
Buy a Ruger 10/22. Add $500+ in upgrades and then you'll have a rifle that will shoot as good as a Marlin 60. Or just buy a marlin 60 and be done with it!

What he said. I have a Marlin model 60 that's about 30 years old and is starting to get a little finicky about what it earts. Probably needs a good cleaning. I have a newer one I've had for four or five years and never a minutes trouble. I had a Ruger 10/22 and it was nothing but a disappointment as far as accuracy goes. I gave it to my niece who actually likes the dang thing.
I have a 10/22 Target with serious mods done to it that my 795 with nothing more than a KAT trigger will compete evenly with. I also have a Marlin 981T tube fed bolt action that I put in a Walnut stock and Rifle Basix trigger that is as accurate as my friends CZ's that are considered entry level for truly accurate .22's. Can't go wrong with Marlin.

By far my favorite:
The only upgrade Ive made to my 10/22's is take some of my kids craft paint and paint the gold dot front sight orange. You guys are hilarious with the add $500 to the Ruger. LOL!!!!
I am not a fan of the tube fed rimfires. The Marlin 60 is a fine rifle. It doesn't seem to have suffered in build quality like some of the Marlin line-up did with the Remington acquisition. I'd take a 10/22 over a Marlin all day long. My 10/22 is accurate enough to do what I do with a 22. Any fractional accuracy edge a 60 MAY have, doesn't translate to any real world advantages.

If buying a bolt gun, it's really hard to beat a Savage heavy barrel.
Sweet, thank you.
Did you need a new front sight post to make it work?
Due to small mouths that demand food it might be a little bit till the funds become avalable.
Yes, I did modify the front sight by filing a half-round groove in the top of the blade and using JB Weld to bond a short section of brass rod into the groove and filing to shape so that it appears to be a round bead on top of a post when sighting the rifle. The face of the bead is filed at a flat, upward-angle to catch the most light, and then finished off with a couple of coats of flourescent paint topped off with clear fingernail polish. Works excellent.
I've got 5ea 22lr rifles including both a 1973 10/22 (2ea) and 1980 Marlin model 60. I bought them new and have enjoyed them over the years. Of the two, they have different strengths, the Ruger being more compact and feeding from a removable mag while the Marlin is more accurate and I like the feel shouldering it better.

That said, it's really what you want out of it that counts. You can get high cap mags, flash hiders, custom triggers, heavy barrels, etc., etc., for the 10/22 while the Marlin is more a conventional rifle. Myself, for general plinking and squirrel shooting, I like my Marlin a bit better because it came with a better stock trigger and it seems to work with a compact 4x scope I use on it better than the 10/22 I have a scope on.

However, you need to try each out and decide for yourself.
I have a 10/22, Model 60, and Savage Mark II. None of them are my favorite.

The 10/22 is the LEGO of the .22 world. Easy and fun to work on, and you can turn it in to anything you want. Reliable stock, but does give up some (and just some) accuracy to the Marlin. Both are minute-of-squirrel accurate.

So the Marlin is slightly more accurate, but if you shoot dirty ammo and don't regularly clean out the action it'll start to jam on you. I'm talking 2,000 rounds or so, which may be a lot or a little depending on your shooting and cleaning habits. The Ruger can take a lot more punishment in this regard.

The Savage is a different animal, being a bolt action. It's easily more accurate than both the Ruger and Marlin. My only gripe is the 10 round magazine. For some reason, I prefer a more streamlined look on my rimfires and have never liked those "banana" shaped mags sticking out from the bottom. I picked up a 5 rounder for hunting, which I like a lot better.

As far as my favorite .22 rifle, that honor goes to an old Remington 510 Targetmaster. It's a single shot, but dang is it accurate. If I ever get a second I'll have it drilled and tapped for a scope mount, because I think it'd out shoot my Savage.

But what I REALLY want is a Remington 512 Sportmaster. Same action and barrel as my 510, but with a tube magazine. Should be able to find one in the same price range as a 10/22.
The CZ-512 has rave reviews and is a handsome piece to be sure. I wouldn't look any farther, they are fabulous especially for the price point.
When doing lots of shooting, tube on Marlin is easy on fingers, and maybe quicker to load than a magazine.

I like that you can put the safety on the Marlin before loading. I like that it stays open on last shot.

Though a person should have a 10/22 and 60, just to have them.

A henry lever or pump, would be fun to shoot. The steel ones are a bit cheaper, and not as loud as brass ones.
I own 10/22's and marlin 60's. I bought all the marlins from pawn shops giving $70-$100. All have been good shooters. I have found them great to give to grand kids and one son in law.

If you shop at pawn shops don't be afraid to low ball them. The worst that can happen is they say no.