Looking for advice on Scopes

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Hey guys, I'm new here and wanted your help and advice on choosing my first scope.

I’m sick of using my friend's gun and scope, so I’ve already purchased a rifle but i want to put some more research into scopes so thought I would ask you lovely people. I'm looking for something thats great at around 200-300 yards.

I’ve seen some great options compared on on old threads and am leaning towards the Bushnell Banner Dusk & Dawn as it seems like a really great buy for the price.

I’ve set myself a budget of $250 for the scope – what do you guys recommend?

Thanks ahead for all the help!
Hey, i suppose i should have mentioned that. The gun I purchased was a Marlin X7, shes very nice but needs a good scope :D
With a $250 budget my top picks.


If you don't want long range dots you can save $50 on this.


If these are still available the top 2 on the list. This is the old Zeiss Conquest with Cabelas label on them. Best bargain available, these sold for $500-$600 with the Zeiss label on them.

Take a look at vortex. I always used leupold but got a vortex for my last gun and I honestly don't notice much difference. Vortex has several options for any budget and the have a lifetime warranty!
I agree with jmr40: Burris FFII 3x9x40. Usually about $199.00. I have one on my .25-06 with the Ballistic Plex.
A Mueller Eradicator scope is worth consideration....own the 8.5-25x50 one with the target dot crosshair. Presently. its mounted on a heavy barrel 223 rifle that is one of my more accurate rifles. P.S., its a Marlin xs7 rifle. Its been on other rifles with a heavier recoiling cartridge.

Optics in mine are quite clear......99% of time I have it on max power for target shooting. 1/8" click turret adjustments for windage/elevation that have a good feel to them and track well.

At range I'm a member, a fair number of fellow shooters have viewed thru the scope and played with its adjustments. Some of them definitely fall into the category of being what I call scope snobs. General consensus of them......all were favorably impressed with my Mueller. I

I've won our ranges monthly competition (at 200 yds) with the Mueller mounted.....beating out gents with much much more costly optics mounted on bench rest style cartridge rifles.....talking 6BR and etc.

Should be able to find it for around $160.
Buy the best glass you can afford, even if it means saving more for the purchase. I wouldn't go less than a leupold vx 2. I'm not sure about the particular scope you mentioned, so I'll let others comment on it's quality and durability.
I just ended up buying a Leupold VX-1 for the .30-06 rifle I built. Haven't shot with it yet but it looks right with the lines of the gun and I am happy with the clarity. Vortex would be another big contender for me.
I have used the Korean made Bushnell Banner Dusk & Dawn scopes on a number of rifles and have found them to be a good scope for the money. I favor the Circle-Plex reticle version as it has more eye relief than the standard dual reticle version. These are NOT really high end scopes but they do offer the cash strapped shooter a better option than the Chinese optics.

If Bushnell is now making these scopes in China then I would pass on them.

If I wanted a good scope that cost around $250 then I would DEFINATELY choose the Leupold VX-1 in 3-9X40. IMHO they are absolutely the best buy in a reasonably priced scope. They are a lifetime investment that will not disappoint you.

I own over a dozen Leupold scopes and have never regretted buying any of them.:D
You may find scopes are 'on sale' at your local shop too. Usually right after deer season ends. 'Used' may not be(and probably isn't) a good idea. No warrantee for one thing.
"...something that's great at around 200-300 yards..." What chambering? What are you doing with the rifle? A 12X, for example, is too much magnification for deer hunting with a .308. Isn't for varmint hunting with say, a .22-250. Isn't for target shooting either.
"...more eye relief..." Eye relief has nothing to do with the reticle. It's the distance between your eye and the rear ocular so the whole circle of the sight is visible. The reticle makes no difference.
"...in China..." Wal-Mart and Target have built their empires on stuff from China. Scary how much stuff that used to be made here that isn't any more. Well known brands too. Kodiak boots for instance. Made in China now. Vista Outdoor Inc.(owners of a horde of big brand names) has stuff made everywhere. Bushnell Elite's are made in China though. Most of their stuff is made in Japan.
My Bushnell Elite was made in Japan, has that changed? It's an excellent scope, very bright, holds zero.

I thought the lower end Bushnell's were made in China, the Elite series and above are Japanese.
Bushnell elite 3500 3-9x40. Made in Japan. Sells for $279. A couple of the online retailers have a 10% off sale going on. Bushnell has a $75 rebate.
Doing the math in my head, but that puts it under $180.
T. O'Heir,

Their IS a difference in the eye relief between the standard reticle Bushnell Dusk & Dawn scopes and those with the Circle-Plex reticle. I know that it has nothing to do with the reticle itself, but for whatever reason Bushnell has elected to offer their Circle-Plex models with an additional 1/2" of eye relief.

Check it out.:p
i have a few bushnell banner 4x12xs and they are decent scopes. i was just getting into and paying child support so i was on a budget. years later i bought a legend and elite in the same deal. bought them both for less than 300 on deal. for the extra money they are alot better scopes....
This maybe a little out of the box thinking. A local gun shop has three used Leupold scopes. Used in the box, each asking $275. One is a Vx III, that is pretty high end for a Leupold and it is a 1.5x - 6x which is an excellent big game scope (deer,etc). One of the others is a VXII in 3-9x32 AO, EFR, gloss, which is another great hunting scopes and suitable for a rimfire. These are both light in weight. Light weight is very important in a rifle you plan to carry all day. I guess these are $400-500 scopes new. The VXII do go on sale. I would stay away from anything x-y-40mm. And that goes double for 44mm or 50mm. They have a place, but probably not suited for your needs. it depend how you hunt, but; the low end magnification setting may see a lot more use.

Some of the alternatives suggest here are very heavy. Your budge limits your options, but; dont ignore the possibility of a good used scope. I do not recommend ebay for a used scope. To many silly people chasing too few good product. Ebay could work, just not my experience.

HI-end (japan) Bushnell and most Nikon offering some great product and excelletn optics,but; tend to be heavy. I do use both, selectively. I have stayed away from vortex and cables.

Guns may come a go, but I never sold or traded a Leupold scope.
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