Looking for a good pepper spray...

Be species specific

I recall that tear gas (and mace) has no effect on canine species, so for dogs coyotes or wolves, not so good. So, make sure whatever chemical you choose is effective (the literature should tell you) for your threat to be defended against.

DO get an out-of-date can and practice with it. (This advice more for the private citizen who is not afforded institutional training, training films and such).

Remember, that nothing is 100% effective. Spray-resistant individuals has been mentioned already. The related subject of Tasers (as an alternative sub-lethal application of force) has been mentioned. As effective as it is, it's not 100% either.

A man in Crestview, Florida was tasered on April 25, 2009 and when the juice was turned off, successfully drew a concealed weapon and killed the two Deputies who were arresting him.

see this news story

followed by this report of the incident

the second report mentions the Taser, the newspaper article did not.

from this thread on TFL


Lost Sheep
Thx for the high praise Capn, out of date contents...

Thanks mucho for the praise Captain, ;) .
I'd add that when you purchase new chemical agents or pepper sprays/gels, be aware of the expired date. Most US self defense products have a shelf life of 3-5 years.
For normal carry or storage, I'd replace any chemcial product after 36mo/3yr just to be safe.
As posted before, you can spray out the older container or use it for training-practice under safe conditions.

ps; Be very careful with EDWs/tasers too. About 5-6 years ago I read a news item about a female police officer in the Daytona Beach FL area who drew her PD issued taser, fired at a violent subject then had the small hooks make contact with a cheap lighter in his shirt pocket!
The subject suffered burns from the injury and was treated at the scene by EMTs.
Bear spray

I carry Counter Assault bear deterrent spray (in appropriate circumstances, that is: where there are bears), and I just wanted to note that it is 2% capsicum spray and 3.2 M SHU (vs. Fox Labs' 2% and 5.3 SHU). And Counter Assault makes a 10% capsicum spray (OC-10), but it is somehow less hot, at 2.0 M SHU.

I'm a little surprised there isn't more of a relationship between the extract percentage and the heat rating, but obviously it isn't as simple as how much capsicum is in the spray.

In any case, my point is that the bear spray isn't more potent than what's used on humans. But its size, and the warning against use on humans on the can, make it impractical and inadvisable.
Cold steel sells inert training cans of their sprays. The spray isn't as hot as some options, but has some features I like.

It's a foam spray so that limits the backspray, but the foam disolves quickly so it's pretty much impossible to throw it back at you.
ASP palm defender is what I carry everyday. It's small enough to fit in my jean's pocket, and I never forget it / know where it is, as it's attached to my car keys...
Lots of good stuff here, years ago I saw a postal guy spray a dog in the face, dog took off fast. Do they carry the same stuff?

Is there one that works on both people and stray dogs?
Has the same effect on both dogs and humans... In any case more efect on dogs, as they have very senitive nose (if you been sprayed you know it burns everything it makes contact with)..