Looking for a good pepper spray...


New member
Not a subject that generally comes up on gun sites to often but I'd like to talk about pepper spray. No it's not a gun and it's not as good as a gun but it does have some advantages (not really wanting to get into that in this thread) and I am looking for a good spray for the wife, maybe myself. I see all sort of options from small to big and am a little lost on what to get, how to carry it and where to get it.


Fox is what we use in the prison. Good stuff. Our training requires we get shot with it, which is crap really. They say it's so you know what it does, next they will shoot us with a 12ga. Just macho stuff.
+1 again on Fox Labs. I have several of the larger cannisters and they are stored around the house, in my cars and on my person. Get the one's that have UV Dye in them as that is good for 24 hour marking of the person in the event that they crawl away after a good dose all over the head!
Not sure if it's available commercially, but my agency just switched to Vexor from Cap-Stun. Cap-Stun was was no joke but I've been told Vexor makes you feel like your face is melting off.
I have been ordering Fox from galls.com. Haven't had to spray anyone yet. My wife sprayed some "to test it out" without paying attention to wind direction and was very, very sorry.
On these threads I often see Bear Spray mentioned. As I have searched for sources all I find are large cannisters. Those are too large to carry routinely.

The 2 oz canisters are about as large as I want to carry unless I was in bear country. Does anyone make a 2-3 oz bear spray? Th 9 oz up are too large.

I can see it now: BUG spray or "mouse" spray; "the little spray you have with you is better than the big one that's at home"

I was going to recommend Fox labs but, others have already beat
me to it. Second place I would say goes to Sabre Red. I always
carry that on my person. Great to have some other tools besides
just a gun.
My wife carries one made by Kimber in the sorta shape of a gun in red ... has two charges of a gooey serious irritant spray ... I've seen it demonstrated in videos and it goes 15 feet or so and sticks like glue ... ugh ...
I would hate to use something formulated for bears on a person and then have them get a good lawer, even if it was less potent I could imagine how it would get twisted around in court.

Pepper sprays are measured in SHU's (Scoville Heat Units) here is a comparison for you:

Green Pepper = 0 SHU's
Jalapeno Pepper = 14,000 SHU's
Habenero Pepper = 40,000 SHU's
Fox Labs 5.3 Pepper Spray = 5.3 Million SHU's

We use the Fox Labs where I work, just be aware that most manufacturers will make multiple sprays with different potencies. Read the label and do your homework before you trust your life to it.

I also had to get sprayed in training and it was truly terrible, it will put most people out of commission. That being said, I have seen(first hand) where it did not work on someone having a violent psychotic episode.

You may want to ask about results from people who have actually USED it, as opposed to just "what kind do you carry?" Results are more important than the fact that some guy was told that this brand is best so thats what he carries.

+5.3 million SHU's to Fox Labs.