Longest rifle shot you've made*

Furthest shot? 1000yd 20" steel gong. Typically 1st or 2nd round hits these days. On game? Furthest deer was about 300 yards, though I would not be afraid to shoot out to 500 in calm wind.

My best shot ever was about 140 yards or so on a coyote in a dead broadside run. 1st round hit, and no one with me could believe that had just happened. I didn't believe it either at first honestly.
I have hit an Steel IPSC target at ~1000 yards with a few different rifles, the most challenging was probably a 1943 Mosin Nagant PU sniper, because of the 3.5X glass. That was handloads, here is the same rifle at ~700 yards with crappy surplus ammo.

There is a 950 yard plate at my local range, have hit that a bunch of times with several rifles.

Went 3 in a row, on a IPSC steel at 470 yards with a 1917 Mauser with iron sights, that was pretty fun.

Best overall shot was probably a Prairie dog at about 850 yards, based on the drop. It was farther than my buddies 800 yard range finder could range.
The nice thing about shooting at P dogs that far away, is they generally let you take a few shots about them before they go down. Took me three shots to hit him, I guessed low on the range and my first shot fell short. I corrected my hold, and the 2nd shot hit a hair low and one dog-width down wind. Kicked dirt on him, and he ran to his hole, but didn't go in. Third shot dumped him. He was a fat one, probably as big around as a 2 liter soda bottle, but not as tall. This was with a custom 6.5-06, 140gr AMAX
1.0 miles.

First shot hit the target stand, second hit 3" below dead center of an 18" steel torso target.
3 different wind directions from the muzzle to the target.
1.0 miles.

First shot hit the target stand, second hit 3" below dead center of an 18" steel torso target.
3 different wind directions from the muzzle to the target.

Much respect given.
Now have a few rifles that can accurately shoot more than 100 yards easily... but don't have a range near me more than 100 yards where I can try that. So... longest target I know for sure I hit was 300 yards with my M16 in basic training Ft Dix 1971. Was one of those man-sized targets that would pop up at various distances at random out to 300 yards, stay there for about 5 seconds and then drop back down if not hit. As soon as it was hit though, it dropped right back down. One popped up way out at 300 and I remember thinking to myself even though its way out there don't take to long to aim or it's gone... I shot and it dropped well before the 5 seconds, and the "counter guy" behind me recording everything marked it as a hit. Could I do that again with my 65 year old eyes now? Probably not within 5 seconds... that's for sure :-)

I do remember when hunting groundhogs as a kid on the farm with my .22, I shot at a HUGE rock outcrop in the field that was probably a good 4-500 yards away. I remember being amazed at the amount of time between when I pulled the trigger and saw debris fly from the top of the rock. As a kid, I thought bullets leave the gun and instantly hit the target.
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I’ve done some 6-800 yard shots at the range, but it took multiple rounds to get on target.

My longest shot on game was a doe antelope at about 475 yards (didn’t have a range finder that trip, was paced off by 3 people and averaged). Single shot to the chest put her down, probably the best rifle shot I’ve ever made.

Most of my shots on big game are 250 or less, and only one range around here has targets at more than 300 yards.
455 yard on a 14 gong with a non magnified red dot in fading light and 20kt cross wind from a bag. One of the longest shots I've ever taken.

Other fun one, though not a rifle was a 20" gong at 185 yards. Landed the first shot with my 5" 629 in 44 mag. My buddy thought I was gonna jump 10 feet in the air after that one:D
My best were offhand shots. 115 yards off hand at a huge 9 point buck. Field dressed at 213 lbs. 12 gauge Remington 1100.

The other was approaching an antelope I'd dropped at over 300 yards with a .243 and old cheap scope. Got within 100 yards and it jumped up to escape. Shouldered and fired as fast as I could to prevent a loss and made a head shot while it was moving. Dad thought I was messing my pants after making that shot.