Longest rifle shot you've made*

.50 Round Ball 600 Yards Long Gong

Thompson Center .50 Hawken Kit rifle. Handcast over fire .498 round ball the night before the trail walk. 120 grains of 2F Goex. Silhouette was a red 55 gallon steel drum lid hung in a tree. Target was on the far edge of a pond from a trail on the other side of the pond down to the target. Estimated range that day was 400+ yards. Since measured at 600 yards. Long way away for open iron buckhorn on the edge of a pond. Shot from classic Creedmore position.on back. All Kentucky Windage. Luckiest shot of my life. Shot on trail walk, one of 20 positions. I was the only one of the group to hit it. It was my first shot at the gong and first time seeing it. I actually shot 17 of 20 that day. Been back many times, and have not hit it since on first shot, but have hit it while spending time on it with many shots.
Great post - fun to read the answers

1000m in Afghanistan, prone using an M110 (suppressed 7.62). It was a bush/cactus type thing. Two shots, as it was pretty windy and my spotter was off by half a mil in judging the wind.

For my own weapons, standard size scuba tank at 625 yards. Semi-custom 260 Rem with match barrel using off-the-shelf Remington Core-Lokt PSP 140 grain ammo and a really old 3-9x scope. Took 4-5 shots (can't remember) because the scope adjustments weren't as advertised (vertical POI adjustments weren't consistent) and it was really windy. Once I was on it, I hit it 4 out of 6 times. The ammo wasn't super accurate in that rifle and I had no experience judging wind at that distance. Hitting 440 yards with the same set up was 100%, but that extra 200 yards really made it harder. Had to move away from the range before I got a decent scope and some good ammo unfortunately.

Longest on game was an antelope at 330 yards with 30-06. Shot was "prone unsupported" for any Army-folk out there. Took one shot and the antelope ran about 250 yards from my left to my right, stopped and looked up. It was a very stiff wind from left to right and I knew my elevation was correct so I aimed farther into the wind and she didn't take another step.

Apparently I suck at picking days to go shooting. It'd be nice to get out on a calm day once in a while! Haha
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500 meters on man size target, army, M-14 w/ iron sights. 400 yards on deer, Ruger 77, .270 Winchester, 4X Leupold scope. Neither was off a bench.
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I've shot targets as far as 600 yards... but not often and never for any reason that mattered.

Farthest "one shot kill" on a living critter was 396 yards on a woodchuck with my .204Ruger. Where I hunt(ed), there was almost never chances to shoot farther than about that distance.

I shot F-class, TR , for a few years, and shot in a handful of matches at 1000 yds. Rifle was a Savage 110 action, rebarrelled with a 26", .308 factory heavy, fluted barrel with a low round count. Rifle was equipped with a match type Sinclair bipod, scope is a 6-24X Burris XTR. Load was 175Gr Sierra MK with a reasonable charge of Varget. F-TR allows unlimited spotters, so every string involves a shot or two for most folks to confirm their zero before going for record. Distance and come ups are known, and most folks with a clue are usually "in the black" from the start. The black scoring rings are 5 ft in diameter.

One memorable string, , I was on the far left of the firing line, and could see the wind flags through my scope for every shot. When the flag closest the targets dropped, I would shoot. The firing line was reasonably protected from wind,but downrange, wind was a factor. I don't recall my scores that day w/o checking my log book, but I clearly recall that the last two shots of the day, and the weekend match, were both X's. That's a 5 inch circle at 1000yds. I was really tickled to end so well.
Not sure of the exact range, but the tangent sight on my Spanish 1916 Mauser was set at 2,000 meters, and I was shooting at an abandoned car on a sand bank on the other side of the Mississippi River. Of course, those old Chevies are pretty big, and I don't know exactly where I hit it, but it went clang, so it counted.

I had a few shots on ground squirrels in excess of 600 yds (with a few warm-up shots) with my 22-250.

About 320 yds on a ground squirrel with a 22LR (again, several ranging shots).
I'm not a hunter but I do an annual prairie dog shoot and I'm getting pretty good at it with 5 years now under my belt. My max kills at 400-425, most of them are 150-250. I can't say any of the hits are "walked in" because the dogs typically won't let that happen, you either take them or you don't for the most part.

My favorite one yet happened on the trip this summer:
I had a bead on a dog on a hill -- but there were actually 2 on this hill about 2 feet apart, distance was around 200 yards. Both were standing pretty. I selected the dog on the right and sent a shot at him. It nailed him solidly, took him off his feet and threw him a foot in the air, LEFT across an arc.

This poor dog landed right on top of the other dog, it scared the hell out of him and he ran to the right like he had a rocket up inside of him. He might still be running!

This was a Howa 1500, 24" heavy barrel .223 Rem, 50gr Hornady V-Max with a dose of H-335.

Perhaps my most satisfying dog was shot at a ranged 24 yards, with my three-alpha prefix S&W Model 52-2, two hand standing, took him out in one shot, 148gr Star swaged hollow-base wadcutter, 2.8gr Bullseye. Not sure which is the more difficult task -- making the hit or actually finding a way to get THAT close to a prairie dog.

I've made two other kills this way, at 15 and 14 yards -- but I've been out there in the field SIX TIMES over the last two years, these are day long affairs, 7 to 11 hours in the field, and I haven't yet taken my fourth dog with a handgun. There is nothing easy about this.
Longest shot I made on varmit was a groundhog at a little over 600yds with a
custom 98 in 243Win & 16x Redfield. 1st shot, off sandbags.
Deer my longest shot was 250yds with pre 64 Win70fw 308/ K6x weaver, off hand.
On steel I can't tell you, some where over 600 and short of 1000yds. I set some
guys up one time. They had full size deer cut out of plate and painted yellow.
They had them at exactly 400yds set with a range finder. They were all shooting
7mm or 300 mags. I snuck in one day when nobody was home and tuned a
Marlin 30/30 shooting Speer 130grHPs to hit the deer targets. Sucked them in
and took them to cleaners.
Approximately 1960

Longest shot on a woodchuck, 500 yards, Savage 110, 30-06 in Bishop stock, bedded and free-floated, 125 grain handload, 2X Weaver Scope. Second shot prone, with small bipod under forend.

Kentucky windage and guesstimated holdover.

Longest offhand woodchuck kill shot: 200 yards...only head and neck showing above the grass . Remington 700 ADL, .22-250 Rem. Shot through the head.


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Camp Perry in 1985 shoot a NMC that included 1000 yds...

on Viale Range.
Had a spotter that gave me wind / no wind, and came to my last five shoot @ 1000.

All five ended up as my 5X, using a stock Garand, using frame hold!
Longest Shot

I don't care to try long shots on game.
Deer at 275 was my longest.

Did win a bet at 500 yards - 9 of 10 clay pigeons.
Didn't need that many to win, he only got 3.

My most interesting 1st shot hit was at 200 yds.
When pic site comes back up, I'll post it.
Be better to see than for me to describe.
FIL bet me I couldn't hit a cottontail. If I won, he would cook it for dinner.

Sat down, drew a bead and nailed it thru the head exactly where I was aiming.

Ruger Blackhawk, 357, 84 long steps. One shot.

Longest rifle shot was 347 yds, 8x57 M98K, open sights, 11 point white tail. 150 gr Speer Hot Cor over a good load of IMR4320. One shot.

Longest 22LR shot was turkey buzzard, in flight, 230 approximate yards. 4 witnesses on that hit and two of them are still living. Remington Fieldmaster made around 1953 from what my Dad told me.
1,000 yards - 6-1/2" 5 shot group. I was the battalion anti-sniper. Some Marine snipers practicing on the range gave me some excellent advice on handling mirage.
Remington 700 action with a McMillan barrel in 7mm/.300 Weatherby with custom loaded ammo from Black Hills.
I shot a deer with a Remington semi auto 30-06 (model number escapes me right now) at 300 yards and it was a quartering away shot. I hit right between back left leg and the rib cage and it went right through the heart. It was a getting out of the stand thing when I turned around and he was right there and was about ten feet from going into wood line.
Roughly 880 yards on a standard IPSC steel using a custom 6.5 Creedmoor on a Kelbly action that I barreled myself. Last stage of the day at a PRS match.

I think the targets were something like 300 yards, 425 yards, 600 something, and then roughly 880 with two shots on each. I hit the first two, missed the third one altogether with no spotting of my misses and pretty much gave up on the last target. But I dialed my elevation and held for what I guessed the wind would be and I was surprised to get two hits on it. Nice way to end the day.

I've had chances to connect at 1,000 and 1,200 yards but I wasn't able to pull it off in the 2 shots I had at the matches and I never got the chance to confirm my data out to that distance.