Longest rifle shot you've made*


New member
Steel, paper, game or other target, what's the distance of the longest shot you've made, what weapon and how many shots to get there?

* Shoulder fireable rifles only, any target larger than a Volvo doesn't count, and aircraft based ballistics / projectiles / missiles or energy weapons don't count.
Earlier this spring, 530 yards, Ruger SR556E, .223 rem. 62 grain varmint tip, 14-inch prairie dog (about 4 inches wide). 4 shots.
I've spent some time shooting at ranges from 400-600 shooting prone or using shooting sticks to replicate hunting conditions with my 30-06 and 308 rifles. Using shooting sticks and from a sitting position I was able to keep 1 MOA out to 500 yards. At 600 about 10" was the best that I could do.

My local range where I have access to benches only goes to 300 yards, but for the last 2+ years I've been shooting at clay targets placed on the ground on a dirt bank a little beyond the 200 yard line with a 22. Ranges vary between 200 to about 230 yards. That is a challenge.
225 yards offhand with my dad's Savage 110 in 270. Two turkeys, two shots.


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Okay, I'll play.

Longest shot at paper target. 600 yards. Put 5 shots into a 8 inch group. Remington Custom Shop M700 chambered in 7mmSTW.

Longest shot "medium sized" game. 430 yards. Prong Horn Antelope. Same rifle as above. One shot.

Longest shot varmint. 510 yards. (Made the 500 yard club.) Prairie Dog. NEF Handi Rifle heavy barrel, chambered in .223. Took a second shot, but got it.
On game: 600-650 yards. Called the left eye on a doe antelope. .270 Win Winchester M70 Featherweight (borrowed), w/ 2-7x Leupold. Unknown handload w/ 130 gr SP (rifle owner's load - he told me where it hit at 100 yd, and that was it). One shot. Left eye.
I wouldn't do it again. Too dumb. Too risky. Too many variables. Good learning experience.

On targets:
I've had hits at longer ranges, but a recent, memorable instance is fresher in my brain:
~1,000 yards. .30-06, 6x45mm, and a couple others. We thought it was a small plate (~6-8") at 625 yards, because that's what the range owner told us. No, it was a very small (4") plate at just shy of 1,000 yards. It took me the better part of a 20-round magazine to walk the 6x45mm in with varmint bullets; and four rounds before the '06 connected. Things just didn't add up. Couldn't figure it out. Then we got home, took a look at satellite imagery, and found that the yardage was dramatically different than advertised.

Even on well-developed, well-maintained ranges controlled by a single owner, you can't believe anything you're told...

It was very cool watching my brother smack that tiny plate repeatedly with his .300 WM, though. Of 20 rounds fired, I believe 15-16 were hits.
Are we talking first shot hit or walk it onto the target?

Longest first round hit: 500 meters , 257 Wby, centered the chest of a standing coyote, DRT.
Second longest first round hit: 460 yards, 243 Win, center punched sitting coyote, wasn't DRT but he didn't move far.
Several first round hits on coyotes @ 1/4 mile with my old 22/250. Shooting 1/4 mile is a common range in farm country that's fenced every 1/4 mile.

I don't consider walking the hits onto the target as much of a feat.
Longest target shot: 725yds, on a 12x24in (I think) steel.
Longest first round hit: 500yds, same kind of target.

Both with an AR-10 and Savage 11 Hog Hunter.

I need to try 1K plus sometime, but 725 is the farthest my local range goes to.
Target is 600 yards. F class open, Stevens 200 in 7mm-08AI.

Deer last Dec. 413 yards. Stevens 200 7mm-08AI with 140gr Berger VLD Hunting.

Coyote 743 yards. Ruger 77 MKII in 257 Roberts. 90gr BlitzKing.

Both animals shot using improvised bench ( stool with backpack on it, me sitting on ground).
Longest first shot at a range at 400 yards. Shooting a S&W AR15 with a 2moa red dot sight, sighted in at 25 yards, and TulAmmo .223. Target was 18" steel.
The longest kill I ever made on a game animal was just a bit over 900 yards with a custom Mauser in 270 Winchester. 150 grain Nosler Partition, one shot, and the kill was still fast. Shot the deer in it's bed. It was able to stand and take one step, then fell over.

The nest longest shot I ever made on a game animal was my 1st moose. I killed it with a 375H&H at right at 1/2 mile when I was on leave from the USMC. The shot was measured from a using a 7-1/2 Minute Series USGS Topo Map with calipers. I fired from the ridge I was on to the edge of the pond the moose was sanding next to, so I had some things to use as points to measure before the shot. I used 67.5 Gr 4064 and a Sierra 300 grain boat tail.

The longest shots I have made were with friends out about 15 miles from my home in the sage flats. We set 12" steel target out. Shooting from 1200 yards I was able to hit 4 in a row. Same rifles as the long shot on the deer I listed 1st.

Most impressive shot I have seen was made by my wife in Nevada back about 30 years ago. 675 yards. 22-250 bench-rest rifle with 53 gr match bullet and 4064 powder. The target was about 3/4 of marmots head looking over a rock. She fired over a back-pack up the hill to the target and made a miss first, just slightly high, that I saw from a 60 power spotting scope. I told her "what every you just did, do it exactly the same but come down 3 inches"! She did,and hit the marmot taking about 1/2 of the head off.
full size coyote steel plate, 1000 yds, Remington 700 25-06, 24 x scope. Shot at Ridgeway rifle club Ridgeway, Pa
It was a friends rifle that was already sighted in for that range.
Cold bore apple at 300 yards with the .308 SPS and handloads. 500 yard 8" plate after 3 attempts; same rifle. I'm no F'ing good at wind; no real practice. :)