Longer range carry gun

Any reason a FiveSeveN wouldn't work? It's light, easy to carry, and the 5.7 should carry plenty of energy out to that range by comparison to it's contemporaries, no? Long slide and sight radius as added bonus. Other thought would be a 10mm Glock long slide, though it wouldn't be my personal preference as I just can't get comfortable with the grip angle.
The only things wrong with the Fiveseven FN is it's way out of my price range anymore, the thing is probably terribly loud, my ears ring enough and the gun is so fugly I could;t see myself carrying it but it might be interesting to try.
I see so many issues with trying to make a 40-60 yard shot with a pistol, under stress, with the loss of fine motor control.

If I felt like I needed to actively engage a target at 40 yards or more on a daily basis, I'd carry an AR with a red dot sight.
Rifles and carbines are dandy but if you've ever tried to string out barb wire in the woods or use a chainsaw for hours at a time or work with stock, you'd probably leave the long gun behind too.
OP, I side with you 100% on this matter.

Actually the reason why I carry what I carry.

I go with Trijicon HD XD sights. The front sight post doesn't get covered by the front sight post like the original HD sights or the even worse XS Big Dot sights.

You'll get people saying "Oh but I don't need to be taking shots at distance anyways!"

Well....Why would you assume you won't? You more than likely won't get in a gun fight. Why are you carrying the gun to begin with? That slim chance that it could happen, right?

Same with my method of carry. I don't want to handicap and hinder myself of something that is in fact a possibility.

Your standard grocery store has a 20+ yard isle.

I separate from loved ones at times. Example, when I wait on my balcony for my wife to find parking. At 11 o'clock at night. My area isn't bad but like all areas, isn't crime proof either.

So in the event of a possible long distance shot. I'm capable of taking aim and shooting and have practiced and trained from 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 yards. Need to punch out farther just to see if I can.

So, yes.

Edit: My Glock 19 has HD XR sights and I'm about to get them on my M11 and P229 as well as every other firearm I have for self defense use.

I've been carrying the M11 religiously. So I have to get to ordering the HD XRs for that ASAP.
Constantine, just out of curiosity, have you ever tried shooting a handgun from a much higher position like your balcony. I'm wondering if a person would have to aim a little (high or low) I can't remember. I guess I should go experiment a little. It kind of ticks me off sometimes when folk get the idea that the ONLY range you can defend yourself is at 7 yards and will only practice at that range, who the heck has a range finder mounted on their pistol. If someone was shooting at them from 8 yards would they stand there and wait for them to step closer.
Yeah, I understand why you feel that way.

Everyone creates their own self-defense scenario and they stick to it as if its the only scenario that exists or something.

As for shooting from a balcony or something, the aim is the same if there is a stationary target. If they're moving towards you, you aim lower on the threat, moving away from you and up, you aim a little higher on your threat.
Well....Why would you assume you won't? You more than likely won't get in a gun fight. Why are you carrying the gun to begin with? That slim chance that it could happen, right?
Because as you admit you more than likely won't get in a gun fight, and the likelihood of the distance being farther than a few feet, let alone a few yards is exponential much less.
Odds are you wont need to reload either, so why bother worrying and training for that too?

Might as well not even carry a gun...


Good on folks that train for more than just 7yds.....
Another reason you practice (well, reason for me to practice) is to know what shots I can and cannot make; you have to push both speed and distance beyond your capabilities, both to improve your skills and to know the shot you CAN'T make.

Think of it this way: you're caught in the 'worst-case-scenario' situation that lots of folks are terrified of, and someone is holding your loved one hostage. They're moving, and the aggressor is only exposing his head above your loved one. Knowing what shots you can make, and what shots you can't, is a product of practice, knowing your abilities and limitations, and then using the tactics needed to stay within them so you can make the shot.

I would always PREFER to have a rifle; even at 10 feet and with one old, crippled attacker, I'd prefer to have a rifle. Rifles > pistols for anything buy carrying. That said, I seldom HAVE a rifle, so I need to know the shots I can make with my carry guns.

I live in the city, my EDC is a Sig P220. But if I go camping for 10 days, why can't my "EDC" be different?

My outdoors/rural carry has been my Beretta 92F, stoked with Fiochi 124gr truncated cone "combat" (which is no longer available). I have found this combo to be superbly accurate, and I selected this in anticipation of longer engagement ranges. That, and a healthy 15 round capacity, because you know there's going to be a few misses if you're shooting much beyond 15 yards. Let's be realistic; the Beretta is a large and bulky gun by current standards, and I carry mine in a Bianchi G.I.-style full flap holster. In my travels across rural Arizona, the Gila Monsters have yet to object to it's obtrusive presence.

Having said that, my longest ever handgun shot was about a hundred yards, at a four inch post, with my 6" S&W 57 in .41 Magnum. I often carry that hunting.

The talk about all the mass shootings etc. in this thread have given me a little pause. Maybe we should all back up that target a few yards, no matter what we carry as an EDC, and see where we stand.

The last time I shot at a target at 20 yards with a handgun, it was a humbling experience, I recall.:o
Shooting up or down the bullet hits higher than it would when shooting level. At pistol ranges don't even think about it - you won't be far enough off to make any difference. Breathe, aim and squeeze, and your target will go down.
(assuming you can breathe, aim and squeeze in that moment)
Opinion: A longer range carry gun in perhaps the AR10. The .308has more range and heavier bullet.
The AR15 too is good and everyone has one.
Just don't use the carbine stock.
It's design is too short and it is too loose for me for the most accurate shooting.
I have Cars on both of mine but still have the issue stock that' i"m putting back on the AR2 with 20 inch barrel.
The CAR is not long enough for me and I'm only 5'10." Nor is it tight and accuracy counts unless it is a select fire, and volume counts for suppression.
A good higher power laser, which I don't have, would be the ticket with lots of practice at longer ranges. However the laser is not much good, or the ones I've tried at over 50 yards at night.
The stock sites are very good with practice.
The first three shots I ever fired from an M16 in Ft Eustis, 1968, at 100 yards, were covered by a nickel. Sounds like brag shots but it is what it is.
Carrying a.22 rifle from the age of 6 in the mountains helped. We practiced, with spent .22 hulls, pennies and walnuts and acorns at what is probably 50 yards and shooting walnuts thrown into the air. It was woods for miles and no danger to anyone.
The SIG 239 in 357 SIG is a good option. I have one, and like all my other 357 SIG pistols, making 100 yard shots is no big deal. That cartridge is amazingly accurate.
Your initial post mentioned the distance but also mentioned you were looking for something lighter than a 1911. Are you sure a light 6 lb carbine would not be preferred? We used to shoot magnums out to mansized targets (rocks) at 200 yards (across a valley to be accurate) but those hoglegs would have failed your weight criteria.

Now if you're talking 25-50 yards can find plastic pistols for that. All the usual suspects with 5in barrels could do such. You might consider a Bar-Sto or similar smith fitted barrel for that type of distance if money is less of a concern.
Carbines are out, too much of a pain in the arse to try to pack around on my back when using a chainsaw, dragging trees or brush and rolling or un rolling barb wire. Picked up a 3"rossi 720 44spl. at a gun show a while back that seems to shoot real well and just the other day bought a S&W model 15 for $300 that is a real joy to shoot and for now will be the farm carry gun until it gets real humid, then I'll switch over to the stainless Rossi with the Pachmayr grips. If I worked in the mid-east I would probably opt for a carbine but in this country running around with a AR on my back so far is unnecessary.
I find it's easier to carry full size for just this reason.
I'm much more likely to run into a pest control issue
on the property, than a hoodlum.
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When I carried my ML during the regular Deer season, in 97..

I decided to pack a GM .45.
So I spent some week-ends prior at the range and using 185gr WW Silver-tpis, was able to keep seven rounds on a 25 yds replacement center @ 100 yds, off-hand using the base of the front.Only then did I feel comfortable using it for back-up.

did the same when I added my Ruger SS6 to the collection.
jrothWA, have you tried the same test with other ammo, I haven't tried any Silvertips in years but found it shot very well in a few different guns. It's nice to know you could defend yourself at a distance.