Long Awaited Lawsuit Against the Maricopa County Jail Finally Begins Today

Free college educations for every one? If they do this where will the money come from? Surely you don't think illegal immigrants alone consume that much cash do you?
Nothin' worth a chit is ever free!
Lets raise taxes? Someone is always paying! Free medical care. Free food. Free condoms... oops those are already out there.
Well I agree, it prevents them from doing more damage BUT, that time could be spent in ways that can accomplish the previous goal and allow them to improve themselves.
Alternatives ARE OFFERED!!! Public school grades will get you a scholarship to college. If you didn't do so well there is community college.

It doesn't work that way. My daughter had a 3.97 grade point average in HS. It would have been higher, but she got a B in a PE course, and an A- in an advanced biology course. The rest was all A's, including a bunch of college level math courses.

She did get one generous private scholarship (and I'm grateful for it) but it's just enough to cover her meal plan -- which is a mandatory fee, BTW. It's still gonna cost me over $35000 per year - and my taxable income is not all that much more than that. The school and the government turned us down for all financial aid. They said to reapply next year.
It's still gonna cost me over $35000 per year - and my taxable income is not all that much more than that.

Wow, you sure have expensive schools in Minnesota. Here in Oregon this is what it will cost an undergraduate
student for the entire upcoming 2008-2009 year at the University of Oregon:

Tuition: $6,531
On Campus Housing with Meals: $8,235
Books and Miscl Fees: $1,300

Total: $16,066

The cost you are paying is a 124% increase above that.

And even if you are a non-resident of Oregon, the cost is still lower here. The total then comes to $29,476

She did get one generous private scholarship (and I'm grateful for it) but it's just enough to cover her meal plan -- which is a mandatory fee, BTW. It's still gonna cost me over $35000 per year

God forbid she goes to a state school if she can't earn free tuition with her grades or find other financing options.

$35K? Sheesh. That's Ivy League prices.

And I bet that 3.97 is on a 5.0 scale instead of the old 4.0 scale. Or is it on the new self-esteem approved 6.0 scale that I've heard rumors of?

Back in my day (jeez do I feel old and crotchety saying that), there was a 4.0 and that was it. An "A" was a 4.0, whether it was in basketweaving, PhysEd, or Calculus. You took your chances and came out with the best you could. There was no invention of "extra" value to "advanced" courses.

Not trying to pick on you and your daughter... just irked by the sense of entitlement created by falsely stuffing records to sound like acheivements made by previous years of students, while having no direct parallel at all.

Similarly, the SAT scoring system keeps changing to cater to some misguided need to artificially boost the bell-point of the curve. The test gets dumber and the scores get higher. Just like raising the max possible on a GPA.

When I went to school (1996-2000), Stafford unsubsidized loans were available at a rate of $2500/3500/5500/5500 for each of the four years of school. I'm sure those caps are higher now. There are also subsidized Stafford loans, and Perkins loans.

I went to a great school, it cost $25K a year in tuition of which I got about $17K in scholarships and loans and had to come up with $8K each year, working. I graduated oweing about $27K in student loans, and I'm down to about $20K at this point at age 30.

University educations should not be free. If they were, we'd invent yet another stratosphere of education to differentiate the gifted from the average. It would become "mandatory" to get a masters or doctorate in order to succeed rather than a BA.
Another option available to folks is to send your kid to community college for the first two years. Tuition is much lower, and you can save on rent as you kid can stay at home.

I went to our local community college for two years and got all of my general education credits out of the way. That way, I could then focus on my major after that. When you do that, you then only have 2 years of expensive college costs, instead of 4.

It is amazing how much college costs have gone up, though.

And I bet that 3.97 is on a 5.0 scale instead of the old 4.0 scale. Or is it on the new self-esteem approved 6.0 scale that I've heard rumors of?

Back in my day (jeez do I feel old and crotchety saying that), there was a 4.0 and that was it. An "A" was a 4.0, whether it was in basketweaving, PhysEd, or Calculus. You took your chances and came out with the best you could. There was no invention of "extra" value to "advanced" courses.

That's an honest 3.97/4.0. No bonus points or 5-scales. Like I said, she had one B and one A- in 4 years of taking honors classes. And that A- was a 94% where the teacher decided that a 95% was an A.
Back to the topic-

I don't see why people think the prisoners are being mistreated. The tents are voluntary, if an inmate doesn't want to be in them, he is free to be in the cell block.

I don't think we should give prisoners free education. Reward them for committing crimes? Ridiculous!

Americans should have a free college education? Look at the state of public education to see how that would turn out.

If everyone in the country had a Bachelor's degree, all that would do is mean that a degree would be worthless. People would need a Bachelors to clean toilets for a living, and a doctorate would be required to manage a 7-11. If you train a prisoner who deals drugs to be an auto mechanic, he makes what- $20 an hour? What makes you think he will stop dealing drugs when as a dealer, he makes $2,000 a night?

Not only that, but we can't afford it anyway.

Heck, why don't we just go all out and make the minimum wage $1,000 an hour? Or perhaps the government could send every person in the country who makes less than $250,000 a year a check for $100,000. That would fix everything.
For those who seem so adamant that the prisoners should suffer the fate as the sheriff of the jail sees fit...... I guess that is easy for you to take your position since you are outside of the jail while the inmates are inside. You have not even been there to see the conditions, yet you back the sheriff's position. I suppose you also believe that everyone in jail is actually guilty of the crime for which they are arrested??
My daughter had a 3.97 grade point average in HS. It would have been higher, but she got a B in a PE course, and an A- in an advanced biology course. The rest was all A's, including a bunch of college level math courses.

She did get one generous private scholarship (and I'm grateful for it) but it's just enough to cover her meal plan -- which is a mandatory fee, BTW. It's still gonna cost me over $35000 per year - and my taxable income is not all that much more than that. The school and the government turned us down for all financial aid. They said to reapply next year.

So where is it written that someone else has to pay all the costs of your child's--or any child's college? That's why they have student loans. Borrow now and pay it back post-graduation.

And going back on track, so what if prisoners--even pre-trial ones--have to live in tents and eat lunch meat sandwiches? They still get food, shelter and medical treatment if needed, and it's not like any of them are there because they were singing too loud in the church choir. Yes, maybe a few may be not guilty (it's very, very rare but it happens) but I really don't care. I'm not willing to pay for air-conditioning, catered meals and cable TV for all of them just so that a couple of people who are still probably scumbags don't have to have such an unpleasant time waiting trial.
19 days in a county jail for NO CRIME. No details either but I assure it wasn't sherriff joes jail. Many in there may have not been guilty but many that were do there time easy as pie and get out to re-offend post haste.
Cold as heck in that cell block too!
Jail should be punishment.
Jail isn't really about punishment, its more of a separation tool between those in it and the rest of society.

If you want punishment you could always go back to whipping people..............

Jail is about rehabilitation. Separation, yes, but about a sentence time, hoping the criminal will not result to breaking the law again. The jail is more effective the way that it currently is. Folks really don't want to come back. So they will either get smarter and not get caught or not break the law.

As far as punishment, that would be a great idea. Save us a lot of money immediately and still get the point accross. Great Idea. Maybe we could get those profesional cainers.

And I was also in Saudi, in a tent. At one point, for two solid weeks, it reached over 130 degrees. And I was a productive member of society. I hadn't broken any laws. Why should this scum, be treated better than I?
I think they are mistreated by the "green bologne sandwiches" crap that the sheriff has been quoted bragging about. Other than that (from what I'm aware of which I admit is limited) is probably okay. You've got to feed people properly (he's not) and you have to supply adequate shelter (maybe it is, maybe it isn't).
Jail isn't really about punishment, its more of a separation tool between those in it and the rest of society.

If you want punishment you could always go back to whipping people

Jail is about short term sentence, and those awaiting sentence, and those awaiting trial, which would mean there is enough evidence to hold them.

I think college education should be free to all US born citizens, we do it to make a better country. Considering all the money that goes to illegal immigrants and pointless wars, money-wise it shouldn't be a problem.

Having people simply sit in jails doesn't benefit anyone.

Yes having people sit in jails benifits the hard workers of this country, not worry about thugs running around. I would prefer not to waste my tax dollars on some idiot, that's going to commit another crime as soon as he gets out.

And as far as free college? Really, how about cutting taxes and putting it back in my pocket....I have no problem paying taxes to get rid of illegals, but I do have a problem with paying for your kid to go to school.
Do any of you actually ive in AZ. ? I do and the meat is not green, however the underwear are pink. Joe does a job that the people of Maricopa want him too. Jail is jail, not a vacation!

I personally do not care for Joe, he is a glory hound, who loves to see himself on TV. But he brought back the chain gang, and they clean up trash everywhere, he cut cost across the board, and he is adressing the illegal issue.

He is a guy that gets it done!, because as he has said before "I am appointed by the people"
