Long Awaited Lawsuit Against the Maricopa County Jail Finally Begins Today

I don't think he falls outside the legal requirements. There's almost never any rain out there, so they won't catch pneumonia. :D

Tent city is no more cruel than any 19th century prison or stockade might have been. Dirt floors, no a/c, no electricity, no running water...

To put a compassionate face on it... as long as the Sheriff uses some reasonable guidelines with regards to who gets tent city and who stays inside. I'd not want to put a 67 year old out in tent city in August. Nor a pregnant woman. Or someone with certain illnesses or disabilities (e.g. diabetics, respiratory cases, heart problems).

Nor would I force someone to eat bologna when their religion or health requirements prohibit it. As for me, I find bologna disgusting. I'd rather have a cheese sandwhich or a tomato sandwhich.
I live in AZ and work in the heat all day . I drive a tour boat at the bottom of The Grand Canyon West . I REALLY eat a baloney sandwich with mustard on white bread EVERY DAY . It won't fall apart if I have to throw it back in my pack when tourists show up at the dock .
Now these people that are complaining went through an arraignment . Two things were found out . ONE: A crime had been committed . TWO: There was sufficient evidence presented that showed that there was an overwhelming arguement that that person was involved in some way . Bail was set according to the severity of the crime . FACT: 98% of all defendants are found guilty . Not to mention that a good record many times results in ROR . A high bail not only means that the crime was bad but this person has a checkered past which means there is a strong possibility that they will not show up for trial . These types of complaints are filed by those that have previous convictions aided by lawyers that charge the court for their time . It's a "make work" deal for lawyers that have time to kill or can't find any clients due to low skill levels . Real lawyers have better things to do . Shoddy lawyers suck the teat of the public .
Found this article in the "related articles" box on the same page...

"An alleged home invader was killed and a homeowner left fighting for his life after a shootout at a west Valley home Sunday night.

You know, I noticed that story on the website too. Something just does not seem right about it.

What are the odds of several men armed with AK-47's and wearing full body armor invading your home in the middle of the night??

Pretty bizarre story, I must agree. I would speculate that it must involve drug smuggling operations from Mexico. Your average criminal gang is not that heavily armed. And if criminals in Maricopa County are indeed that dangerous, then no wonder their Sheriff has to be tough!

Here is an interesting side note about this story.

It turns out that Sheriff Joe Arpaio has been conducting major crime sweeps that result in the arrests of large numbers of criminals. However, Latino rights groups are complaining that these sweeps discriminate against Latinos, as the vast majority of the people being arrested are Latino. In addition, half of the people being arrested are illegal aliens, and Sheriff Arpaio is turning them over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement for deportation.

Here is this story complaining about how Sheriff Arapaio discriminates against Latinos:


The rights activists said that Sheriff Arpaio was sentencing these immigrants to "death", because he was forcing them to once again risk their lives by crossing the border to come back. And that basically amounted to a "death sentence". That's very interesting logic to use, no??

What is so wrong with Sheriff Arpaio's policies that so many folks are upset with him? Anything?

I have no problem sending illegals back directly where they came from, there is nothing wrong with that. But his storage of potential inmates is unacceptable.
Too many bleeding hearts.

The conditions in "tent city" (as Joe calls it) are not that bad. They have a roof over their head, a cot to lie on, and 3 meals a day.

I work outside in the Az heat all day everyday. The real temperature on the rooftops when I am working is 140 to 160 degrees. The inmates are at least in shade; I don't have shade while I am working.

I did some work for the Az Dept of Corrections 2 summers ago. They also have tents in Florence, Az. I spoke with the inmates that had earned the privilege to sleep in those tents. They preferred the tents to the cell blocks. Cleaner air, less noise, more relaxing. It really is a privilege to them that they work towards.

Just because a liberal thinks it is cruel, does not mean it really is that bad.
The prisoners get fruit as well... Picked by inmates. Joe says he spends $1.40 per day to feed his dog and $.40 per day per inmate! Gotta love it. NO MRE's They are too costly and way too many calories for a sedentary inmate. Beats bread/rice and water every day! As for the tents, he provides fans to blow the hot air around:D What I wanna know is if he finds out an inmate is gay, does he make them where blue undies instead of pink?
Because bleeding heart wussy politicians tell too many sheriffs how to run a jail!
Plus their are only so many surplus FREE tents to go around. If 3 sandwiches and 3 pieces of fruit per day is so good why don't they all do it??? See above!
Pink underwear? Cuz macho criminals DO NOT LIKE IT! Chain gang? CUZ MACHO CRIMINALS DO NOT LIKE IT! HARD LABOR... Again cuz the criminals do not like it. No salt or pepper, ketchup mustard mayo either! No cable tv but they do get bed time story read by Sherriff Joe... No weight pile cuz he don't need big buff criminals able to whoop his guards tail or each other so brutally.
This isn't the 1900s, we have standards. We shouldn't attempt to be the "toughest", we shouldn't attempt to "punish". Managing people through fear is not acceptable.

He is no one to be proud of.

The goal should be to solve problems, not expand them.
Incarceration is a form of PUNISHMENT to force the offender to PAY their DEBT to SOCIETY! No jail in this nation no matter how NICE they are is any better at *rehabilitating* offenders than another... If they wanted rehab they can get that voluntarily. They are in CRIME SCHOOL plain and simple.
And loss of freedom, rights, niceties, luxury, excesses and more. Punishment. Separation is not always so. Many times they bump into more buddies inside than outside them walls.
Its not really punishment, its separation.

Arizona seems to think incarceration is punishment.

Arizona Revised Statutes - Criminal Code - 13-603

H. A court authorized to pass sentence upon a person convicted of any offense defined within or without this title shall have a duty to determine and impose the punishment prescribed for such offense.
hmmm, I think it would serve everyone better if we moved on from a draconian view of the "penal" system.

Punishment doesn't work, I would rather have them be spending their time becoming skilled and getting a degree in something which benefits society instead of laying in tents and digging graves.

Our goal should not be to make something so bad it scares away people from doing it again. Our goal should be to offer an alternative so they would never want to do it again.

This is not to say it will work for all people, those who can't function in a normal society should still get to pursue a way to become contributors, they can simply do it from within prison.
Alternatives ARE OFFERED!!! Public school grades will get you a scholarship to college. If you didn't do so well there is community college. Once the offender offends they have alternatives. Most of these folks are in jail for one of 3 reasons or a combination of them... Drugs, Aggressive tendency or utter laziness. Disrespect for society and authority is no reason to be *ENTITLED* to things I and my children are not also *ENTITLED* to. Free degree or job skills training at our expense is a greater cash burden than .40 cents worth of green bologna and a buck or so worth of care per day...
Sheriff Joe is one of my heroes. Jail is punishment and should be so unpleasant that you don't want to go back. It's a huge step up from the liberal approved air conditioned prisons where rape is as common as drugs. I love the idea of the tent city and the chain gangs. Keep up the good work Joe!
I think college education should be free to all US born citizens, we do it to make a better country. Considering all the money that goes to illegal immigrants and pointless wars, money-wise it shouldn't be a problem.

Having people simply sit in jails doesn't benefit anyone.