Lock and Load!!!!!Pennsylvania TFL Shoot Sept 16th

I'm pretty sure I stated earliar that everyone should get there by 11am. I'm getting there early to make sure everything runs smooth. If everyone shows up this time I'll lay the money down for the whole range next time.

K80Geoff and I were talking about what to do for food earliar. I doubt they will let me bring a grill because they do have a place inside for hot dogs and drinks.

I called the guys at the Cowboy Action organization and I'm waiting for a return phone call. Keep checking back and I'll keep you all posted.
Soda, if you have to postpone the rifle and pistol shoot till the next weekend it`s fine with me,in fact it`s better. I`m affraid Sporting Clays aren`t my thing plus I`d be the only guy out there with a rifle sighted riot gun. :eek: Marcus

I don't do sporting clays gang! I hope that things work out for us on the 16th. As for the weekend after that I and the Girlfriend have tickets for a cruise on Carnivals Victory. So I would be out (TO SEA)! :( I just bought tons of stuff for this shoot too!! Life is just not fair:rolleyes: DAROGUE1

I talked To them and they said they can't allow anyone else to be shooting while they are out there FOR SAFETY REASONS.

BUT He said they usually finish up shooting by 3pm and we can shoot after that. Sporting Clays form 12-3pm, rifle and pistol 3pm -Sunset? I think thats until about 7:30 or so. That is late in the day but since everyone was planning on the 16th does it matter that much ?????
I think I will just do the sporting clay course Sunday..... :D

I will bring a rifle (or so) no matter what though. I need to figure if more than one of my friend's is coming, also my dad might come out??? Ugh! :)
This is a big disappointment. I was hoping to get in some range time with my AR and a couple of handguns.

Untill we can get a decent turnout and find a range that we can reserve things like this will happen.

I hope people still show up, this is a national shoot weekend for TFL.

Damn cowboy fashion shooters. First they start screwing up good old double shotguns by cutting them off, now this:)

We have to find a new range that is convenient to all of us, anyone have any suggestions.

Geoff Ross
Geoff, I distinctly remember you saying when we did the sporting clays to "Double Check" and "Make Sure they don't have anything else for that weekend". Then I specifically asked that woman with the long blonde hair if anything else was schedule for that day besides the Sporting Clays tournament and she said "NO". I'm pretty sure you were standing right behind me. She was the one that was going to rent me the 12gauge but then you butted in and said "You can use mine". Ugh:mad:


We changed the date specifically to get ArmySon and Darogue to come so you two tell me what you want to do? We can move it later into Sept or early October for Rifle and Pistol and pretty much just postpone this thing. I don't want to half ass it and not enjoy the day. THERE IS STILL THE POSSIBILITY THE COWBOY ACTION SHOOT COULD BE CANCELLED!!! They have a hotline 215-884-1218. If they cancel because of Iffy weather which seems a real possibility we could get in.

Sporting Clays are still on!!!
Ok How about this. Anybody who wants to shoot Sporting clays show up on the 16th. Bring some handguns and Long guns if the range opens up later in the day.

We then schedule the rifle/handgun extravanganza for a wekend later in September or October.

When we shoot on the 16th we will put the owners into some type of medevil torture device and extract a date when we can RESERVE the range. We will pass the hat for loose change to put down a deposit so we can have the range to ourselves this time.

I suspect the cowboy shoot came up after we were there and they laid out the greenbacks to get the range. Money talks, and unfortunately we live in the Northeast where it talks the loudest.

I hate you guys in Utah, :p All that open space and no one to bother you when you shoot.

How about bids on a date for this thing?

Geoff Ross
yea guys......

I don't want to come that late in the day. So it would be out for me too. I will check this thread though and hope for the best but expect the worst. Keeping the fingers crossed.....DAROGUE1
Goin' shootin' tomorrow at some crappy free (PA State Game Commission - three rounds at-a-time ) range. Peer pressure!
If it rains, I have a plan-B to swing by Water&Wings to shoot at the covered range with rifles but if it should happen to stop raining while I'm there........
Is there a place for hand-tossing clays there? I am shooting my 870 for the first time and I am not up to any of that thar fancy automated clay firing stuff.
PS. I know that this is off-topic but there are a whole lot of W&W patrons here and I am still bumming about missing the upcoming TFL shoot.
I have a Cowboy Action schedule at Water and Wings for 2001. We can't do it on October 21st because they have a match then. The Sporting Clays tournaments won't interfered with ther Rifle/ Pisol range so hopefully nothing else is booked. We can decide on a date for the Rifle and Pistol shoot before the 16th and then Put money down to hold the range to ourselves. If some of you want to help put money towards it (Some of you already said you would) it would be a little easier for me.

How about Sunday Sept 30th. That's two sundays after the 16th? I'd rather do this sooner than later.
I dont think I can make Sept 30th. I will be there the 16th though..... What time do you all want to meet up for Sporting Clays??? :D
I have no problem with showing up for Sporting Clays on the 16th. I should have my own shotgun by then, even if I have to stop by Wal-Mart on my drive up. :)

I can't really help set a future date, since I'm currently job hunting and may be moving soon. I'll probably be finding a short-term job soon anyway, and that may cut into my free time on weekends. :( I'd really like to attend a general rifle and handgun day at the range, since I'm still a newbie and eager to learn, but I also have to fund the hobby.

Oh, and my one and only gun is my carry gun, a 9mm SIG P239. I'm planning to apply for PA non-resident CCW, too. :D
The best thing about these PA TFL shoots is you hardly need to bring anything. If "Dead" shows up, he's got enough guns to arm 10 people ;).

I've been the guy organizing these things but I'm in no way a Professional. I'm the Econo-Buy Rifle/Pistol shooter (SKS,Mini 14) I got a FAL now though :)

"K80Geoff" is the Sporting Clays Guru and took me around for the first time. He also helped convert my sister into a 2nd Ammendment Sister :D (I might try and bring my girlfriend up and see if he can help convert her next). I don't think we've had one bad apple yet. I'm sure I'll be shooting with these guys for a long time.
i've shot there on the 2nd of sept., and it is a ashame they torn down the 500ydr. the 400yd is starting to grow in and getting block by the 300yr also growwing in. love shooting there, meet some cool people. shoot just about every sunday there. confused:
Sniper-The 500yd area wasn't torn down, ITS WAS BURNED DOWN:mad:!! Somebody was shooting tracers and started a fire. The 500yd back post is all tires and once they caught fire, things got out of control. Its a pile of ash now. Its the Best range I have ever been to in PA.
sodapop, i was told they torn it down last sunday, thanks for clearing it for me. and yes it is a great range to shoot at. so when is the date for the shoot?
The 16th we are getting together for Sporting Clays and hopefully some rifle and pistol stuff. If the Cowboy ACtion thing they have going on there gets canceled, we'll be doing more Rifle and Pistol shooting. Things are a bit of a mess right now and its all up in the air for another week and a half. Keep Checking back.

What kind of guns do you shoot there?
mainly shoot my ar-15s, m-1 carbine, long range is my 7mm rem mag.,and sometimes dust off my 30-30 and 30.06.
pistols are the sig family. long day shooting and long day cleaning. :D