Liberals love racism, promote it at college

Yeah, I recently moved, so maybe my "white privilege" membership card got lost. Cause I still had to wait in line 3 hours at the Secretary of State, still have to wait for a table at Applebees, still pay too much of my money in taxes, and still get denied job positions ans some college acceptances. That pisses me off, if only I ad my white-guy card I could jump the lines and get any job or go to any school I want.
I just saw on Hannity & Colmes that the University of Delaware has backed down and canceled their program to have whites indoctrinated about their so-called racist views.
A Message to the University of Delaware Community

Nov. 1, 2007

The University of Delaware strives for an environment in which all people feel welcome to learn, and which supports intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, free inquiry and respect for the views and values of an increasingly diverse population. The University is committed to the education of students as citizens, scholars and professionals and their preparation to contribute creatively and with integrity to a global society. The purpose of the residence life educational program is to support these commitments.

While I believe that recent press accounts misrepresent the purpose of the residential life program at the University of Delaware, there are questions about its practices that must be addressed and there are reasons for concern that the actual purpose is not being fulfilled. It is not feasible to evaluate these issues without a full and broad-based review.

Upon the recommendation of Vice President for Student Life Michael Gilbert and Director of Residence Life Kathleen Kerr, I have directed that the program be stopped immediately. No further activities under the current framework will be conducted.

Vice President Gilbert will work with the University Faculty Senate and others to determine the proper means by which residence life programs may support the intellectual, cultural and ethical development of our students.

Patrick Harker
Yep! They pit the people of America against each other , that way they Feel they have some form of control! Black , White, Hispanic, Laotian, what ever! If we was left alone, all would be fine! I have friends from Singapore! I have friends from Guatemala, I have friends from England, Australia, and Greece!!

None of my frieds are a threat to the U.S or you or me!

I was in the Military for 11.5 years and found that if you treat people like people, they will treat you like a person!

I have lived more then 6 months in the following contries: Ireland, England, Greece, Turkey.. And the Good ol U.S.A. Born in Washington D.C. I joke with the Border Patrol about it is still part of the Uninted States Right?????

They don't seem to find it funny!:eek:
This comes from an institute of higher learning? Either those running the University of Delaware are morons, or this was purely indoctrinational and political correctness run amok. Care to guess which I believe it to be?

race: classification of human beings (period, punto y final) -- probably one of the most misused and distorted words in the English language. It has been adopted as a popular synonym for ethnicity or social construct.

Scientifically speaking (biological anthropology, that is) there are only three races: Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid. Any other subcategorization is not based on race.

A primer for those interested.

Many scientists have argued that race definitions are imprecise, arbitrary, derived from custom, have many exceptions, have many gradations, and that the numbers of races delineated vary according to the culture making the racial distinctions; thus they reject the notion that any definition of race pertaining to humans can have taxonomic rigour and validity. Today most scientists study human genotypic and phenotypic variation using concepts such as "population" and "clinal gradation". Many anthropologists contend that while the features on which racial categorizations are made may be based on genetic factors, the idea of race itself, and actual divisions of persons into groups based on selected hereditary features, are social constructs

So the accurate definition of racism is believing the race to which one belongs is superior to the other two. It has absolutely nothing to do with the "abuse of govt, institutional, cultural or societal power". The concept so often described as 'racism' would be more appropriately defined as prejudice or bigotry.

BTW, white Americans can't be 'racist' against Mexicans because they belong to the same race.
Good to see this may go out the window. I still think the entire thing probably had no teeth, and probably wasn't taken seriously by the low-level staff that would actually implement it...but even a stupid policy that's unenforced and/or unenforceable is still stupid.
It seems to me that those who insist on Affirmative Action for certain racial groups are demonstrating their own bigotry as shown in their low expectations. I could qualify for affirmative action treatment since I have a percentage of Native American that is great enough to qualify. I am proud to say I have never checked that box on any educational or employment application since I prefer to be judged on my own character and performance. Sadly, some will always seek power by playing groups against each other.
Racism is(or at least used to be before the right wing changed the definition) about the abuse of govt, institutional, cultural or societal power. We already had prejudice and bigotry that could apply to anyone.

cultural or societal power

i take it you've never lived in any area's as a white minority?

the abuse of govt

dont spend much time at the post office either?:D
If I remember my history, it was the Republicans that fought to repeal slavery and the northern and southern Democrats that fought to keep slavery.

If I remember my history, the southern Democrats fought against the civil rights movement in the 50's and 60's while the Republicans fought for desegregation, etc.

Now the Democrats seem to claim credit for civil rights, but somehow want everyone to be a slave for, or be dependent on the state so they can still be in control.
I taught for a while at a state school, faculty and staff had to go through this as part of the continuing professional development program. It was also presented to students as a lifestyle improvement segment, we had to cancel class so they could go to this.

I think this message is about 30-50 years late, I'm only 29 but first hand stories and other sources of info tell me that all of this was relevant material to introduce into the workplace and schools a while ago.

I think there are still a lot of people people with different types of prejudice that is probably more subconscious than conscious thought with the handful of outrightly racist people. This way too late Public Service Announcement does more harm than good IMO.

I am white, I am of German descent. I am also married to a black woman, have a bi-racial child, am fluent with Spanish and a few Mexican/South American dialects and cultures. I am not ashamed of being any of those things, I don't owe anyone anything but the same thing they owe me...basic human respect. Obviously the actions of individuals will add or subtract to that basic respect level I have for everyone from the beggars on the street corners to seven figure earning CEO's get from me.