Liberals love racism, promote it at college


1. The title is over the top, designed to inflame. Just as liberal stereotypes of conservatives, CEO's, oil companies and others are not always accurate (but used regularly). I am sure there are liberals genuinely interested in a color-blind society and who conduct themselves in a way that promotes that goal. That being said, liberalism in this country is in general very reactionary against anything outside its basic coda, and affirmative action and systematic oppression of minorities by whites or especially white men is a regular topic among most liberals. That they are engaging in the same bigotry they condemn is lost on them. When you are morally superior, bigotry is somebody else's problem.

2. Mike Adams is not a professor at Univ. of Delaware, which is the subject of the article. The FIRE organization is the one who kicked over the anthill and if you desire to be more informed, I suggest you follow the link in the article to their website.

3. This problem is not limited to Delaware, as the Ward Churchill saga, the shout-down of David Horowitz at Emory and takeover of the stage at Columbia when the Minutemen founder tried to speak there show. In cases related to freedom of speech, many liberals see it as a one-way street. Their views about who might be racist and what should be done about it are similarly ideological and uniform.

4. Hillary Clinton learned a great deal from Saul Alinsky ideologically. Her first job out of college was "working with the underprivileged" as an assistant to the head of the CA Communist Party, whom she became acquainted with through her legal work in college to aid the Black Panthers. She bills herself as an "old-fashioned American progressive", whose conceptual inspiration and framework, if not exact quotes, flow from Karl Marx. There are a series of quotes from the woman herself that with slight word changes spring right out of marxist "thought". If you don't believe it, then IMO you are blinded by your own ideology or you are uninformed, by intent or negligence.
takeover of the stage at Columbia when the Minutemen founder tried to speak there

. . . and they turn around and give a hero's welcome to Ahmed-imanutjob.

What a fouled up place.

C Philip, my son keeps trying to wear that shirt to school. :eek::eek::D
The caucasian race, if you care to look it up, actually makes up less than 15% of the world's population. That means that people of color make up a little over 85% of the world's population. So if there is racial discrimination, does that mean that caucasians are the ones who ones being UNFAIRLY denied things because they aren't of color? Sounds like it to me. So, that being the case, how come caucasians have GOT to give up things that they really should be entitled? None of this race stuff makes any sense at all.
You make a good point zerojunk. However, blacks in south africa, although a majority, did not have political power, in essence they were a minority within their own country.

Racism is(or at least used to be before the right wing changed the definition) about the abuse of govt, institutional, cultural or societal power. We already had prejudice and bigotry that could apply to anyone.

If white people ever became a minority in the US congress then even if white people were a majority they could experience racism.

Not that my opinion matters, as the other guy said words change meaning all the time. But as Mark Twain said, "the difference between a word and the right word is the difference between lightening and a lightening bug", at least I think that's what he said.
The problem with this is that it seems to run counter...

To the basic civil rights movement. Dr King wanted people to be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin.

a] racist is one who is both privileged and socialized on the basis of race by a white supremacist (racist) system. The term applies to all white people (i.e., people of European descent) living in the United States, regardless of class, gender, religion, culture or sexuality.”

This does not seem to be in line with Dr King's dream. So who is in the wrong here? Dr King's dream? the university? or the individual who reported it to us? Seems to me that someone here must be in error. If the quote is accurate, I'll put my money on the university. :barf:
To the basic civil rights movement. Dr King wanted people to be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin.

This does not seem to be in line with Dr King's dream. So who is in the wrong here? Dr King's dream? the university? or the individual who reported it to us? Seems to me that someone here must be in error. If the quote is accurate, I'll put my money on the university.
Spot on. Dr King knew what he was talking about. Things like this go against the very idea he fought for.

Oh, stop being intentionally dumb. We all know the score. They'd cut our throats, hang us upside down, and drink our blood if they could. The whole grievance machine is just a tactic.
who? :confused:
:barf: I hate it when people twist the definition of racism to meet their own twisted ideologies. Racism is a set of beliefs based on holding one's race to be superior to another based strictly on genetic makeup.
I hate it when people twist the definition of racism to meet their own twisted ideologies. Racism is a set of beliefs based on holding one's race to be superior to another based strictly on genetic makeup.
Indeed...which is a little silly considering that many anthropologists feel that "race" is a purely cultural construct. :)
Indeed...which is a little silly considering that many anthropologists feel that "race" is a purely cultural construct.

I agree. I always considered myself a member of the human race. I guess that's just a little too inclusive for some people.
"their definition of racism is essentially correct."

That recently invented definition is just so provincial, or maybe simply self-centered, and it completely ignores the much wider world view necessary to be a truly involved, caring and wise individual.

Shine a light, cockroaches run

The President of UofD announced today that "mistakes have been made" (though the media and bloggers mischaracterized the program and "treatments") and on the advice of his cohorts in designing the program, it will be discontinued immediately and totall.y, pending a "top to bottom" assessment.

I suggest perhaps he has his top inserted firmly into his bottom, so that part of the review should not take long.

In any case, three days of scrutiny and he caves. Makes you think there was something smelly...indefensible...going on. The light of day sent all the cockroaches into a tizzy.

One small step for...
Would somebody please tell me where that white privileged system is? I seemed to have misplaced my membership card. The only privilege I ever had was to work for whatever I had. I can't remember walking into someplace and hearing, "oh a white guy here let me stamp that approved for you".

There is racism in America but its prevalent in other ethnic and minority groups as well.
It's just like the judicial standard on gerrymandering: it's alright to discriminate based on somebody's political beliefs, just not on the color of their skin. I think the university's program was not only misplaced effort, but also an eency-weency bit extreme. Just a little. ;)

Affirmative Action proponents act like it matters what the color of the skin of the poor people is. There are plenty of whites that meet their definition of disadvantaged, but their efforts are poorly-focused and intend to bring the races into balance rather than assist people who grew up with reduced opportunities for other reasons.

I may be a dirty liberal and support stuff like community colleges and the idea of poverty reduction, but I don't see why you need to turn it into a race thing. Poor people are poor people, and you don't need to apply a racial filter to your efforts to fix matters. If you were going to do anything like affirmative action, I'd be more interested in questions like "are you the first member of your family to go to college?" and the like on college applications rather than "are you black?"
+1 to Eghad. I lost my card too. Been workin for a living ever since.

I don't have time to be a racist... I'm too busy taking care of my kids.
Cliff notes of page 3

Born white = racist because you are not a person of color

People of color are not capable of racism
