Liberal Gun Rights advocates

You are probably right about the house and that it would be hard for the democrats to get to a veto proof majority. However, in the Senate, we have a bunch of RINO's who are not necessarily friends of the 2nd Amendment.

Susan Collins, Olympia Snow, George Voinovich, Dick Lugar, Gordon Smith, Arlen Specter, and John Warner come to mind, especially when thinking about the AWB. If all of them joined the democrats, they could have more than the 60 votes needed to end debate and move forward.
I will opine that we could do better without parties. Then candidates wouldn't be locked into official ideological positions.

We could vote for candidates based on how they express themselves on the specific issues and their personal philosophies.

We could do without candidates having to appeal to nutso bases of the left and right to get the nominations.

Your economic policy could vary from your social agenda and your gun rights positions could be separate.

That would be great...but then where would they get the money to run. The sad thing is they have to smile and lie to get the backing of the party and it's financial supporters. :(
For people who believe that protecting 2nd amendment rights trumps every other issue, that is the way they feel. Some of us feel strongly about gun rights, but give other issues equal or greater weight. I'd be a lot more interested in learning more about the diversity of opinions people around here actually hold, and how they set their priorities among them.

Sealing the southern border and deporting all the illegal immigrants, then removing the law which creates anchor babies.

I would vote for almost anyone who would do that, I would even vote for them if they wanted to ban guns altogether.

Guns are nice, but they don't take priority and other more pressing matters mean allot more to me.