Liberal Gun Rights advocates

Of course liberals support gun rights.

Just ask Al Gore about his deciding vote on the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban.

Ask Bill Clinton or Hillary Clinton.

Ask Chuck Schumer or Diane Feinstein about "turning them all in."

Ask Barack Hussein Obama about all the gun control measures he's supported.

And ask Ted Kennedy about armor-piercing 30-30 rounds, and ask Rod Blagoevich (however the heck you spell his last name) about Chicagoans owning guns, and then make sure to ask Mayor Daley.

And on the U.S. Supreme court ask Ginsberg, Stevens, Souter, and Breyer.

And then go ask Joe Biden about his part in writing the 1994 Assault Weapons ban.

And be sure to ask Mark Pryor, liberal senator from Arkansas and Blanche Lincoln, even-more liberal senator from Arkansas, and Henry Waxman from California, and liberal film-maker Michael Moore, and Frank Lautenberg, and Patrick Leahy and Babs Boxer and Patty Murray and John Kerry.

I won't even make a list of Hollywood liberals with famous gun rights stands like Barbara Streisand and Rosie O'Donell and Spike (shoot Charlton Heston with a .44 Bulldog) Lee and a whole host of other rocket surgeons and brain scientists.

Or, just go over to DemocraticUnderground and surf a few threads about guns. You'll need a shower afterwards, but go take a look.

Yeah....all those liberal gun rights supporters. I run into them all the time.

And I work in a liberal-dominated area.

Actual liberals who are gun rights proponents are about as common as gay left-handed cross-dressing dental assistant Pittsburgh Steeler fans for Tony Romo.

There may be a few, but they are strange, unusual creatures....sorta like unicorns.

For reasons regional, cultural, age-related, and otherwise, gun ownership and 2A support are not a political issues, or at least they didn’t used to be. For example, gun ownership has been part of my family tradition for generations. Members of my family are all over the political map.

Unfortunately over the last 30 years or so guns became a political litmus test – when I was growing up everyone owned a gun regardless of what party he belonged to or whom he voted for.

It’s sad this avocation I’ve loved all my life has been made political, I’m frankly sick of it.

I understand, however, the good-ol’-days are gone and we must be vigilant to protect our rights – but understand no one party or political philosophy has a monopoly on the ‘correct position’ with regard to gun rights and the 2A.

Those days aren't gone, they just retired and moved up to Montana. ;)

I do not think that many republican are any more pro-gun than most democrats. I think both sides just give lip service to different sides of the issue to mobilize their base of support. I never see republicans give that much opposition to gun laws nor do I see then repealing them when they are in power. I also do not see them passing many pro-gun laws of their own creation that have any real teeth.

We've played this silly game here before. You go ahead and name 5 anti-2A Republicans in Congress, and I'll name 10 anti 2-A Democrats. Then, we'll do it again. We can also list legislation they have voted on (or authored) in the process.

GO !!!
We've played this silly game here before. You go ahead and name 5 anti-2A Republicans in Congress, and I'll name 10 anti 2-A Democrats. Then, we'll do it again. We can also list legislation they have voted on (or authored) in the process.
The republicans where in complete control for six years. How far did they get on making gun ownership an absolute right?
The republicans where in complete control for six years. How far did they get on making gun ownership an absolute right?

I'll admit that they didn't do as much as we'd like. That's why they weren't able to mobilize their base and keep control in 2006. However, they didn't just sit around and do nothing. They helped prevent the renewal of the AWB in 2004, and they confirmed some SCOTUS justices who ruled favorably on the Heller decision.
My question, which you answered with another question, came first. Care to answer it?
It is irrelevant since it does nothing to change my original assertion that they claim to be pro-gun but do not actually act like it. You are simply asking to name which ones do exactely what I said they do and give the 2A lip service but do nothing to protect it. That is not hard to understand.

So what have they actually done to protect gun rights? I could not care less what they say. I want to know what they did.
Proof that you don't have to be of a particular affiliation to like guns.

Nobody is saying that you have to be of a particular affiliation to "like" guns. But when the statement is made that liberal (Democrat) politicians are as supportive of the Second Amendment as conservative (Republican) politicians, it's time to call "BS".

This subject comes up around here now and then, and when a poster who makes such a claim is asked to start naming Democrat supporters of gun rights they usually disappear like flatulence in the wind.
Nobody is saying that you have to be of a particular affiliation to "like" guns. But when the statement is made that liberal (Democrat) politicians are as supportive of the Second Amendment as conservative (Republican) politicians, it's time to call "BS".
I believe I said the exact opposite. I said the republicans are, in truth, no more supportive than democrats. They just give it more lip service.
And that's when you have to make a distinction between politicians and normal people. I'm sure you can at least see that many people are torn when they find themselves forced to choose between two people that they don't really agree with.

Politicians aren't really like normal people anyway. I think they're more closely related to pigs, or perhaps slime molds. :D
I do not know each ones "supposed" stance on gun issues. I do not really care either. I only know they has six unopposed years and did very little if anything. That is what matters. Not the lies they tell about themselves.

I do not think that many republican are any more pro-gun than most democrats.

So what have they actually done to protect gun rights? I could not care less what they say. I want to know what they did.

OK, here are a few gun-friendly laws sponsored by Republicans in Congress. You are free to provide a list of like laws sponsored by Democrats.

H.R. 73, This bill would affirm the right of Americans to keep and bear arms for defense of themselves, their families, and their homes, sponsor Roscoe Bartlett (R)

H. R. 1096, Second Amendment Protection Act of 2007, This bill would (1) repeal the Brady law and the Instantcheck system; (2) repeal federal provisions discriminating against firearms which the government determines to have no "sporting purpose," and (3) repeal the requirement that trigger locks be purchased by anyone purchasing a handgun from a dealer, sponsor Ron Paul (R)

H.R. 6449, To provide opportunities for continued recreational shooting on certain Federal public land., sponsor Jeff Flake (R)

H.R. 226, This is the NRA-backed reciprocity bill, which would set a "national standard" allowing persons who have obtained concealed carry licenses to be granted reciprocity in other states, sponsor Cliff Stearns (R)

H.R. 1897, This bill would prohibit any federal regulation banning the possession or carrying of a firearm based in whole or in part on the fact that the possession or carrying occurs within a national park, sponsor Ron Paul (R)

H.R. 2424, This bill would repeal the 1996 "gun-free school zones" law, which prohibits, in many instances, bringing a gun within 1000 feet of a school, sponsor Ron Paul (R)

H.R. 5434, This bill would prohibit the government from promulgating or enforcing any regulation which would prohibit the possession of a firearm for self-defense in the National Park and National Wildlife Refuge Systems, if the possession of the firearm complies with the law of the state in which the park is located, sponsor Jeb Hensarling (R)

S. 2619, This bill would allow a person to carry a firearm in a federal park or wildlife refuge in accordance with the state law of the state in which the park or refuge is located, sponsor Tom Coburn, M.D. (R)

S. 1001, This bill would repeal the D.C. gun ban, sponsor Sen. Hutchison (R)

I can give you more, if needed.

Oh yeah. I can give you just as many anti-gun bills sponsored by Democrats.

Your turn, although I seriously doubt you will respond.
I notice you have to add " this bill would" to most of those. They were completely unopposed for six continuous years so why do you not get to say "this bill did" instead? If they are so gung-ho pro-gun they could have passed ANY legislation they chose to pass. Could it be that they were more flash than for substance. It seems to me most of these bills were not introduced until after they were no longer in control and they can now be pretty certain they will fail and can blame it on the dems. Why not get them passed when they could have pushed them through? Some people would actually find that suspicious...but you keep on drinking whatever kool-aid makes you sleep better at night.
Have to agree with sasquatch on this one. The Democratic party leadership is very much anti-gun. Look at the writers and sponsors of every piece of anti-gun legislation and you will see an overwhelming number of dems. Facts are facts. You can try to justify them and dodge them all you want, but the truth is the truth. Makes it hard for me to vote Democratic. As I see it, my rights are not based upon some old piece of parchment in an archive somewhere, but upon my ability to defend them. That makes 2A issues very important to me.
I notice you have to add " this bill would" to most of those. They were completely unopposed for six continuous years so why do you not get to say "this bill did" instead? If they are so gung-ho pro-gun they could have passed ANY legislation they chose to pass. Could it be that they were more flash than for substance. It seems to me most of these bills were not introduced until after they were no longer in control and they can now be pretty certain they will fail and can blame it on the dems. Why not get them passed when they could have pushed them through? Some people would actually find that suspicious...but you keep on drinking whatever kool-aid makes you sleep better at night.

If one was feeling extra cynical, and maybe had a little extra tinfoil laying around, one could suggest that Republicans gain just as much from gun bans as Democrats do from gun violence. Both sides then get to propose legislation, much of which will never pass and which they know will never pass. Both sides get endorsements (and funding) from their respective organizations.

Really, neither side has any real incentive to "win" this battle once and for all.

But like I said, pretty cynical.