Levi Jeans Anti Gun

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What about Carhartt, "Bocephus", and old No. 7?
They're still okay, RIGHT???
Must repeat "Ignorance is bliss...Ignorance is bliss... Ignorance is bliss..."
Seriously, I think this also shows how important it is to join the NRA and similar groups, vote, contact our representatives in government, serve on juries, introduce new people to shooting, and be responsible with our firearms and ammunition.
I just had to sign PAX's petition. You 'member me, Adolph Hitler, e-mail siegheil@madman.org etc. Kinda fun!

I'm gonna miss my Levis, though.
Anybody got the stance on LEE jeans?

Without the 2nd Amendment,the Declaration of Independence is an old post card and the entire Constitution is just notes from a bridge club meeting.
Don't hold your breath waiting for a non-form generated reply from Levi Strauss. We have tried that approach on www.guns.com forums to no avail. We all received the same standard reply from a sweet young thang that can push a button to send it. And all of us seem to have received it from a variety of names. We all said the same thing, vowing to never buy another Levi product till they stopped this ridiculous participation. Hopefully the same thing will happen to them as Big Kmart, the sooner the better.

The original point and click was a S&W
Brett, Jeff, others, thanks a lot. So PAX is definitely anti-freedom; therefore Levis is ignorant or a willing particiant; in either event, culpable. No more Levis or Dockers for me.

Hmmmm, anyone know a good jean for a reasonable price? Arizona jeans? Haven't been shopping in over 5 years, but I'm starting to get some comments from friends/relatives about the size of the holes in my jeans.
And remember, this is the same PAX that, at last year's "Woodstock" thingy, distributed thousands of candles to a crowd of stoned and drunken twenty-somethings all in the name of non-violence.
FYI - my string of correspondence. Thanks for the heads up. Levi Strauss is definitely off my Christmas list:

----- Original Message -----
From: Jeff Thomas
To: <levistrauss@levi.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 21, 1999 9:01 PM
Subject: Re: General LS&CO Questions Feedback (from P

> Dear Jessica:
> Thank you for your kind response.
> Actually, PAX is a very anti-self defense organization, and their positions
> are not consistent with the right of Americans to defend their lives and
> their children's lives. It is also clearly based upon pseudo-science.
> For example, on their home page they state "A gun in the home is 43 times
> more likely to kill a friend or a family member than an intruder.' This
> bogus 'statistic' is touted quite often by the anti-self defense movement.
> It is based upon research published in the New England Journal of Medicine
> by Arthur Kellerman. He examined 444 homicides in 3 counties, and do you
> know how many of those people were killed by their own gun? 8. That's
> right - 8. The rest of the '43 times' number occurs because other homicide
> victims owned guns, but they were not actually killed with their own gun.
> As a matter of fact, there are other statistical and mathematical flaws in
> Kellerman's work, and even he has greatly revised his findings. But, a
> great 'sounding' statistic like that is just too great to revise based upon
> truth. So, the anti-self defense movement continues to tout this lie.
> And, 'Every day 100,000 children in America bring a gun to school.'?
> According to the Justice Department they 'only' caught 6,000 in 1996. That
> makes the 100,000 statistic somewhat questionable, but the more interesting
> thing to note is how many of those 6,000 caught were actually arrested for
> this crime ... it was less than 10. If we care so much about our children,
> then why don't we care enough to enforce the laws we already have?
> The so-called PAX Petition is just so much more pacifist propaganda. It
> calls for the elimination of 'assault weapons', which is another mindless
> acceptance of the demonization of semi-automatic rifles. A revolver is
> essentially a semi-automatic in its operation. These are not machine guns.
> More ignorant lies.
> It calls for licensing and registration of guns, like automobiles. There
> are many arguments to expose this fraud, but for now I'll just connect you
> to http://www.sksbuyback.org/ . This is California's official web site for
> the confiscation of SKS rifles, which they required to be registered years
> ago. This is the classic conclusion to registration - confiscation. I will
> also note that PAX's plea that it does not seek to ban firearms is naive at
> best, and more probably disingenuous, to put it nicely.
> So, it is clear that Levi Strauss' management is knowledgeable regarding
> this subject, and they are willing to destroy an important American freedom.
> Or, perhaps just as ominous, perhaps your management is doing what so many
> others in our society are currently doing - making an emotional decision
> about this topic, and having no logical, historical or philosophical basis
> for their decision. Either way, your company is no longer acceptable to me,
> my family or my friends. I will do my best to make others aware of your
> stand against self defense. I regard companies such as yours as 'gun
> bigots' - they are clearly intolerant of our philosophy of self defense.
> If you find my tone extreme, or my assertions incredible, then I suggest you
> and your management give a damn about the issue, and do some reading. I
> suggest:
> 'More Guns, Less Crime' - by Dr. John Lott
> 'That Every Man be Armed' - by Stephen Halbrook
> http://www.3-cities.com/~barryg/nation.htm - A Nation of Cowards, by
> Jeffrey R. Snyder
> There are many other good books that do a good job of honestly considering
> this issue, but these will get an honest person started. The intellectual
> high ground is truly held by those who have studied and support the true
> meaning and import of the Second Amendment.
> Jessica, take care. I will hope that at least you as an individual will
> consider this alternative philosophy. I will consider doing business with
> Levi Strauss again someday when I hear the company has abandoned the false
> promises of PAX.
> Regards,
> Jeff
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <levistrauss@levi.com>
> To: Jeff Thomas
> Sent: Friday, November 19, 1999 9:24 AM
> Subject: RE: General LS&CO Questions Feedback (from P
> > Dear Jeff:
> >
> > Thank you for taking the time to write us. Customer feedback is very
> > important to us and we appreciate your taking the time to express
> > your opinions about this issue.
> >
> > PAX is a non-profit, anti-violence organization which strives to reach
> > youth all over the country by making a difference and attaining a
> > society free of gun violence.
> >
> > Levi Strauss & Co. supports PAX's goal to bring all Americans
> > together to support common sense solutions to the gun violence
> > epidemic. PAX does not seek to ban firearms. It only seeks to end
> > firearm violence through measures which the majority of Americans,
> > including gun owners, can support.
> >
> > Levi Strauss & Co. believes that all students should have an
> > opportunity to learn in a safe environment free of violence and by
> > supporting PAX and their petition, we hope to help put an end to gun
> > violence in our schools.
> >
> > We appreciate your taking the time to write and express your
> > thoughts about this important issue. Your views have been registered
> > and forwarded to our senior management.
> >
> > For additional information regarding this issue we suggest you look at
> > the website, www.paxusa.com.
> >
> > Sincerely,
> >
> > Jessica
> > Levi Strauss & Co
> > jescor1547767
> >
> > --------------------< you wrote >--------------------
> > FirstName: Jeff
> > LastName: Thomas
> > Email:
> >
> > Comments: Does your company provide any funds or other resources
> > in the U.S. or elsewhere to deal with gun violence? Couldn't find that
> > information on your site. Thank you, from a long-time Dockers
> > customer.
> >

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited November 24, 1999).]
I also have informed Levi Strauss of my feelings toward their funding of PAX, HCI...
I have also informed many relatives and friends of their anti gun funding record, If we keep it up we should see a change soon!

David L. Blackburn
By God this is the kind of action we need to take as pro freedom activists. Let the sleazy bastards like Levis know that we will not buy their products. I hope they whither on the vine and die like the rotten fruit they are!

By-the-way, I don't think Wrangler is associated with Levis. Buy Wrangler, buy Lee's, buy anything BUT levis!
Jeff, excellent cool-headed reasonable response. This is what we must do, rather than tear into them with angry rants, because most ant-gun "followers" really just don't know the truth. The think PAX, et al. are really "anti gun violence", when they are in reality anti-gun, but essentially pro-violence, since the controls they propose actually lead to increased violent crime, not reductions.
Greatings from TEXAS Y'all!!
I am glad I'm a Wrangler guy...
As far as Levi's are concerned, I will do my best to make sure every one I know that wears them won't do so in the future.
Thanks for the tip.
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