Levi Jeans Anti Gun

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Join Together and Violence Policy Center make HCI look like a pro 2nd org. I have long held the belief that VPC and JT are far more destructive in their viewpoint and their methods. I spend a lot of time on JT's website. It's really amazing the amount of money they can channel, and the number of very deep pockets that contribute to them.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.

You make a VERY good point about the anti-self protection movement. They have extremes at both ends - the loud-mouthed, purely emotional screamers at the low end, and the highly educated patronizing lying SOBs at the high end. They also have speakers and organizations all along the spectrum between these extremes.

This is a fine example of what Colin Powell meant when he said (of the civil rights experience), "A movement takes many voices."

It is something we, as believers in our Constitution, should remember.

It takes all kinds....

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited October 30, 1999).]
Thanks, when these organizations say org, they mean it. Every gun owner should be well read about them. www.firearmslitigation.org/
is another powerful org offering a how-to guide for lawsuits.
Join together publishes lists of possible money to be used to enact gun restrictions. A number of weenie companies that put on a good front for the outdoors people, are using profits to dump into many JT/VP funded groups. If people think that only Sarah and a few of her Washington party goers are what we face, it's high time they stop in and see what powerful companies and endowment funds are on the other side.
Check out this thread http://www.thefiringline.com:8080/forums/showthread.php?threadid=23201

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N. http://thematrix.acmecity.com/digital/237/can.html

[This message has been edited by Hal (edited October 30, 1999).]
I went to the firearms litigation site you recommended. I lasted as long as the Maalox held out - then had to leave.

In 1959, my fiancee was killed by the drunk driver of a Cadillac. If those who design, manufacture, import, and market firearms are found to be responsible for the negligent/unlawful use of their product, then I will join MADD (I believe they also accept men as members) and have MADD sue Cadillac and General Motors for me!

I also will sue:
- Ford (I pinched my finger in a car door);
- Oldsmobile (I was badly burned by a car radiator);
- Homak (I scratched myself on the door of one of their cabinets);
- Master lock (my front door knob broke);
- My optometrist and the folks who made my glasses (they broke);
- the blighters who made our kitchen knives so sharp that I nearly amputated my left index finger (it WAS cut halfway through!);
- and last, but not least, the U.S.Air Force for sending me to Germany and maliciously forcing me to live in an environment where drinking to excess and chasing young, willing, pretty women was the norm (heh, heh. Well, hell, it's worth a try! ;) )

I'm so darned angry right now I could pee on the Capitol! From HERE!

The Grump is back!

PS: Yeah! And Levi's too! For not making a decent pair of jeans in my size that:
- doesn't change my voice to C above Hi C, or
- have an inseam that hits between my knees!

(I'm up! Who wants a Shiner Bock?)

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited October 30, 1999).]
Pretty sickening isn't it.

I'll pass on the Shiner Bock( can't get it up North here) in favor of a Mick or Bud Light. AB supports shooting in a big way, and even though I prefer other's, most of the other brewers have jumped on the anti-bandwagon, ie: Coors and Miller.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.
I not only told Levi I would boycott all their products, I also reminded them that there are 80 million others who will do the same. I also told them if they didn't believe me they should ask KMART why O'Donnell will no longer be doing ads for that store.

They are trying to get to our youth again. Notice the form specifically said that if you were under the age of 30 they wanted you to sign. I reminded Levi that most under the age of 20 get their money to buy such products from their parents, parent like me who will boycott anyone who trys to take my rights and subvert the U.S. Constitution.

I guess this also means I have to quit listening to the GooGoo Dolls since they are a part of this too. - Ooops! I never meant to admit I ever did listen to them. Oh well, the secret is out, the nearly-middle-aged woman confesses. ;-)

Refuse to be a "helpless" victim.
Good for you Blueyedog, and welcome to TFL. Don't worry 'bout the Goo-Goo dolls thing, I have been known not to change the station at times myself. ;) Although I will make an extra effort in the future.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.
Glad to hear this news in a timely fashion - I was just today thinking how badly I need to buy several pairs of new jeans - you should see the HUGE holes in the ones I have (yes, levis). Now I know which brand I won't be picking up. My email stating same will be sent to them.
Beer? Someone mentioned beer?

OK, every now and then, as a special treat to myself, I pick up a six-pack of US beer, which I like to enjoy while looking over photos of my trips to the States, or even just poring over the AAA road maps (yeah, I know, I'm weird).

Trouble is, the beer is pretty expensive -- anywhere from $25 to $30 a six-pack.

My favourite has always been Millers -- but if they're anti-gun, guess I've chug-a-lugged my last one.

Anyone know, of the more famous and well-known brands of US beer, which are pro-gun, or at least not anti-gun?

Bruce, did you go on a US walkabout? I met an Aussie fellow here in OKC doing a multi-month walkabout before starting college - seems he was on a plane to LA and some other passengers told him he just had to see "In Cahooots", the local mega-sized cowboy nightclub. He liked the cowgirls so much he stayed here 3 or 4 days - I waited on him when I was waiting tables in a restaurant called "Outback Steakhouse" - Aussie theme of course. Where all would a Yank want to be sure to go on a walkabout to Australia?

Anheuser-Busch (Budweiser/Michelob) has always been very supportive of RKBA and shooting sports.

Coors has (for years) supported "Shutzen" type shooting matches and has been pro gun.

From time to time rumors have started in the US saying that both these companies have made contributions to HCI, etc. As far as I know, that is not true. Probably a sad case of industrial PSYOP warfare.

I enjoy drinking Fosters (the stuff we get over here is brewed in Canada, IIRC) when my wife and I go to an Outback Steakhouse. Australian military acquaintances over the years have told me that KB Tooth is actually "the beer" down there...is that true?

Geez, my eyes watered at what you're paying for our stuff!

Fosters Bitters (one pint can) is my favorite - a great "sippin" beer. Sometimes, to make it last, I'll go half 'n half with Colt 45 Malt Liquor. Nectar of the Gods, usually reserved for watching movies with NO interruptions.

Watched "The Wizard of OZ", triggered by another poster's key word, the other day. Halfway through the above mixture, I was singing along with Dorothy. The Wife returned, said she could hear me even before she opened the garage door. Great talent is often unrecognized.
Isn't Wrangler a company of Levi Strouss?
Check the tags next time you go to Wal Mart.
I tried on three pairs of Wranglers because I knew that Levi was for allowing child molesters in the Scouts and disarming regular citizens so child molesters in the UN would have global power and Levi would have the socialistic denim monopoly of the world....How's THAT for a conspiracy theory? ;)

After deciding to buy 2 Wranglers, I noticed the tag.....Well, looks like I just wasted my time and have to put these puppies back on the shelf!

If They are the LAST company to sell jeans, I'd rather wear a kilt (as long as I can keep my guns/swords). Maybe a William Walace will lead an army against the child molesters in the UN. First in line next to Walace will no doubt be former boy scouts who have gotten older, wiser, and high caliber weapons!
Just kidding...about the army at least.

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)

[This message has been edited by EQUALIZER (edited November 02, 1999).]
I'm not seeing that anyone else got this particular reply I received from Levi-Strauss today by email:

"Dear Dan:

Thank you for taking the time to write us. Customer feedback is
very important to us and we appreciate your taking the time to
express your opinions about this issue.

PAX is a non-profit, anti-violence organization which strives to
reach youth all over the country by making a difference and
attaining a society free of gun violence.

Levi Strauss & Co. supports PAX's goal to bring all Americans
together to support common sense solutions to the gun violence
epidemic. PAX does not seek to ban firearms. It only seeks to
end firearm violence through measures which the majority of
Americans, including gun owners, can support.

Levi Strauss & Co. believes that all students should have an
opportunity to learn in a safe environment free of violence and
by supporting PAX and their petition, we hope to help put an
end to gun violence in our schools.

Your views have been registered and we appreciate your taking
the time to write and express your thoughts about this important


Levi Strauss & Co

So, apparently no HCI donation, and PAX, a recipient of funds from Levi, is not anti-gun because "PAX does not seek to ban firearms. It only seeks to end firearm violence through measures which the majority of Americans, including gun owners, can support."

OK, so what's the real deal? Everyone agrees that "ending school gun violence" is a good thing. The question is: Does any of the money that PAX receives directly or indirectly (via further donation to other groups) that support measures which will do nothing to stop the violence, and only violate our rights (i.e. traditional "gun control")? In other words, I highly suspect that the groups listed in Hal's post who received "grant" money from PAX are really anti-gun, not anti-violence (notice how the word gun is in almost all of their names). BUT, I need some sort of specific evidence of this in order to effectively reply to Levi-Strauss, to explain to them how PAX has dropped the ball in trying to stop school violence. Do any of the named PAX-money-recipient groups align themselves with HCI or VPC or CPHG, known anti-freedom gun banners?

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited November 05, 1999).]
Futo: Got the same reply; Must be a stock email they've written.

My reply pointed out that if they really thought PAX wasn't going to push banning guns, they knew very little about the gun control movement. Then directed them to Sugarman's op-ed in the Nov. 4th NY Times.

Don't know if they'll listen, but I've worn my last Levis until they stop this garbage!

Sic semper tyranus!
Here is the list of PAX contributors:

And, a review of their site immediately shows this group to be part of the anti-self defense movement.

Also, here is the infamous PAX petition: http://www.paxusa.org/petition/index.html

Lord, they are naive. They even quote Kellerman's ridiculed '86 study with the '43 times' foolishness. Idiots. Dangerous idiots at that.

Thanks for a very helpful thread.

Regards from AZ

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited November 16, 1999).]
I was told by a friend that the petition could be found at:

You nhave to reload the page several times for it to finally come up. There is something wrong with it. It will say "document done" and you are left looking at a blank blue/gray screen. It will finally load completely.

I received the same reply that Futo Inu did -- verbatim. It simply came from a different young lady.
Don't forget that the whole Dockers and Slates lines of "business casual" clothing are also Levi-Strauss. Crap, I've got a closet-full of that stuff. No more of that coming home with me from the mall.

I just sent feedback to Levi and will wait for responce. In the box for first and last I put Former and Customer, I think they will get the hint.
Also told them that I liked them a lot better when they just made jeans and not political contributions, and that they should follow the examples of AB AND PENZOIL if they want to contribute to freedom causes.
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