Levi Jeans Anti Gun

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New member
Levi Strauss are donating to PAX, HCI and other bent on seeing that we cannot even own guns, much less carry legally. Send Levi your comments at questions@levi.com

Be sure and tell them that you will not buy Levi's/Dockers any more.
Recieved a newspaper article in the mail from a friend in Tx. He is in Huston but the article was clipped so do not know what paper it was from. I sent them a e-mail asking about this and the reply I recieved sad somthing to the effect that the do donate to PAX and HCI along with all kinds of other groups.
Not surprising if Levi is pro-homosexual considering HQ is in SF. In SF, if a business ain't pro-something or another, the politicos or media will drive you out of business. It's one of the most tribalistic and intolerant cities I've ever seen.

Now, take poor Oakland which is on the other side of the Bay Bridge (the one Karl Malden and Mike Douglas use to cross in the opening credits of The Streets of San Francisco. Oakland is a poorer town but is very friendly, open and does its best to attrach businesses to it. Quite sensibly, they want the revenue. SF drives businesses out (lost Wells Fargo, Bank of America HQ years ago) through all its hostile ordinances.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt

Shiiiii... sigh... Who else makes a button fly in a relaxed fit?

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
I haven't bought a Levi product since they withdrew funding from the Boy Scouts because the Scouts wouldn't allow gay scout masters.
We pay anywhere up to $140USD for a pair of Levis here. Not any more!

I can get a local equivalent (button fly, straight leg) for about $30USD.

I'll spend the extra $110 on gun-related bits 'n' pieces :)

Levi's is pro homosexual, gives spousal benefits to same sex partners, is anti gun and in short, represents all that is evil, degenarative and destructive to America. I have know this for years and purposefully have boycotted their products for years. The other day my wife bought me a pair of Levi's jeans from Sears and I told her to take them back. You couldn't pay me to wear their products. I boycott Disney for similar reasons.
Westex -
More like a .700 Nitro Express in a Yaque Slide. :)

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Here is the letter I got back form Levi Strauss - If it means anything.

Dear Thane:

Thank you for taking the time to write us. We rely on your input to
keep us on track.

Levi Strauss & Co. does not take a spoken or financial stance on the
gun control issue. We do not support HCI financially in any way.
We appreciate your e-mail expressing your concerns and giving us
the opportunity to clarify this issue.

Thanks again for contacting us. If you have further questions, please
write back or call us at 1-800-USA-LEVI.


Levi Strauss & Co
Annie is a lying denim sack of ****! This is from Join Together's website. I would ask Annie the liar to explain this away.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
Levi Strauss Funds PAX Anti-Gun Violence Program



The Levi Strauss Foundation recently awarded a $100,000 grant to PAX, a new national anti-gun violence organization.
In addition, PAX is receiving funds from the musical group the Goo Goo Dolls as part of the Levi's Fuse 99/Goo Goo Dolls tour.

PAX awarded $50,000 of the $100,000 grant to local nonprofit groups that are working to prevent youth gun violence in 10 cities along the Goo Goo Dolls U.S. tour.

The 10 grant winners were: Teens on Target in Los Angeles and San Francisco, Calif.; Students Against Violence Everywhere, Seattle, Wash.; Boys & Girls Clubs of Chicago, Ill.; Gun Runners, New York, N.Y.; Co/Motion Gun Violence Prevention Initiative, Washington, D.C.; the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute, Boston, Mass.; Georgians United Against Gun Violence, Atlanta, Ga.; and Young Texans Against Gun Violence, Houston, Texas.

The groups will distribute anti-gun violence information at the concerts in a special tour bus created by Levi and in the PAX tent cosponsored by MTV.

For further information about grant program offered by PAX, contact Talmage Cooley or Daniel Gross at 212-677-1124.[/quote]

CCW for Ohio action site.
Why doesn't a company donate a huge hunk like that to the Eddie Eagle Program? I mean - come on - Eddie Eagle is all about Safty and to get the hell away from a gun if you find it - or your little buddie finds it. What could more PC than that?

Note to self - order Eddie Eagle stuff for my kids school...

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
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