I'm not advocating that anyone do anything, I'm emphasizing that we (armed individuals) accept compromises every day based on analysis of actual/perceived threats, available weapons, laws, physical limitations, and surroundings. For instance, I don't think anyone here, if knowingly and unavoidably going in harms way, would elect to take a pistol vice a long gun, yet very few of us carry a long gun to go to the store. Even leaving out the legality question, few would do it. Likewise, of course I would respond to a threat in my home with body armor donned, 00B blazing, and x ring hits if life was perfect, but since it's not, I have analyzed my particular situation and decided on appropriate actions to suit my needs. In my estimation, responding to an unknown possible deadly force situation, after being awakened at 0300, with the lights off and sleep in my eyes is risky enough without having to try and remember to "drop to a knee" for an angle shot or that my daughter's bed is approx 2 ft high and 6 ft long in the corner of the opposite room. In a high confusion dynamic situation I feel that I may only reliably concentrate on target identification and shot placement, therefore I feel that certain compromises to best accomplish the task are acceptable risk.