LEO poll

Just short of 3 years at work, broke leather numerous times but never fired or been shot at. Did have a guy try and run me over a couple weeks ago.
Been doing it for going on 28 years ina pretty rough city. There were days my gun spent as much time out of the holster as in.

I worked the worst part of town for 15 years. All hispanic bars and crack dealers. I averaged 3-4 Felony on view arrests a week. 2-3 stolen cars a month. One or two pursuits a month. Tore up alot of uniforms.

Drove up on a huge fight in front of a bar one night. half a dozen guys were beating this one guy, staggering through the parking lot. I was just gonna hose the whole bunch with pepper spray and, I had it out and was shaking it up yelling " Policia, ALTO!" And, the crowd instantly disperessed, except for the guy being beaten.

I was pretty proud of myself, figured they has seen me roll up, knew I was about to kick all thier butts and fled when the streetlights glinted off my badge...

No. The guy getting beaten had pulled a knife that I couldn't yet see and was turning the tables on them.

He's really ****** and really drunk. He only sees one more guy in the parking lot and starts heading towards me. (Dude, I was trying to save you!).

That can of OC left sparks I threw it down so fast. Drew down on him and in my limited spanish, tried to convey to him that I was the by God Po-lice, I had a gun and, I was about to poke a hole in him. I backed up about three paces, decided I was not going to back into the street and, when he crossed an imaginary line in the parking lot, I was going to shoot him. What saved him was that I could see in his face, his demeanor, whatever, he had no desire to cut a cop, he was ******, drunk and disoriented.. As he approached the imaginary line, I could see the recognition come across his face about what was actually going on, he folded up the knife and tossed it to me.

That would have been an absolutly justified shooting, in the eyes of the law. But, it wouldn't have been to me. I promise you, that happens hundreds of times a day to cops all over this country. We generally try not to shoot people.
I know what LEO stands for. The Police do a whole lot more than enforce the law. Actually it's the courts that enforce the law.

Isn't that a little....

LEO is an accepted term