LCP vs P365 pics

The lcp is one the best pocket carry. I can’t think of another actually...everything else (other than its cousin) seems to be either heavier or less reliable cough Kimber cough
Those two happen to be my primary carry pistols. I try to carry the P365 whenever possible, usually pocket carry but sometimes belt carry if the situation calls for it. The LCP is for those occasions when I can't bring along the P365 because even it is too big to effectively conceal.

No mechanic that I know of keeps only one size wrench in his tool box.
The LCP is perfect at what it was designed for.... the Sig was designed to fit a different role.

While I can't speak to the Sig, nothing has ever pushed my LCP out of the role it was designed to fill.
Firing pin appears to be fine now.

Remember I own both as pictured, and the LCP had a decade of revisions when it started life as the Kel Tec P3AT with upgrades to the slide weight, extractor, barrel ramp, etc. P3AT now is currently 3rd gen. I owned all three gens of the P3AT beginning when there was only one.

Granted, the LCP is nicer all around.
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The P365 is designed to be a combat pistol that is concealable. Out of the holster is designed to fill the capability of a full sized duty combat pistol.

These pistols have two very different design philosophies and are not really comparable.

I hear what you said about the holster, but with the beauty of 10 or 12 rounds, having to reload will be virtually non-existent. Most real world engagements are over in 5 rounds.
I have a Beretta Pico that I occasionally pocket carry when dress dictates I can't really conceal anything else, or when I'm going to be especially active (hiking, lots of bending, etc) and clearing my waistband is a matter of practicality. Otherwise I don't particularly need anything that small. Your photos are helpful here, as I'd considered a P365 as a "pocket pistol" alternative, but ain't no way that's fitting in the kinds of pockets I carry in -- usually business casual or dress pants -- heck in some of them the Pico barely fits!

If I were starting over with CCW guns I might get the P365, or even the new 365XL. As it is, I have a 15 round gun, an 8 round gun, and a .380 pocket gun, so the 365 wouldn't fit any niche for me. Nice little gun though.
I have a Beretta Pico that I occasionally pocket carry when dress dictates I can't really conceal anything else, or when I'm going to be especially active (hiking, lots of bending, etc) and clearing my waistband is a matter of practicality. Otherwise I don't particularly need anything that small. Your photos are helpful here, as I'd considered a P365 as a "pocket pistol" alternative, but ain't no way that's fitting in the kinds of pockets I carry in -- usually business casual or dress pants -- heck in some of them the Pico barely fits!

If I were starting over with CCW guns I might get the P365, or even the new 365XL. As it is, I have a 15 round gun, an 8 round gun, and a .380 pocket gun, so the 365 wouldn't fit any niche for me. Nice little gun though.

I'm kind of in the same boat with the set of pistols I carry - 9mm Shield and 2.0 Compact, and a 380 LCP. A 365 is an attractive package that does some things better than those guns (and some things not as well), but ultimately it would be superfluous and I'd rather acquire guns that serve other purposes. I also agree about pocket carry - an LCP is all the gun I want to try to carry that way. A 365 is a bit smaller than my Shield but nowhere near small enough to fit in my pockets comfortably or with any degree of concealment.
Thanks for the pics. I have a Beretta Pico in a very slim holster and even that is tough to conceal in normal pants, and I usually only carry that when I'm in dress clothes that call for tucked-in shirts and no cover garment (i.e. decent dress during warm weather).

The holster prints, but not like a gun -- it looks like I have an unnaturally large phone in that pocket. I imagine a P365 or similar would look like a brick.

What I don't get is the concept of pocket revolvers. People who carry those will say "Oh yeah I carry one in my suit pocket all the time, doesn't print at all, super comfortable!" The smallest revolvers I've seen are at least the size of the P365 and fatter in the middle. They either have magic pockets, or they're exaggerating because they love revolvers so much.... or there's something I'm just not seeing!
Recall, the range of ages, professions, and gun enthusiasm is huge on an online forum. Heck, you don't even know if half the people here are even old enough to drive.

As you can see in my pic, the P365 is huge compared to the LCP. I too find the LCP about the maximum in my pocket. Belt carry isn't an option for me either in my professional setting. For every person I know who carries at work (Utah), all carry in their backpacks.

It's a gun forum, an echo chamber for maximum gun enthusiasm. To say carrying a Glock 26 in the pocket, a revolver in the pocket, or a subcompact in the belt at work is apple pie.

The majority disagrees. This is backed up by gun ownership vs actually carries on person data I've seen.
Hard to believe that 365 holds 10 and one in the chamber!

I stopped at a small, out of the way GS on my way home and saw and handled that Sig....has to be one of the recent major engineering feats in firearms to get that capacity in what appears to be a relatively small grip frame.

I'm certainly naive when compared with you guys so I didn't believe it when handling the gun I asked the owner "how many mags".....he said "two ten rounders" then he must have noticed the doubt in my expression because he smiled and said "hard to believe, huh"

I know it isn't, but it looks and feels like a toy compared to some other compacts. He wanted about $500 for it and I'm now contemplating whether I need one or not :o.
He wanted about $500 for it and I'm now contemplating whether I need one or not .

The beauty of the P365 is the fact it offers such fantastic concealability and full sized duty weapon combat capability.