Lawful carry citizens as targets

Ok, enough with the "resume" comparison contest.

If you can't discuss the topic using the facts and logic then leave it alone.

1. We're not going to get into trying to validate resumes to prove who has more experience. Because it would be nearly impossible.

2. Even if we could validate resumes, it would be impossible to prove whose experience is more valuable or whose experience has provided more useful information relevant to this topic. Pure quantity is not always better, less is not always inferior.

3. Even if we could somehow objectively evaluate the "quality" of experience it wouldn't be conclusive because it doesn't insure agreement. Two people with identical amounts of similarly valuable experience can still hold different opinions.

4. Even people with no experience can have valuable insight based only on knowing the facts and on having the ability to integrate those facts using logical thought.

5. Trying to elevate one's opinion based on "resume" or trying to discount someone else's opinion using the same basis turns the focus personal instead of keeping it fact based and objective.

I'm not saying we have to hide our backgrounds, there can be value in providing context by explaining background and experience--but when we get to the point where people are trying to validate their opinions or invalidate those of others based primarily on their "resume", it tends to be the beginning of a death spiral.
I don’t mean to sound recalcitrant, JohnSA. Sir, may I freely express my perspectives on your most recent input on “resume quoting” without fear of bannation? l promise to remain kind and gentle and use only “facts and logic” in my response.
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Yes, yes, fireforged, I do thank you for your input. Lol, Please lad, stick around to provide for further input. You’re OK with that, right JohnSA?
The thread remains open for discussion on its original topic.

Resume quoting isn't against the TFL rules, but it tends to lead to posting behavior that is. No, this won't be a public discussion about why it is or isn't ok to turn this type of thread into a resume comparison contest.

A premise that can't be supported with facts and logic is just what it is--an unsupportable premise. Trying to "prove" it in the absence of facts and logic by an "appeal to authority" using one's own self as an authority and/or trying to disprove it by "poisoning the well" of others are not polite debate techniques and turn the focus away from the actual topic to discussions of the persons in the debate.