Knife vs Gun

Situation: Low light conditions. You are in a third world country where they kill people for a $100. You are confronted by three BGs. They are within 6 feet of you. One pulls a knife and says he wants everything you got. You have a concealed handgun. They will eventually discover it if you let them strip you clean.

Well you have already messed up. You were on condition white and allowed them to get within 2 yards. You best defense is to see it coming or at least keep people in shady areas far enough away to allow you to either escape or draw.

So they are six feet away... I hope your roscoe is easy to pull fast! Otherwise there is a good chance you are gonna be stuck, literally.

There is a old saying" that some idiot grought a knife to a gun fight "

It's more likley that " some idiot bruoght a gun to a knife fight ".
While a gun would probably inflict mortal wounds it probably wouldn't stop or even slow down an attack at that range. You'd stop them quicker with a pepper spray in the face of the person with the knife which would temporarily disable him faster then a gun, and the others next.

If I where you I'd consider carrying the spray in my hand whenever condition's where as you described. That way there wouldn't be any delay in using it. Then only use the gun after the spray if it was still needed.
Old post

buy somebody brought it back up.

1) 6 feet/multiple attackers--if they are motivated and bloodthirsty, it doesn't matter what you do. How do you know they are motivated? Intuition!
2) Nonsense about letting them get too close-crooks hide their motives till they are close in. My step son had a knife at his throar while walking to grandma's house before he even knew anything was going on. Wino stole a $15 neckchain.
3) I live in the 3rd world, am over 60, and have joint problems such that I can't run or kick. I have a ccw--it depends on the country whether a permanent resident can get one or not. Worse part of the process, other than running all over town, was when the psychologist at the local Women's Center started asking me technical questions about how to shoot a gun--I didn't know the words in Spanish but she helped me along and finally asked if I had been around guns a lot. When I said 50 years she signed me off.
4) What would I do in my town in above situation? Step sideways or back while drawing, shoot one shot into ground as a warning, and run. Not what you see in the John Wayne movies, is it? 50-50 chance they would panic and run, 50-50 they would follow and I would shoot them as best possible. Net-net, you are no worse off than you started-6 feet, multiple assailants. Keep in mind, in some countries warning shots are not only allowed, but encouraged by the police.
5) What would I do in more dangerous areas? Single tap each one and then run as best I could.
6) If you worry a lot, the best way to see the world is at home on PBS with your $1000 AR leaning against the wall.
7)For future trips to other countries, I'm thinking about a cane.Better than nothing.
Option A is the only option.

One thing to consider though is that if you waste three bad guys in a foreign country you might not get out of there.

Hopefully no witnesses saw the incident.
Point well taken

If you think you will be immune to both civil and criminal prosecution you are sadly mistaken. If you kill the perps, keep in mind that the 3 of them most likely have at least 3 dozen close relatives who live nearby and are mad as heck that you killed poor sonny boy who they all know would never hurt a flea.
That's why running, with or without shots fired, is a very good option. Too bad my knees are so bad.
Throwing your wallet or money on the ground before running is also a good idea, but hard to do well on the 6 foot limit when y9ou would rather be hitting the road or drawing.
When I go to guatemala, which is a very dangerous place, I may carry a dummy wallet with a big stack of small bills for the first time. and run.
What works in AZ may not work here.
That said there are many folks that are real consistent at it.
And many aren't nearly as consistent at it as they think they are.

I merely realize that no matter how good I am at paying attention to my surroundings, there will always be distractions of one type or another.
Right On!

Hi guys,

I agree with you Bubba in C A 100%. You spelled it out better than I could and touched all of the variations.

But what happens if you have to shoot someone? The laws here are basically the same throughout the USA. Self-defense is spelled out in Article 20 of the Codigo Penal of Peru. I translated it on the google translator and this is it:

Article 20

3. He who acts in defense of property or legal interests of third parties provided that the following circumstances:

a) unlawful aggression;

b) Need rational means employed to prevent or repel it, and, (*)
(*) Literal amended by Article 1 of Law No. 27936, published on 12.02.2003, which reads as follows:

B) The need rational means employed to prevent or repel it. Is excluded for the assessment of this requirement the principle of proportionality of means, considered in its place, among other circumstances, the intensity and danger of aggression, the way of proceeding aggressor and the means available for defense. "

c) Lack of sufficient provocation on who makes the defense;

4. Which, to a present danger and insurmountable otherwise, that threatens the life, physical integrity, freedom or other legal right, performs an act intended to avert the danger of self or other, provided that the following requirements:

a) When the assessment of the conflicting legal interests affected and the intensity of the danger threatening the well protected predominant interest is damaged, and

b) When using an appropriate means to overcome the danger;

5. Which, to a present danger and not otherwise avoidable, which poses a threat to life, physical integrity or liberty, makes an unlawful act to avert the danger of himself or a person with whom he has close ties.
Not applicable this exemption if the agent could be required to accept or endure the danger in the given circumstances, especially if you caused the danger or was bound by a particular legal relationship;

6. Which work by overwhelming physical force from a third party or of nature;

7. He who acts compelled by duress of an evil equal to or greater;

8. The working through provision of law, in fulfillment of a duty or in the legitimate exercise of a right, office or position; (*)

(*) In accordance with Article 4 of Law No. 27936, published on 12.02.2003, the provisions of Articles 2 and 3 of the Act, shall apply to this subsection, in what amounts to this assumption.

9. The mandatory order that works by a competent authority, issued in exercise of its functions.

10. The acting with the consent of the holder of a valid legal right to free disposal.
LOL at all the people who think they will be in their weaver stances, wrists locked and sighting down the barrel before anyone can get within 6 feet of them. I know this isn't that helpful of a post but c'mon now.
One Last Option

I just remembered this story about a couple of gringo tourists in Manaus, Brasil some years ago - same thing happened to them at night in town.

I couldn't believe what the gringo told me. They had been robbed at knife point a week ago and had everything taken - passports, money, jewely, watches, etc. Well, after getting help from the consulate with new passports and money, they get held up again. The gringos were so ******, they told the BGs that they had just been robbed and that they should be given a pass on this robbery. The BGs said OK and let them go.

Even the BGs have got feelings and can be reasonable.
I just remembered this story about a couple of gringo tourists in Manaus, Brasil some years ago - same thing happened to them at night in town.

I couldn't believe what the gringo told me. They had been robbed at knife point a week ago and had everything taken - passports, money, jewely, watches, etc. Well, after getting help from the consulate with new passports and money, they get held up again. The gringos were so ******, they told the BGs that they had just been robbed and that they should be given a pass on this robbery. The BGs said OK and let them go.

Even the BGs have got feelings and can be reasonable.

It could also be that the badguys, in this case, detected that the potential victims in this case were going to put up resistance, and most badguys choose the path of least resistance.

That is why they fear the armed homeowner for the most part.

Tactically, option A seems the most plausible. Speaking of edged weapons, anyone else besides me ever see what a box cutter can do to flesh? Most folks think of knives whenever they hear the word "blade", but trust me when I say this: NEVER underestimate the humble box cutter. I have seen many box cutter attack victims; the damage these ubiquitous instruments can inflict with just one swipe across the body is truly horrific.:barf:
Once upon a time I was walking down the main street of some nondescript little town in the former South Vietnam, unarmed (per US army policy). It was a real cowboy looking place, with mud streets and raised wooden sidewalks.
Next think I knew, some slickey boy yanked the wristwatch of my hand and took off running. ******, I gave chase, right down mainstreet, with full intent to pound the little dweeb into submission. Well (God it was good to be young), I made ground on him and when he saw me catching up, he very prominently threw my watch very high in the air in one direction and turned to run in the other.
I was tempted to forget the watch and chase him, but better sense prevailed as I noticed he was heading towards an alley. Alleys are not good places to chase badguys unless you have to and are loaded for bear.
I recovered my watch. The band was broken, but other than that it was just another cowboy kind of day in central Vietnam.
This sort of reenforces my theory of throw a wallet, real or dummy, and run. If these are dummy crooks, looking for easy money, they will go for the wallet. If these guys are looking for blood, it's a momentary distraction in your favor. Run. shoot, or both and a 6 feet it will be a miracle if you survive no matter what you do.
Bigger knife, or stick. Use it to possibly parry and keep the others at a distance while retreating and drawing. Simple principle of distance that is applied in swordfighting. Or take a page from Fairbairn's "Get Tough", and use a chair.

Yes, I would actually do this. I've been confronted with a knife, and took a shallow thrust in the leg. I have martial arts training to back up my reasons.

Some of you posted very viable reasons not to be in the situation, but spend some time in some of the places in the U.S. where you are likely to get a flat tire. I've seen shards of glass work wonders.
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Always carry a knife


One thing I should add to my previous post is that, I humbly suggest every one to carry a knife. Always...When ever and where ever possible.
We all know that, a gun is not "needed" for the most part of our lives (at least for most of us), but it has to be there when it is needed.
On the other hand, I consider a knife, whether it is a folder or a fixed blade, is an everyday tool.
It is needed in all kinds of stuff in life, which I will not make a list of right now, but the list includes defending yourself. Especially within these distances.
If you are aware of the seriousness of the situation you are in, more or less trained with your tool, and most importantly, if you are determined to to act without hesitation.

All the best
Always carry a knife

At the house I always have a boot knife available, in fact, there are several. I don`t have any visions of being a great knife fighter--I am neither young, strong, a well-trained martial artist, nor suicidal.
The boot knife is a last resort if all else fails and I`m still alive. I see it as a stealth weapon, hopefully if it ever has to be used it will be in the perps liver before he even knows I have it.
Quote; BikerRN; May 14, 2011, 02:12 PM #2


Close enough to threaten me with a knife is close enough to inflict death with a knife, not to mention the disparity of force. The time for discussion is over as far as I'm concerned.


Step to the side and open fire on the one with the knife. If the other two don't run open fire on them.
When I was in the Philippines, this was not an unusual scenario. We couldn't have guns.
1. Stay the hell out of dark alleys in the wee hours.
2. Travel in groups.
3. Try to not be falling down drunk.
4. Be able to run fast.
We all had knives, but you never wanted press to test on that one. A friend of mine got carved up pretty good standing his ground.
Any altercation between a local and an american was always decided in the local's favor if the "authorities" were involved. Unless the American knew someone or was connected in some way.