Knife vs Gun

Mentally prepare yourself to start bleeding because you are going get cut when a knife is involved if your weapon is still in the holster and they are inside 30 feet, and that is if everything goes perfect on your part. We have played with airsoft pistols and sharpies to see what happens and the sharpie usually wins.
I would have to choose A.

I've been in a knife fight before, they're not pretty, and nothing like Hollywood. Its quick, bloody and you hope the other guy bleeds out before you do, trust me unless your Steven Seagal or Jason Bourne...... YOU ARE GOING TO GET CUT.
6 feet is too close. too bad you don't have your own knife. when you bring a gun to a knife fight then you die.
I pick secret answer E. Don't get yourself in this idiotic situation. Ask yourself how you got there. If you are 65 then you should have enough wisdom to not go out in a third world country at night alone. And if you HAVE to, why wouldn't you keep your hand on your weapon at all times anyway? You think third world countries have holster laws or something? I am from a third world country. They could care less.
Many so-called third world nations don't allow citizens to carry guns so you should say which third world country you are strolling through. If you use the gun, you might survive the mugging only to spend several years or more in a third world prison.

One strategy might be to carry a spare decoy wallet with $20 to $25 in it in $1s and $5s to make it look like a lot of money. Don't carry credit cards or ID in the decoy wallet. Just toss the decoy wallet and say "please leave me alone". If they don't lose interest in you, this might give you the few seconds you need to draw and fire.

Better yet, don't let anyone close in on you to six feet. Six feet is basically reach-out-and-grab distance...way too close for comfort. Walk with others when strolling third world nations. Been there, done that. Not sure I want to ever do it again.
If memory serves isn't it in the Philipinees that have all those home/backyard gunsmiths? Odds are in those countries you'll get held up with a gun. Barring that anyone brings a knife to a gun fight should be out of luck. Doesn't matter what size the knife, as long as it's big enough to draw blood with repeated blows. Even the humble swiss army knife with the bottle screw opener outwards (used in brass knuckles fashion) is enough to be a threat. An artery cut is an artery cut.

The a) options sounds like the better bet.

Perhaps if it it's a revolver risk a first shot from the pocket. Ofcourse depends on where the firearm is.
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If the odds are three to one, within six feet with the knife already presented and your gun still holstered...

you screwed up allowing yourself to get in that position.

If you have ever run these type of scenarios with rubber knives/markers, you would know that the above is very true. (Even one well trained person with a knife can easily have you incapacitated and "basically dead before you hit the ground" without you getting a shot off.) That's not to say that there is not good training that can help make your odds of survival greater.

If the three are determined to harm you and basically are not totally inept (drunk, over 85 years old, using walkers, and having white tipped canes) you can fight as furiously, dirty, and determinedly as possible (Vegaswise, I personally wouldn't take those odds and betting on the one versus the three if I was a bettin' man.)

This is one of those questions where one says, "Avoid getting in to this situation if at all possible." Low light, third world country, $100/hitmen, being alone...
Tho the OPs foreign country SHTF scenario is a tad sensationalist, if I were going abroad I would ensure that my work contract included a legal local carry permit and a couple of compact Sig P220s....or I wouldn't go there.

But you don't have to go a nasty country to experience peril, the same could happen in Detroit or Miami...regardless of how good your radar is. I've been detoured thru bad neighborhoods in Detroit and in Chicago too, a flat tire could be a challenge, more so in Chicago because my carry permit is not valid I don't visit Chicago anymore, despite the wonderful people, restaurants and museums.

And even when carrying sometimes one's radar fails. Recall watching a video of a guy (in Florida) who was ambushed and murdered by 3 perps who were hiding unseen. They rushed the victim (in broad daylight) when he opened his car door, even tho he was armed with a 38 snubbie, he was not quick enough.

Had he been quick enough and known how to shoot in this kind of attack, perhaps he would have survived. So don't think it can't happen, no one's situational awareness and radar is 100%. And that's when weapons, tactics, and determined fighting can save the day.

Check your six.
I vote for A. Just because it's against their law doesn't mean that it can't be done.

I'd say that God's Law would supersede their law. You know, better judged by 12 ( or one crook) than carried by six.

At least you'd be alive to deal with the legal matters.

Wouldn't lose too much sleep over sending the BGs to hell.
Offer them a free tree chicken and run :) they dont carry knives dude they carry machetes and can carve tiny little designs in wood with them let alone what they could do to a human.

Anyone and I mean anyone has a knife out and is ready can put a hurtin on ya quick. Getting stuck hurts and hospital bills suck. (I was stabbed in my kneck by a idiot) Happened so fast I didnt know what hit me he came up behind me. Wont happen again.
And even when carrying sometimes one's radar fails...So don't think it can't happen, no one's situational awareness and radar is 100%.
Thank you for this.

Too many people seem to live with the idea that their awareness is infallible and they won't be 'got'. :rolleyes:
Smince, If someone really wants to get you they will eventually. So it is agreed that no human has 100 percent SA perfection. That said there are many folks that are real consistent at it.
I work in the Middle-East, North and West Africa and South Asia (yes, that South Asia) as a Security and Anti-Terrorism consultant for large international corporations, major NGOs (think peacekeepers) and foreign governments.

I do not know of a single "third-world" government which legalizes any ex-pat, including those who are legal residents of the country, to carry a hand-gun. The fact is, if you are caught carrying a hand-gun you WILL go to jail, and yes, I mean in the Midnight Cowboy sort of way.

A good example of this is former CIA operative Raymond Davis, who defended himself against two robbers in Pakistan. For anyone unfamiliar with the case, see: "Us Consular Employee in Pakistan Charged with Murder, After Shooting 2 Armed Robbers" (

Give them your belongings. Do anything else and if you live, you will almost certainly be on the extreme wrong side of a very anti-US Judicial System. Unless you are connected "to the top", and I do mean the very top, no one will be able to help you. Fight and die. I have third-world country morgue photos far too graphic to post on this forum of someone who chose the fight option.

More importantly, do not get yourself into any situation that could cause you to be confronted by BGs. If you are an ex-pat in a third-world country, you should have very good security protocols today. If you are a tourist in a third-world country. Stay with a group of at least 5 or 6 and do not frequent any area not recommended to you by the Concierge of your hotel.

I know I'm likely to be the brunt of some unfriendly opinions for this comment, but as one of the members of this forum says... "You are entitled to your own opinion. You are not entitled to your own facts."
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First of all, I think you are already too close (6 feet) to the attackers, to draw a handgun, before they get you with a knife...
Of course, these type of situations, always depend on "who is trained, and who just carries" a weapon.
My humble advice would be to draw your gun, "if there was only one attacker, and if you can draw within a second".
Take a step back and draw...
But 3 guys and 6 feet is a serious problem.
If one of them is trained with his knife, trust me, he can easily get you in a second "in that distance". I would not risk it...
Most likely, the amount of money on you, is not worth risking your life.
Again, these situations can never be foreseen, but I would probably "try and do" this:

While giving them what they want, try to catch a second to slowly get back and draw. And by draw I do not necessarily mean "shoot".
Just to make sure, they won't attack you after they rob you.

All the best
I like the above post..however..I say if you are in a dark ally away from everyone..I would pull out my gun after giving them my wallet and then once they got about 10 to 15 feet away I would ask them to lay my wallet on the ground and then lay down while I call the cops..if they run..shoot them in the not going to spend the rest of my life trying to get my social number back and all that...
I would ask them to lay my wallet on the ground and then lay down while I call the cops..if they run..shoot them in the not going to spend the rest of my life trying to get my social number back and all that...

Nope but you will be spending a good chunk of your life behind bars for manslaughter if you shoot them as they retreat.
Im quite good at running in reverse so personally i would start retreating as i draw to try to widen the distance between me and my attackers and then i would fire away..
Gun against a blade

In my country, Argentina, muggers seldom atack you with knives, they use chunky guns, or worse, sawed off shotguns. Never walk alone at night, drive your car or ride a taxi, if sommeone tries to atack you with a knife, first show your own folder with three inches blade, at the same time you may show your firearm, but shooting people is the last ditch, because the actual goverment is tryiing to protect the humen rights of any people, sadly the punks rights who usually are under age junkies.

Hi guys,

Thanks for your replies. I didn’t think there would be so many responses. I will clarify my situation better in order to focus your future comments.

I’m an American citizen, who has resided in the Amazon for more than 25 years. I live on my farm outside of town. I usually return home after dark and it has become a growing concern over the years as the city grows in my direction and with it, violent crime.

Here, buying and carrying a handgun for personal defense is not a problem, so long as it is a 38 super, 38 special, 380 ACP or lesser caliber. We can’t have a 9mm for personal defense – the police and military use them. The legal process for ownership/license is not complicated. Recently, an American friend (legal resident) bought a Glock 25 and it was all done within a week. It’s probably easier here than in the States.

Like most of you, I’m aware of what’s going around me at all times, especially at night. However, when you live and work in a third world country, you mingle with the people and therefore you are exposed and sometimes @@@@ happens.

I agree, men with knives or handguns are dangerous people to confront and God help me that I never meet up with these people. But, perhaps once or twice in your life you may have to make a split second decision that will determine whether you live or die.

Tomorrow, I have an appointment with my lawyer on some matters and I will ask him what would likely happen to me if I had to kill someone in a violent confrontation. It should be interesting.