Knife vs Gun

amazon shooter

New member
Hi guys,

Situation: Low light conditions. You are in a third world country where they kill people for a $100. You are confronted by three BGs. They are within 6 feet of you. One pulls a knife and says he wants everything you got. You have a concealed handgun. They will eventually discover it if you let them strip you clean.

Question: What's your best option?

a. Move off line and start shooting until the threat is neutralized.
b. Do nothing and hope for the best.
c. Pull your gun out and hope they run.
d. Turn and run - I'm 65, so that won't work.
Based on available choices:


Close enough to threaten me with a knife is close enough to inflict death with a knife, not to mention the disparity of force. The time for discussion is over as far as I'm concerned.


Close enough to threaten me with a knife is close enough to inflict death with a knife, not to mention the disparity of force. The time for discussion is over as far as I'm concerned.


What he said!!
Offer each $100 to kill each other?

How concealed is the gun? Could try going for it in a way as to make it look like you are reaching for your wallet.

Although I would run and draw my gun as I'm running. If they start catching up, then I let the lead fly.
Don't know of any third world countries that would let you carry a gun concealed or not. I ain't going there anyway.


I never heard the expression "DONT CARRY A GUN TO A KNIFE FIGHT"
3rd world country????

that scenario happens here in the US for far less than $100.

my response though, would to be back pedaling and drawing weapon.
As presented, I would guess that you don't have much choice but to draw and fire unless the knife is dropped before you get the gun ready.

I would agree with backpedaling but I would want to think carefully about the order of events. If you start backpedaling before you draw, it might elicit an attack from Mr Knife before you can present the gun. I would think faking a "yeah, I'll get my wallet", leading to a draw/shoot and begin backing away as you fire.
I hate pointy things; they scare me. Guess I would have had to put a cap in his ' Besides if I'm in Tijuana I'm gonna need the 100 for booze money.
I'm with Peetza, but I would go one additional step.

I wouldn't fake the wallet. There is nothing in my wallet (including the $40 or so cash I'll ever carry in it) I wish to kill or die for. Given that scenario I have no problem with tossing my wallet to the 3 badguys while backing away. If they take it and swagger off, ...fine - I'll cancel my cards and breath a sigh of relief that I didn't have to shoot anyone, pay lawyers bills, go to court, possibly lose my security clearance and my job, and other huge outcomes and consequences.

Besides, if they DON'T just take my wallet and swagger off, thats pretty much proof in any court that it was never about my wallet to begin with.

And therefore, the fact that they didn't just want to rob me and continued their attack underscores why I would conclude that they presented an immediate threat to my life, which justified my use of deadly force.

(Plus, while they're catching and looking through my wallet, it gives me time to draw!)

By the way, Peetza - I really like that C.S. Lewis quote in your sig line...
Three perps 6 feet in front of me and one pulls a knife and demands my money.

Well 6 feet is real close.

What I do?

Draw and empty my 45 as fast as I can and hope I don't get cut too bad, guess that would be 'option a.'
Some variation of option A. Make distance and angles while drawing the weapon is your best bet. A knife is lethal from 21 feet, based on the idea of being able to raw and fire before the knife gets to you.

The other big part of this scenario or any scenario with a blade is your mindset. I was taught that if you fight with a blade you have to understand that you will get cut and that understanding can help you not freak out or go into shock. Wasn't there a video posted a few days ago of a guy with a knife who stabbed 2 cops in S. America? Those guys weren't mentally prepared and they paid the price for underestimating a guy with a knife.
They are going to kill you anyway. If I am going down I am at least going to make my body easy to find. Start shooting and make your odds of survival better.
If you start backpedaling before you draw, it might elicit an attack from Mr Knife before you can present the gun.

A+. It would be even better if you have your firearm close to clearing leather upon the three bad guys approach.

My fanny pack would be open and my hand on the gun once it became clear that the trio was interested in me. The instant their intentions became known out comes the gun. Maintaining separation is vital both before the intent is known thru the production of the knife. You simply cannot allow three strangers to get within 6ft with unknown intent. You must challenge, question, and then react before they get close enough to get you.
Besides, if they DON'T just take my wallet and swagger off, thats pretty much proof in any court that it was never about my wallet to begin with.

And therefore, the fact that they didn't just want to rob me and continued their attack underscores why I would conclude that they presented an immediate threat to my life, which justified my use of deadly force.

As if "armed robbery" needs additional support to justify use of deadly force. I pull a knife and say gimme your money what I am saying is give me your money or I will use this knife. That is instant justification and no further hurdles need be jumped.

Further, tossing wallets or faking the bad guy to access the gun is very unpredictable. We simply don't know how the bad guy will respond to our antics.

This is why I love my fanny pack. Its slower than other methods of carry in reacting to a surprise however it allows me discrete access without alarming anyone. I can access my firearm without anyone knowing........a huge advantage when combined with a properly working situational awareness radar.
Didn't anyone ever see Indiana Jones? Gun vs. Sword. Gun wins. It was further than 6 feet, but still.

Seriously though. I'm drawing and shooting in this situation in any country. I may back up while I'm shooting, in fact I probably will retreat unless there is a barricade or wall behind me. The particulars of exactly how I'd do it can't be determined until the actual scenario occurs.