Keeping a round count

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I only keep track of how many rounds I shoot on my SR9c. Because it's my only handgun and I'm curious to see how many rounds all of the stock parts will handle before I have to replace something. I keep a rough estimate in my head and just keep adding each time I go shoot. I can figure out exactly how many rounds by counting my ammo boxes. Each time I shoot a box I break the cardboard outer down flat and keep them all together in a box, so if I want to know the exact number I count the number of boxes and multiply by 50.
Probably not necessary on my revolvers, bolt and lever guns. But I do it out of habit anyway. As others stated, I change my recoil and mag springs in semi autos at regular intervals. Also, with the AR platform I hear it is not uncommon to see bolt lug failures after roughly 5k rounds. It'll be a while before I reach that mark with either of my ARs, but I am tracking it.
I keep an exact count of the number of rounds I put through each of my pistols. When I get a new gun, I open a new sub folder in a main folder & detail round count, magazine count, when & where it was fired, & when I cleaned it afterwards. Since four of my guns were LEO trade ins, I don't really know how many rounds through them they may have. I still track them anyway so at least I'll know how many I've put through them. I also track when I change recoil springs, sights, & any accessories. :cool:
I don't keep an exact round by round count, but rather have a very good idea by how many boxes of ammo I shoot through any particular firearm, and how many rounds per box.
The easiest way I've seen to keep track is to tear off the endflap of each box of ammo. They don't take up much space and they let you know not only how much you've shot but also what kind of ammunition. That works well if you have just a few guns.

If you have a number of firearms, you can do something along the lines that I do. I have a spreadsheet that I use to keep round counts for each gun as well as rounds fired since last cleaning for the guns that don't get cleaned after every single range trip. I also use it to record ammunition that shoots well in a particular firearm and accuracy results. In addition, it's a good way to track modifications/maintenance done on each firearm.
Pounds, not rounds.

I used to keep track of how many pounds of powder I burnt though my Vaquero 45. I gave that up when there were more than I could remember. Those who love countin' beans should be accountants.
I don't keep an exact round by round count, but rather have a very good idea by how many boxes of ammo I shoot through any particular firearm, and how many rounds per box.


Much like when I was stumbling around the world in the old C-141. You counted the beers in the cooler before you went to the hotel, and then counted the ones left the next day. The difference was what you drank.

Same thing with the rounds. At some point you say "Huh, I've done a thousand [beers] rounds."
If it works, here's what my spreadsheet looks like:

I track round through my 300WM because it is a certainty that at some point I will shoot the barrel out and by keeping a round count I'll know when it would be a good idea to get a new one on order.

Other than that, too much work.
Not that mine is the only way,

but I keep a round count by tearing off a part of the ammo box that might have any stamped info (or at least the basic ammo info) on it, write the date on it when it was shot and just keep it in a file.

Just me.
I keep track of the brass being reloaded for the bench-rest rifle. In lots, matching head stamps, number of times it's been loaded. case trim, etc.

I bought new brass for the 44 mag, but am still shooting the original 100 cases I purchased probably 20 yrs. ago. I don't burn through a lot of 44 mag. 38 Spl is a different story.

Ahhhhhhhh, but all this is reload data, not gun data.
I have a hard enough time remembering to bring ammo along when shooting, much less remebering to count how many times I puled the trigger!

I can't even remeber which gun I shot last weekend, which rifle I cleaned last, which pistol was taken out of the safe last!

I think I am doing well in remembering to look for my brass in the weeds!

No, I don't keep track of the number of rounds fired in my guns!:o:p
I keep a ballpark estimate on how many rounds I put through each gun.

The only one I keep an exact count of is the gun I plan on carrying to keep track of failures and the potential "break in" period.
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