Just heard on radio news. bHo sealing his own doom

The American people elected him twice.

And I really don't see what has happened here as "Obama beating the Clintons".

I think the Clintons lost precisely because they are the Clintons. Too many people were just sick to death of them and Hillary really was a bad candidate.

That horrible, nasal mid-western accent of hers? I was praying she'd get the nomination because I felt--no, knew--that just about any Republican then running could beat her. I mean, damn, she is the Richard Nixon of the Democratic Party.

Does anybody remember Hillary's disapproval numbers? They had nothing to do with Obama at all. She was hovering around 50% disapproval numbers in all kinds of polls.

People with numbers like that simply do not win general elections.

Remember the stories about Democrat insiders quietly complaining that Hillary was so unpopular she could actually drag down the chances of solidifying the Dem majority in Congress?

Hillary didn't have a chance just the same way that Jeb Bush wasn't going to have a chance. Because of her last name. People are sick of the same dynasties over and over again.

That is unless somebody could come up with a better reason why a junior Senator with an undistinguished record and a paper thin resume got the nomination over her...
Politico.com has a story up that speculates up to HALF the Dems in the House of Reps may cast their delegate votes for Hillary.



bHo has basically offered to let Hannibal Lecter to shave him with a straight razor in this case.


"Rep. Loretta Sanchez says she’s happy for the chance to vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton at the Democratic National Convention — and she predicts that as many as half of the Democrats in the House could join her.

Just how many former Clinton supporters will vote for the former first lady during the symbolic first ballot is anybody’s guess, but each of them will be called upon to do so — whether they want to or not. "
Stop kidding yourselves.

Obama wins, get over it. No one is going to vote for John McCain. Except lame "conservatives" that feel they have to stoop to that level. I have yet to meet one person who honestly supports John McCain for prez. I am not exaggerating either. Not one person has said they are going to vote for him because he would make a good boss, only that they have to vote against Obama. On the other hand, it only takes a quick glance away from Fox and a short twist of the dial away from Rush's show to realize that people are EXCITED about anyone who isn't a republican. You had 8 years and you blew it. Now, try to figure out how you got scammed and find someone who is willing to run as a conservative and not a democrat-lite. Or a neo-conservative a-hole. If it wasn't for BS "vote for McCain, he's are only hope" talk maybe we could start a decent multiple party system in this country. How different are McCain and Obama really? Libertarian anyone? Or does thinking for yourself seem like too much work?
bHo has basically offered to let Hannibal Lecter to shave him with a straight razor in this case.

It appears that Obama will personally sharpen the razor before he hands it over to Lecter for his shave.


Clinton on Sunday called Obama's request "the right position" for their party.

"During the campaign, I strongly advocated for the Democratic Party to seat the Florida and Michigan delegation with their full votes. The Democratic Party has always stood up for the principle of counting every person's vote. Today, Sen. Obama has requested that the Credentials Committee give Florida and Michigan delegates their full votes. This is the right position for the Democratic Party and for the country and I urge the Credentials Committee to restore full votes to Florida and Michigan delegates," she said in a statement.

Sen. Obama, it's a little late to learn, but remember the three rules of dealing with Hillary & Bill.

1) You cannot trust Hillary & Bill.
2) You definitely cannot trust Hillary & Bill.
3) You absolutely never ever ever definitely cannot trust Hillary & Bill.
Obama wins, get over it. No one is going to vote for John McCain.

Breathtaking. Obama may end up winning, but he needs to get through the Democratic convention first.

His whole inevitability aura (which has clearly hypnotized a few people on the left side of the bell curve) is based on a pleasant fantasy. We'll see where he is after the convention. Even if he gets through the convention with all of his pieces still attached to his body, he then has to prevail in the general election. He can hardly get himself elected by Democrats. Will he smash McCain in a landslide? Not likely. It'll come down to one or two states.

They're states Hillary won in the Democratic primary.

Hee hee. It'll be interesting.
Well I live in a fairly small town. And here the people seem to be sick of washington's crap. John McCain-more of the same. Nice rhyme? Campaign slogan?

Anyways, I don't mean he will get no votes, only that he has no genuine support. The same situation as John Kerry in '04 basically. People are only voting against the other guy. And yes, I know I typed "No one will vote for McCain." That was because I am dumb and I never proof read what I type.

Shoulda went with Ron Paul guys, have a little self-respect. At least he was a true conservative and he would have gotten my vote. Now I am voting for the BLACK facist-muslim, america-hating Obama! Hahahahaha. Don't worry though I live in Alaska and my vote doesn't count. Oh, and I don't waste my time voting for canidates that will never do anything significantly different from each other during their presidency. Obama and McCain should just combine parties and stop wasting everyones time.
Just remember Obama, when Bill works his back room super delegate deals and then introduces Hillary from the podium as the next president of the US...I told you so.:D
I wonder who pulled the strings to insure that Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, superdelegate, would be permitted by the court to travel to the convention while under felony indictment (following his imprisonment for unauthorized out-of-state travel), Hillary or Obama? I have to wonder if Obama could possibly have that kind of pull... So perhaps we'll see a Kilpatrick vote cast for Hillary?
Sounds funny to me. It seems like Hillary gave up too easily after the last primary, it seems more like her nature to vow to take it to the convention. I don't know but something just seems odd.
I don't know but something just seems odd.
I think it seems a bit odd, too. When you consider all the factors - (a) Hillary did not end her campaign, just suspended it, (b) her surrogates, especially Wolfson are still not conceding completely, (c) Bill and Hillary are both speaking at the Democrat convention, and (d) they are the most relentless and ruthless politicians around - you have to wonder if they have really given up, or have a little surprise planned.

I personally think the Clintons would rather see McCain elected so Hillary can run again in 2012. They are not known for their loyalty, and put their personal ambitions above everything else. This may be the most interesting election year ever, or the most boring.